Detecting best path?

Jymesion wrote:
On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:38:34 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote:

I read it. I also understand the way HV arcs.

I've had training and practical experience in use of stun guns up to
500kV. This included watching many hours of videos on various methods
of use. I've never seen an arc when both leads are in contact with a

Yawn. Have you measured the actual voltage, or do you just swallow
the marketing hype?

The resistance of air is much higher than what's essentially a bag of
salt water.

You have no bones or brains? Switching at those voltages is a pain
in the ass and can cause nasty burns. A string of a couple hundred volt
pulses will achieve the same results, without all the other headaches.

Go ahead. Write it your way, and have people laugh at your ignorance.
On 2012-10-16, Jymesion <> wrote:
On 16 Oct 2012 06:41:17 GMT, Jasen Betts <> wrote:
On 2012-10-14, Jymesion <> wrote:
'Real' Situation:
The Cross is tubes of insulating ceramic, and the gold ribbon isn't
continuous -- there are gaps on the back of the Cross, making each
turn a contact plate connected to a voltage multiplier. A remote
control turns it on and off. Output (without load) is 300kV.

Ivory is a pretty good insulator itself.

Ivory isn't practical in this situation because there's no good excuse
for him to have it. He can order ceramic tubes in a variety of sizes
from a company where he buys items for his electronics hobby. As long
as it seems mainstream, and can't be used to build an obvious weapon,
it slips under the radar of those watching him.

What's needed is some method of determining which contact plates will
send the current through the person's body.

You can use spark gaps to route the current. Just put a 0.1mm spark gap
between each segment and apply the voltage between the ends. the gaps
will arc and connect the segments in series until the current reaches
each hand and then the current will take the easier path through the
hands and arms,

Wouldn't the easiest path be though a hand which touches two plates?
that doesn't get the current all the way it from one end of the cross
to the other

o---x---x--= ==-- --- --- -== ==-x---o

---- gold

x spark

==== hand holding gold

0 o connect supply here

You've got a remote control, don't trigger it until both hands are
on the cross.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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