Design Me A Transformer, I Will Pay

On 9/11/2019 8:10 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
Some fuckwit moron hiding behind "rangerssuck" wrote:

Michael Terrell Criminal LIAR and Troll -wrote:

Phil still denies that Belfuse made 'Chemical Fuses' for TV sets.

** Massive, malicious lie - I simply said I had not come across them.

No-body I know in electronics had either nor did Google.

Terrell is another trolling cunt.

As amusing (not) and annoying (plenty) as this word-war has been, I took a look at the Bel Fuse web site and, in a couple of minutes found this:

"1956 Chemical-activated circuit protector fuses; these become the industry standard"

** ROTFL - so this moron is saying that a one line reference is hidden somewhere in a 4MB file ?


The "chemical fuse" fuse issue came up about 10 years ago.

Wot an utterly autistic, total fucking idiot.

..... Phil

No, he's saying "Seems that Phil needs to sharpen his Google skills."
On Thursday, 12 September 2019 09:25:12 UTC+1, Phil Allison wrote:
Michael Terrell is Grade A cunt wrote:

Phil still denies that Belfuse made 'Chemical Fuses' for TV sets.

** Massive, malicious lie - I simply said I had not come across them.

No-body I know in electronics had either nor did Google.

Terrell is another trolling cunt.

..... Phil

We stocked every value in both shops, ans well as each service truck since the popular American brands used them in many chassis to prevent half ass know it all, so called 'techs' like Phil from fucking up a dead TV

** I would not and have never dirtied my hands fixing fucking horrible TV sets.

Terrell is now nothing, low life, LYING scumbag of the nastiest sort.

Then there are his bad points.

.... Phil

So you admit to no experience in the relevant field and resort to abuse again.
The funny bit is when you call others autistic.
You're a vast improvement on Bill though.
On Thursday, 12 September 2019 07:55:00 UTC+1, Michael Terrell wrote:

> Unlike 'Defective DNA's' lame claim there are no filters on Google groups, just the ability to not respond to the weasel words of known trolls.

It doesn't have the usual killfile stuff but it does have more ability than that

NT wrote:


** I would not and have never dirtied my hands fixing fucking
horrible TV sets.

Terrell is now nothing, low life, LYING scumbag of the nastiest sort.

Then there are his bad points.

So you admit to no experience in the relevant field and resort to abuse again.

** Terrell abused ME - you lying, fucking moron.

So I am entitled to respond, with knobs on.

You are so fucking AUTISTIC you cannot even READ !!

.... Phil
On Friday, 13 September 2019 04:41:35 UTC+1, Phil Allison wrote:
tabby wrote:

** I would not and have never dirtied my hands fixing fucking
horrible TV sets.

Terrell is now nothing, low life, LYING scumbag of the nastiest sort.

Then there are his bad points.

So you admit to no experience in the relevant field and resort to abuse again.

** Terrell abused ME - you lying, fucking moron.

So I am entitled to respond, with knobs on.

You are so fucking AUTISTIC you cannot even READ !!

.... Phil

more of the same I see.
A sensible person would have simply corrected what he said.

On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 8:26:42 AM UTC-4, wrote:
On Friday, 13 September 2019 04:41:35 UTC+1, Phil Allison wrote:
tabby wrote:

** I would not and have never dirtied my hands fixing fucking
horrible TV sets.

Terrell is now nothing, low life, LYING scumbag of the nastiest sort.

Then there are his bad points.

So you admit to no experience in the relevant field and resort to abuse again.

** Terrell abused ME - you lying, fucking moron.

So I am entitled to respond, with knobs on.

You are so fucking AUTISTIC you cannot even READ !!

.... Phil

more of the same I see.
A sensible person would have simply corrected what he said.

TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. If he wasn't a constant asshole, people wouldn't have to point it out. I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. Let's see Phil rebuild a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting the signals. Or repair complex test equipment. A half trained monkey can repair a lot of what he 'repairs'. He is not man enough to ever admit his mistakes. I've made some, like every human has. Often, it was when following some poorly trained 'tech' who did shoddy work and left equipment is a dangerous condition. Would Phil stand inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust the interstage coupling? Would he climb a TV tower to repair the antenna system? How about design a CATV system? All his is, is a bitter child who wants to make others look as unskilled as he is.
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 9:10:44 PM UTC-4, Phil Allison wrote:
Some fuckwit moron hiding behind "rangerssuck" wrote:

Michael Terrell Criminal LIAR and Troll -wrote:

Phil still denies that Belfuse made 'Chemical Fuses' for TV sets.

** Massive, malicious lie - I simply said I had not come across them.

No-body I know in electronics had either nor did Google.

Terrell is another trolling cunt.

As amusing (not) and annoying (plenty) as this word-war has been, I took a look at the Bel Fuse web site and, in a couple of minutes found this:

"1956 Chemical-activated circuit protector fuses; these become the industry standard"

** ROTFL - so this moron is saying that a one line reference is hidden somewhere in a 4MB file ?


The "chemical fuse" fuse issue came up about 10 years ago.

Wot an utterly autistic, total fucking idiot.

..... Phil

Right. This "fuckwit moron" who was hired by AT&T to teach a class at Bell Labs, and hired by IBM to fix their fucked up cash register design and by countless other clients to design products that have sold well into the tens of millions of dollars spent all of two minutes finding that reference.

What happened to you, Phil, to turn you into the miserable person that you are? Get some help before you hurt yourself.
Michael Terrell wrote...
TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building
TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. [snip]
I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as
difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. [snip] rebuild
a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting
the signals. ... repair complex test equipment. ... stand
inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust
the interstage coupling ... climb a TV tower to repair
the antenna system ... design a CATV system ...

I edited your post, it's an impressive partial resume.
You must have lots of interesting stories to tell.

- Win
On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 11:25:00 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote:
Michael Terrell wrote...

TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building
TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. [snip]
I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as
difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. [snip] rebuild
a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting
the signals. ... repair complex test equipment. ... stand
inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust
the interstage coupling ... climb a TV tower to repair
the antenna system ... design a CATV system ...

I edited your post, it's an impressive partial resume.
You must have lots of interesting stories to tell.

Win, I was sick as a child, so I read everything that I could about electronics. I built a radio from a kit on my eighth birthday, and I was working part time in a TV shop at 13. I was rejected by the draft board because of my health at 18, then drafted at 20 because I worked on industrial electronics. In Basic I was given two choices. Cook, or drive a supply truck. I told of an old E8 and a Captain as I told them that I wasn't going to do either.. They decided to prove that I didn't know any electronics, so they arranged for me to take a 110 question, two hour 15 minute test. It was supposed to be the hardest test n the Army, and it was given at the end of a three year engineering school for 'Proficiency Pay' after five years in the field. The average score was 22/110. They claimed that the only copy they had on file was missing two pages, so they gave me 88 questions. I finished it in 17 minutes with a score of 82/88. It was the highest score ever on that test, and I was awarded the MOS which was a combination of EE and Broadcast engineering. While in the Army I worked in CATV, which was a pair of 12 channel systems to feed Weather data to the flight school on two channels, and ten channels of Educational TV to the Helicopter flight school, and the Infantry classrooms. We designed and built was possibly the world's first interface to take control of the civilian CATV system on base during emergencies.

Our section was known as Weathervision. We were only allowed 15 minutes of downtime without closing the flight school and 17 airfields. While at Ft Rucker, I worked with CATV, maintained over 300 large video monitors, and various smaller systems including Jerrold AM CARS microwave links. I was loaned to the RADAR section when they were short handed and they had a sudden batch of failures in vintage, tube base Korean era portable systems. Regulations required two men on site, because mistakes could be fatal.

