Reg Edwards
Right. If you're planning a serious felony, use good encryption,
it's best not to plan your hits over your cell phone.
You don't even have to be careful if you're planning a mere
felony. They
still can't get a warrant until after the crime. But due to the
oppressive patriot act they can get a warrant if a terrorist act
seems to be
in planning, instead of having to wait.
Warrants are useless rubber-stamp formalities. The authoriser doesn't
have time to investigate the necessity even if he is so inclined. A
relatively few warrants are issued and reported to give the general
public the impression that law and order is working smoothly. The CIA,
MI5 and MI6 can tap anybody's phone and e-mails, undetectable, at
anytime just by dialling your phone number and pressing button B. And
no doubt they do - supposedly in the nation's and oil-companies
interests. Warrants are unnecessary cumbrances.
Whilst in the background, giant computers, day and night, continuously
sample communication systems traffic, on radio, phone and the
Internet, searching incessently for key words and phrases in many
languages. Just like Google but many times more powerful.
Take care, Big Brother is watching and listening for you!