Michael A. Terrell
KLR wrote:
All TV transmitters are analog. The only digital transmitter is one
used to send true keyed CW, AKA "Morse code" Existing TV transmitters
are being retrofitted for digital TV in some places. The reason most
stations are buying a new transmitter is twofold: One, they don't want
to drop their analog service right away, and they can write off the cost
the new transmitter on their taxes during the forced upgrades.
As far as cooling cost the heat from the tubes is transferred by
copper pipe to an outdoor heat exchanger. The cabinet of a Comark 130
KW (Visual) and 65 KW (Aural) TV transmitter I serviced was cool to the
touch, except on the outside of the water jacket on the three 65 KW EEV
Klystrons. The two large heat exchangers blew a lot of hot air into the
outside air and away from the building. The support equipment was a
heavier cooling load than the transmitter. The control room was smaller
than the transmitter room but had more air conditioning units on that
part of the roof.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
+The cost savings at a typical transmission site would be enormous
when you also take into account the extra energy used in air
conditioning, fan cooling and such that's needed to get rid of the
heat from an analog transmitter.
All TV transmitters are analog. The only digital transmitter is one
used to send true keyed CW, AKA "Morse code" Existing TV transmitters
are being retrofitted for digital TV in some places. The reason most
stations are buying a new transmitter is twofold: One, they don't want
to drop their analog service right away, and they can write off the cost
the new transmitter on their taxes during the forced upgrades.
As far as cooling cost the heat from the tubes is transferred by
copper pipe to an outdoor heat exchanger. The cabinet of a Comark 130
KW (Visual) and 65 KW (Aural) TV transmitter I serviced was cool to the
touch, except on the outside of the water jacket on the three 65 KW EEV
Klystrons. The two large heat exchangers blew a lot of hot air into the
outside air and away from the building. The support equipment was a
heavier cooling load than the transmitter. The control room was smaller
than the transmitter room but had more air conditioning units on that
part of the roof.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida