Jim Thompson
On Tue, 03 May 2005 12:58:38 -0700, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote:
Now, you, on the other hand, do things of which I do not approve, so
you should be taxed accordingly.
And, if you're a Democrat, all fees and taxes should be doubled ;-)
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice
480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax
480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |
I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
<jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> wrote:
Every vice I have is really innocuous, so I shouldn't be taxed.On Tue, 03 May 2005 19:07:44 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
see_website@anasoft.co.uk> wrote:
John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 03 May 2005 06:46:51 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
see_website@anasoft.co.uk> wrote:
John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 02 May 2005 19:29:13 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
see_website@anasoft.co.uk> wrote:
Yes. I find the argument of, well marijuana is harmful, so it
should be illegal, completely bogus. Its got f'all do do with
state what someone chooses to do with their own bodies.
Fine, so long as the state does not facilitate the harm, and does
not pay any resulting medical expenses.
And I knew that was coming...Its a completely bogus argument.
It's not bogus in San Francisco. Drug abuse is a serious burden on
public medical resources already. We keep the drinking water clean and
the rats out of the restaurants in the cause of public health; so why
not restrict the supply of heroin?
Its bogus because we can use the *same* argument to justify banning
You name it, anything you like, and I well tell why it causes harm to
Do you wish to ban everything? If not, the why chose one over another?
Ban the things that do a lot more harm than they do good. One of the
mandates of government is "to promote the public good." What's wrong
with that?
Now, you, on the other hand, do things of which I do not approve, so
you should be taxed accordingly.
And, if you're a Democrat, all fees and taxes should be doubled ;-)
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice
| E-mail Address at Website Fax
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |
I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.