The tech I was assigned to work with was like Phil. 'You might be OK around a TV set, but RADAR... I told him that RADAR was simpler than TV because there was no Aural circuits, and at that time there was no Chroma to deal with. I found the problem at every site before he could unpack his tools.

My next assignment was in Alaska, at a former WW-II Lend-Lease site that was known as 'Delta Field' I was the engineer at a military radio and TV station. it was in shambles, and averaged more than seven hardware problems per broadcast day. Everything was 'Depot Level Only' work, but my MOS was Depot Level. We had a locked supply room, but we were lucky to get projector bulbs for the RCA 16mm film chain projectors. Depot had been due to repair some of the equipment for over two years when I arrived. We had two TV transmitters, and one AM transmitter. One TV transmitter was 90W, and the newer transmitter was 500W. The video was out on the newer transmitter, and the aural was out on the low power unit. This combination resulted in inverted power levels, since Intercarrier Vestigal Sideband Video (System M) was supposed to have the Aural well below the Visual carrier levels. It screwed up the AGC on cheap, imported TVs. Most of the video monitors and Waveform monitors were defective. There was a lot of defective, or unnecessary cabling in the control room and studios, along with bad telephone wiring in that old Russian pilot's mess hall and barracks building. It drove me nuts. I fought with it for months, until the useless Supply Sargent went on three weeks leave. He took all three sets of keys with him, without even leaving us replacement projector bulbs. He hadn't even left our parking lot when I lost the rest of the 90W transmitter.

I 'went over the wall', literally. I used a step ladder to lean down into the supply room to unlock the door. I was back on the air a few minutes later, but I knew that I would be in trouble so I just kept working all three weeks. I used 1400 line items totaling over 2100 parts as I repaired everything on the TV side. That including making a replacement TV tuner for a piece of test equipment.

The lifer station manager was pissed off He was quite short, and I had moved the critical equipment to the top of the equipment racks so I didn't have to get on my knees to make adjustments. He tried to have me Court Martialed for 'Dereliction of Duty' and 'Destruction of Government Property'. That lasted less than 15 minutes. My company commander gave him a choice of putting me in for a promotion, or his being busted down to E1.

Two star Lt. General Marks came 105 miles on the Alcan Highway to personally put my SP4 pins on, and to give me a letter of commendation. He told me that the station had been his biggest problrem, for years, and that they received enough complaints each year to fill five drawers in his filing cabinets. He said, "This station was the biggest technical joke of any branch of the US military in this region of the world. You have turned it into the best operation facility, single handedly." I also managed to transmit our station ID in color, from a monochrome only faculty to show that the Base Information Officer didn't know anything about TV broadcasting. I used a hand made 35mm slide, a Heathkit colorbar generator and the crude mono video keying built into the RCA video switching system. 15 seconds after I used it, that Lt. was on the phone screaming, "Soldier! You've just made a fool of me!" I reminded him that he was a self made man...

I left the Army after that assignment. I worked in a lot of areas in Electronics. Everything but Medical. I sold business radios, and serviced them. I did commercial sound work from anther business that I owned. I serviced industrial controls, and engineered at two TV stations. The first was a 5MW UHF station on a 1700' tower in Central Florida. There, we needed to monitor the tower lights at our alternate transmitter site. I used a spare Aural channel on the STL to transmit a crystal controlled 1,024 Hz signal that was turned off when all the lights were on. At the main site, a LED was on all day long, until the beacons started flashing. We got a letter from the FCC requiring that monitoring on a Friday. If we didn't have a system in place, we would have had to spend thousands on an approved system. I designed it that evening and built it on my home workbench. I drove to the transmitter sites next day to install and test the system. It cost about $7 for the components. The FCC approved it from my sketches that were included with the form letter we sent them.

The other TV station was in Destin Florida. I built it from an empty prefab steel building as the 'Engineer of Record'. I moved and rebuilt an early '50s RCA UHF transmitter that made it through final test on the day that I was born.

