Contact enhancers? wrote:
On Monday, December 10, 2012 8:42:56 PM UTC, Daniel Prince wrote:
I cannot find my bottle of Tweek so I need to buy some new contact

enhancer. Which one do you use and recommend?

I have looked on eBay and contact enhancers come in liquids that you

apply with a brush, squeeze tubes, and aerosol sprays. Which form

do you think is best? Thank you in advance for all replies.


When I am in the kitchen, I often kick one of my cat's balls.

After I kick it, he will sometimes play with it for a few

seconds to several minutes. His favorite are the ones that

rattle. He'll play with any ball that makes noise.


We sell Stabilant 22A. You can buy it at

You replied to a post from 2012. Do you think they were waiting for
you to spam them?

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

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