"WDino" <nogood@bigpond.com> wrote in message
eliminate the pixellation that a lot of people are suffering now as a result
of going to digital with a far less than adequate setup. Many people trade
analogue noise and ghosting for dramatic picture breakups or even worse, a
complete loss of picture with digital. They think that buying a digital STB
will eliminate the problems they had on analogue when often they're just
trading one set of problems for another. Instead, a better antenna system
with properly terminated cables and an antenna better suited to their
location and possibly adding a masthead amp will fix most problems and give
them a superior picture on analogue and no pixellation on digital, if they
still want to go to digital. All that is usually a lot cheaper than buying a
new TV and STB.
Actually it has a lot to do with it. A good antenna and feeder system willRe antenna the difference in noise and clarity has nothing to do with that
but is simply a function of analogue TV.
eliminate the pixellation that a lot of people are suffering now as a result
of going to digital with a far less than adequate setup. Many people trade
analogue noise and ghosting for dramatic picture breakups or even worse, a
complete loss of picture with digital. They think that buying a digital STB
will eliminate the problems they had on analogue when often they're just
trading one set of problems for another. Instead, a better antenna system
with properly terminated cables and an antenna better suited to their
location and possibly adding a masthead amp will fix most problems and give
them a superior picture on analogue and no pixellation on digital, if they
still want to go to digital. All that is usually a lot cheaper than buying a
new TV and STB.