I consulted at several AM Radio stations, and ended my career building high grade Telemetry equipment, including on kU band system for the ISS. Even though my job title was 'Production Test Tech' I worked in Engineering to bring the first DSP based system from prototype to production. That also involved upgrading our in house reflow process, building test fixtures and writing test procedures. I had a reputation for doing things my way. Some processes were so outdated that they wasted a lot of money. My motto was 'Do the best that you can with the tools and materials available, yet strive to do better' which meant to keep your eyes pen for better raw material and test equipment, along with better methods. Some of the engineers would come to the production floor to ask obscure questions about the newest test equipment, rather than wade through the manuals. I was often asked to evaluate new components, or for help in the Metrology department since one of the items I worked on were our custom embedded controller boards.

There are many more stories. I was blessed with an interesting life. If my health was better, I would still be working, since I had never planned to retire. I told people was to not wake up one day, or to be found slumped over my workbench on that last day.
Michael Terrell wrote...
On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 11:25:00 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote:
Michael Terrell wrote...

TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building
TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. [snip]
I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as
difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. [snip] rebuild
a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting
the signals. ... repair complex test equipment. ... stand
inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust
the interstage coupling ... climb a TV tower to repair
the antenna system ... design a CATV system ...
I edited your post, it's an impressive partial resume.=20
You must have lots of interesting stories to tell.

Win, I was sick as a child, so I read everything that I could
about electronics. [ snip stories ]

Wow, I knew you had interesting stories to tell!
1400 line items totaling over 2100 parts, Hahaha!!

I usually save stuff like that in a little NotePad
file, but yours was too long and dense, so I plopped
it into a Word file, 3 pages long, and saved myself
a .pdf copy, named Michael-Terrell_stories.

- Win
Some Fuckwit Moron hiding behind the idiot handle "rangerssusk" puked:

Michael Terrell Criminal LIAR and Troll -wrote:

Phil still denies that Belfuse made 'Chemical Fuses' for TV sets.

** Massive, malicious lie - I simply said I had not come across them.

No-body I know in electronics had either nor did Google.

Terrell is another trolling cunt.

As amusing (not) and annoying (plenty) as this word-war has been, I took a look at the Bel Fuse web site and, in a couple of minutes found this:

"1956 Chemical-activated circuit protector fuses; these become the industry standard"

** ROTFL - so this moron is saying that a one line reference is hidden somewhere in a 4MB file ?


The "chemical fuse" fuse issue came up about 10 years ago.

Wot an utterly autistic, total fucking idiot.

Right. This "fuckwit moron" who was hired by AT&T to teach a class at Bell Labs,

** So **FUCKING** what ??

None of the above self aggrandising bullshit demonstrates you are not an autistic moron. In fact, it pretty much guarantees that you are.

Your two posts here put the matter beyond all doubt.

FOAD you horrible wanker.

..... Phil
Winfield Hill <> wrote in

Michael Terrell wrote...

On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 11:25:00 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill
Michael Terrell wrote...

TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building
TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. [snip]
I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as
difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. [snip] rebuild
a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting
the signals. ... repair complex test equipment. ... stand
inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust
the interstage coupling ... climb a TV tower to repair
the antenna system ... design a CATV system ...
I edited your post, it's an impressive partial resume.=20
You must have lots of interesting stories to tell.

Win, I was sick as a child, so I read everything that I could
about electronics. [ snip stories ]

Wow, I knew you had interesting stories to tell!
1400 line items totaling over 2100 parts, Hahaha!!

I usually save stuff like that in a little NotePad
file, but yours was too long and dense, so I plopped
it into a Word file, 3 pages long, and saved myself
a .pdf copy, named Michael-Terrell_stories.

The only 'story' the asshole should not have told is the one where
he berated Usenet news posters.

He said I lied when I said that I was in the service. For that
characterless act... FUCK MIKETARD TERRELL.

Reminds me of his "I told of an E8 and a captain once" story.

