difference between bipolar and mosfet

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 23:28:37 GMT, Miles Harris <mazzer@yahoo.com>

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:40:50 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

Yeah, but I'm not talking about cheating and loading the battery down
so hard that its internal resistance drops 3V (if it's a 12V battery).

But, I could be wrong, so what did you have in mind?

5 cells in series, partially-discharged, powering a small transistor
If that's the kind of 'expertise' your clients beat your door down
for, then they must be beating the door down so they can get you and
haul your sorry ass into court.

Look, Junior, your 'experiment' simply demonstrates that the barrier
height potential of the Schottky is around half the level of a regular
silicon diode. You OTOH seem to think they're the same thing and
therefore interchangeable, presumably. I wonder why they bother to
make Schottkys then? <sigh...

The purpose of the experiment is to prove that your statement that the
Vf of a silicon junction ("regular")diode is a little over 0.5V is
wrong. The reason for performing the experiment on a Schottky diode
as well is to show that the Vf of a Schottky is lower than that of a
silicon junction diode. So do the experiment and prove that I'm wrong
and that the Vf of a silicon junction diode _is_ close to 0.5V, or
shut up.

I've heard of splitting hairs but this is ridiculous, you insolent
young pup. You are saying both diodes are essentially the same and
therefore interchangeable.
Not at all. Read it over again.

I'm saying no way; certainly not for all
applications at the very least.
Ah! A glimmer of hope! Do the experiment! Learn something!

Well, yes. I tend to be critical of blowhard self-proclaimed
purveyors of "Trooth", who do little more than proselytize.

You want to be careful with those long words, punk; they'll aggravate
your acne.
You need to be careful with technical words, puke, the way you use
them they'll aggravate your readers.

It's not that _I_ like it or dislike it, I do neither. I look on it
as just another manifestation of an ego trying desperately to seem

I don't give a fig for being revered. That's a concern solely for
lonely, lame-ass losers with a fragile sense of self. Ring any bells?
No, and I didn't say "being revered", I said "seem important".

Well, you may have made a good living, but if you have to ask for help
with writing a verbal description of the internal resistance of a
battery, then I suggest that the quality of your "technical skills"
is suspect.

Once again, you misunderstand. That's what comes from listening to too
much rap music. I can't communicate on the same level as young punks
like you; that's all there is too it.
Sad, isn't it? Instead of you being able to communicate with you, at
my level, I have to continually stoop to yours.
"Too" it? Tsk, tsk, tsk...

If they're bigger boneheads than you are and you can talk them into it
they will.

Not at all. They beat a path to my door. I don't even have to
Damn! What do you do? Deal crack cocaine?

It must be _something_ like that, unless you've found a ready market
for partially depleted batteries...

Actually, you're right. This exchange seems to be little more than
mental masturbation, and I _do_ need to get some development work
done, so I think after this post I'll just cut you loose and leave
you to your own devices.

Translation: "My ass can't take no mo' whuppin' from this Miles guy! I
need to bail out - and fast!!!"
Translation: OMIGOD! This Fields guy is going to pull out and leave me
in the lurch and then I'll have to get back to my tawdry, boring,
intellectually dead life. "Please, John, Oh Please! I BEG you,
doooon't leave me like this!

BTW, if this "development work" you have in mind is to make your dick
bigger, you'll find the Swedes make the best devices. ;-
What, did you manage to get yours hard out to three inches long and
three-quarters of an inch thick?

Snipped a bunch of pointless politics...

I must add one point, though: when *your* ass is on
the line, *we* are just as keen to jump in and help you (for what its
worth with what's left of our vastly downsized armed forces). We don't
forget past favors and there's still a lot of affection here for you
Same here. :)

Uh-huh... Kind of like you showing me that you've squirrelled away a
lot of currency into a safe deposit box and then me explaining to you
why it's all counterfeit.

ROTFLOL! I can't help but like you in a strange kind of way. You
remind me of the son I never had - THANK GOD!!! ;-
Same here. :)

As opposed to what? Inorganic brain damage?

Bwahahahahahaha! Nice one, Junior.
You like the simple stuff, huh?

Here's one for ya:

Q: Did you hear about the woman who ate a doorknob?

A: It turned her stomach! :)

John Fields
"Miles Harris" <mazzer@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:40:50 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

Yeah, but I'm not talking about cheating and loading the battery down
so hard that its internal resistance drops 3V (if it's a 12V

But, I could be wrong, so what did you have in mind?

5 cells in series, partially-discharged, powering a small transistor
Your kidding, right?
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 02:24:41 GMT, "Anthony Fremont"
<spam@anywhere.com> wrote:

"Miles Harris" <mazzer@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:40:50 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

Yeah, but I'm not talking about cheating and loading the battery down
so hard that its internal resistance drops 3V (if it's a 12V

But, I could be wrong, so what did you have in mind?

5 cells in series, partially-discharged, powering a small transistor

Your kidding, right?
Sorta. But it does disprove Junior's blanket assertion that you can't
get 9V from a series of lead-acid cells.
"Miles Harris" <mazzer@yahoo.com> wrote in message

5 cells in series, partially-discharged, powering a small

Your kidding, right?

Sorta. But it does disprove Junior's blanket assertion that you can't
get 9V from a series of lead-acid cells.
I disagree. Even a fully discharged lead-acid battery at just above
freezing still has an unloaded voltage of almost 2V/cell. 5 cells are
going to be 9.8V minimum. I think "Junior" is correct. ;-)

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