Kevin Aylward
John Fields wrote:
between the base and emitter causes charge to flow from emitter to the
base region.
I can't say it any plainer.
"Applying an *electric field* to the base emitter
injects carriers from the emitter into the base region. Once the
carriers are in the base region, they are attracted by the *electric
field* of the collector and are swept up (collected) by the collector
due to this *electric field*. Some of the emitter carriers just don't
make it, and are picked up via the base terminal. This base current is
an *effect* not a cause, and is incidental to the base emitter *electric
field* injecting carriers."
*Nowhere* does this claim that the flow of charge causes another flow of
For example, suppose those that have cats have less stress, should we
recommend that people get cats? Or is it that less stressed people
simply have a side effect of liking cats.
causing cancer. It might be that those more likely to get cancer also
had a side effect of just wanting to smoke.
One needs to show that a correlation is *actually* causal. In this case,
it is Vbe that causes both collector current and base current. Base
current does not cause the collector current, but it is correlated.
connection from the base to the emitter.
or anode.
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Indeed you did.On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 08:06:17 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
that _current_ being what causes the collector
current to flow.
NO! NO! NO!. Absolutly not. You are wrong. It is not the flow of
charge in the base that *causes* collecter current. This has already
been explained in many posts.
Charge flows because of:
That is, excluding magnetic effects, it is *Electric Fields* that
make chages move. Period. The flow of charge, excluding magnetic
effects, cannot make other charge flow, other then by the change in
electric field that such flow might cause.
I said that the flow of charge between the emitter and base causes
charge to flow between the emitter and collector,
No I didn't. I specifically denied that. I said the *ELECTRIC FIELD*and you say that's
wrong because the flow of charge between the emitter and base causes
charge to flow between the emitter and collector
between the base and emitter causes charge to flow from emitter to the
base region.
I can't say it any plainer.
All of the above. I repeat what I said here.[because the flow of
charge between the emitter and base causes the electric field between
the emitter and collector to be changed to the point where charge can
flow between the emitter and collector.]
Now where was I wrong, exactly?
"Applying an *electric field* to the base emitter
injects carriers from the emitter into the base region. Once the
carriers are in the base region, they are attracted by the *electric
field* of the collector and are swept up (collected) by the collector
due to this *electric field*. Some of the emitter carriers just don't
make it, and are picked up via the base terminal. This base current is
an *effect* not a cause, and is incidental to the base emitter *electric
field* injecting carriers."
*Nowhere* does this claim that the flow of charge causes another flow of
Not at all. A correlation does not have to be causal. This is basic 101---
For the umpteenth time. Applying an *electric field* to the base
If it weren't for the base current there would be no collector
current, so it _is_ a cause,
For example, suppose those that have cats have less stress, should we
recommend that people get cats? Or is it that less stressed people
simply have a side effect of liking cats.
No. This is why the tobacco industry had a legal claim against smokingregardless of what's causing _it_ to
causing cancer. It might be that those more likely to get cancer also
had a side effect of just wanting to smoke.
One needs to show that a correlation is *actually* causal. In this case,
it is Vbe that causes both collector current and base current. Base
current does not cause the collector current, but it is correlated.
Your argument above says that you do disagree.---
To repeat, it is not the *motion* of base charge that *causes* the
*motion* of collector/emitter charge. It is the electric field at Vbe
that causes both base current and collector/emitter current, as it
is, now get this 101 physics, *ELECTRIC FIELDS THAT MAKE CHARGES
MOVE*. End of story. Period.
I don't disagree with that.
Your argument above says that you do disagree.---
If that's true, then a BJT isn't a transconductance device because
the collector current isn't a _direct_ consequence of the
base-emitter voltage, it's once removed since the _direct_
consequence of the base-emitter voltage is the base-emitter current.
No. This shows that base current is an effect, of an electric field
Again, I don't disagree with that.
Because this analogy must account for the fact that there is a directAnd this is all wrong. I have already explained, a continuous
resistance would mean that the base is connected to that resistance,
hence, no transister action.
I don't know why you keep claiming that I said that the thing is a
slab of of either P or N type material, when what I said was that it
starts to _look_ like that between the collector and emitter when base
current starts flowing.
connection from the base to the emitter.
Its not like the tube. The tube has no connection from grid to cathodeMuch like the region between the cathode and
the plate of a vacuum tube starts to look like a resistor when the
tube is conducting. Is there a resistor between the plate and the
cathode? No. Does it _look_ like there is? Yes.
or anode.
Fair enough.---
Quite frankly, as noted above, you simply don't understand how a
bipolar transistor works. Read and understand the above. Its the way
it is. I can tell you that if you gave this description in an
academic semiconductor physics class, you would get a zero grade.
Perhaps, but since this is sci.electronics.basic, a rigorous treatment
of the matter is seldom apropos. In this instance, a simple reply to
the OP (which, BTW, you said you had no problem with) and some
analogies which you either misunderstood or decided to take issue with
for your own reasons seems to have led us up to where we now sit.
I, for one, no longer have the desire to continue with this
"discussion", so I'll excuse myself and bid you good day.
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.