Terrell's problem is not the things he did over the years. His
problem is his pathetic, Trump like dismissal of others.

For that, he deserves it right back in his face. A nice right
cross across that filthy, infected jaw of his.

Karma never forgets. wrote:
Winfield Hill

** Michael Terrell wrote a pile of demented ramblings that reek of a narcissistic mental illness.

Win is a fool to take any notice of him.

The only 'story' the asshole should not have told is the one where
he berated Usenet news posters.

He said I lied when I said that I was in the service. For that
characterless act... FUCK MIKETARD TERRELL.

Reminds me of his "I told of an E8 and a captain once" story.

Terrell's problem is not the things he did over the years. His
problem is his pathetic, Trump like dismissal of others.

For that, he deserves it right back in his face. A nice right
cross across that filthy, infected jaw of his.

Karma never forgets.

** Terrell is a grossly autistic egomaniac.

No sane person posts their life story ( with them as the central character & hero ) in order to prove their correctness on some utterly unrelated matter.

Only grandiose lunatics do that.

...... Phil
On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 4:10:41 PM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote:
Michael Terrell wrote...

On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 11:25:00 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote:
Michael Terrell wrote...

TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building
TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. [snip]
I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as
difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. [snip] rebuild
a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting
the signals. ... repair complex test equipment. ... stand
inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust
the interstage coupling ... climb a TV tower to repair
the antenna system ... design a CATV system ...
I edited your post, it's an impressive partial resume.=20
You must have lots of interesting stories to tell.

Win, I was sick as a child, so I read everything that I could
about electronics. [ snip stories ]

Wow, I knew you had interesting stories to tell!
1400 line items totaling over 2100 parts, Hahaha!!

I usually save stuff like that in a little NotePad
file, but yours was too long and dense, so I plopped
it into a Word file, 3 pages long, and saved myself
a .pdf copy, named Michael-Terrell_stories.

Thanks, Win. I liked challenges. I would take on the jobs that no one like, just to find out what was wrong. Once I got the ECOs that I wanted, the others would complain, "But, Mike gets all of the easy stuff!" to be reminded that some had been threatened with being fired to get them to do that job.

At one time I would come home after a long day of work, and wake up in the middle of the night with the answer to a problem that no one else had solved. The downside was that I tired quickly of things once there were no more problems which took most of the fun out of my hobby of collecting old radios and test equipment. Once it had been cleaned up and worked properly I would have to get rid of it. I have kept a few rare items, but at this point in my life I will have to start selling off and giving away more of my stuff..

Life can be fun or boring. I chose to take risks, and to enjoy it for as long as possible rather than a mind numbing job. I took joy in living, and in helping others. I could have had a nicer home and more in the bank right now, but you can't take anything with you when you leave this Earth.
On Fri, 13 Sep 2019 21:06:00 +0000 (UTC), wrote:

Winfield Hill <> wrote in

Michael Terrell wrote...

On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 11:25:00 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill
Michael Terrell wrote...

TV repair was way above his pay grade. So is building
TV stations, and keeping a 5MW signal on the air. [snip]
I repaired Guitar amps when I was a kid. It was about as
difficult as repairing an AA5 table radio. [snip] rebuild
a TV station, while it is on the air, without disrupting
the signals. ... repair complex test equipment. ... stand
inside a TV transmitter, on a 3KV power supply to adjust
the interstage coupling ... climb a TV tower to repair
the antenna system ... design a CATV system ...
I edited your post, it's an impressive partial resume.=20
You must have lots of interesting stories to tell.

Win, I was sick as a child, so I read everything that I could
about electronics. [ snip stories ]

Wow, I knew you had interesting stories to tell!
1400 line items totaling over 2100 parts, Hahaha!!

I usually save stuff like that in a little NotePad
file, but yours was too long and dense, so I plopped
it into a Word file, 3 pages long, and saved myself
a .pdf copy, named Michael-Terrell_stories.

