On Fri, 06 May 2005 07:54:10 -0700, John Larkin wrote:
Incontinence I wouldn't know anythign about. ;-)
How many cancer deaths, caused by tobacco, are in the child bearing age?On Fri, 6 May 2005 08:19:54 +0000 (UTC), toor@iquest.net (John S.
Dyson) wrote:
In article <d5ehop$mur$3@blue.rahul.net>,
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) writes:
In article <jtui7151e6cfns9tvt6rru0t9p9hj1edj4@4ax.com>,
Ben Bradley <ben_nospam_bradley@frontiernet.net> wrote:
Looking at the total number of deaths caused by alcohol, caused by
tobacco, and caused by all illegal drugs combined, it looks like the
US laws are totally backwards! Illegal drugs might as well be
legalized, but tobacco and alcohol should be made illegal!
More people die of cancer or heart disease.
If you look at the long term numbers, no more people die given tobacco
smoking than if no-one smoked!!! It is just that people tend to die
Actually, fewer die. Smoking causes both cancer and impotence, both of
which reduce the birth rate.
Incontinence I wouldn't know anythign about. ;-)