The only 'story' the asshole should not have told is the one where
he berated Usenet news posters.

He said I lied when I said that I was in the service. For that
characterless act... FUCK MIKETARD TERRELL.

Reminds me of his "I told of an E8 and a captain once" story.

Terrell's problem is not the things he did over the years. His
problem is his pathetic, Trump like dismissal of others.

For that, he deserves it right back in his face. A nice right
cross across that filthy, infected jaw of his.

Karma never forgets.

Do you have any friends?
John Larkin <> wrote in


Karma never forgets.

Do you have any friends?

Absolutely NONE that are like you or Terrell.

Are you still stating that NASA does not science of beneift?

I'd bet that 98% of the rest of the nation would differ with you
and laugh at your inane position, all the while still attempting to
declare yourself to be a scientist.

And this is just the result of one program.

On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 00:52:54 +0000 (UTC), wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote in


Karma never forgets.

Do you have any friends?

Absolutely NONE

sounds about right. wrote in

Absolutely NONE

sounds about right.

Look, folks. Asshole Larkin snipped actual text in favor of his own
bullshit... AGAIN! wrote:
------------------------------------ wrote :

Absolutely NONE

sounds about right.

Look, folks. Asshole Larkin snipped actual text in favor of his own
bullshit... AGAIN!


** FYI:

John Larkin has several times boasted that he considers usenet posting to be a joke - nothing is serious or real here, as far as he is concerned.

Recently, he also boasted that he is so socially inept he hides himself away when friends of his wife or children visit his home - cos he hasn't got any.

A little earlier, he boasted that he has no interest whatever in any kind of music or film - both bore him to tears. Explains why he hates audio electronics so much and that he has zero comprehension of it.

He also has openly admitted to being autistic, but figures it a plus not a minus for him.

IOW Larkin is a super geek, far more obnoxious than even the famous TV character "Sheldon" in Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is inept and unsympathetic, but not outright malicious.

The one individual I would most like removed from this NG is Larkin.

He trolls like crazy, big notes himself, posts bullshit ideas as if they are facts, starts ridiculous disputes, piles on to disputes he has no place being in, massively over-snips other's posts so he can misrepresent them and makes being here far worse for everyone.

He sets an example that has ruined any possible value this NG could have for anyone with an *actual* design question.

Larkin has been doing all this so often, over a period of decades, he must be getting some very sick pleasure out of it.

IMO - even if he is not actually a psychopath, he IS doing a damn good impersonation of one.

..... Phil
On Saturday, 14 September 2019 06:40:04 UTC+1, Phil Allison wrote: wrote: wrote :

Absolutely NONE

sounds about right.

Look, folks. Asshole Larkin snipped actual text in favor of his own
bullshit... AGAIN!


** FYI:

John Larkin has several times boasted that he considers usenet posting to be a joke - nothing is serious or real here, as far as he is concerned.

Recently, he also boasted that he is so socially inept he hides himself away when friends of his wife or children visit his home - cos he hasn't got any.

A little earlier, he boasted that he has no interest whatever in any kind of music or film - both bore him to tears. Explains why he hates audio electronics so much and that he has zero comprehension of it.

He also has openly admitted to being autistic, but figures it a plus not a minus for him.

IOW Larkin is a super geek, far more obnoxious than even the famous TV character "Sheldon" in Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is inept and unsympathetic, but not outright malicious.

The one individual I would most like removed from this NG is Larkin.

He trolls like crazy, big notes himself, posts bullshit ideas as if they are facts, starts ridiculous disputes, piles on to disputes he has no place being in, massively over-snips other's posts so he can misrepresent them and makes being here far worse for everyone.

He sets an example that has ruined any possible value this NG could have for anyone with an *actual* design question.

Larkin has been doing all this so often, over a period of decades, he must be getting some very sick pleasure out of it.

IMO - even if he is not actually a psychopath, he IS doing a damn good impersonation of one.

.... Phil


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