Rod Speed
Robert Cohen <robtcohen@msn.com> wrote
weapons and those can be sold to the countrys that cant be
trusted with nukes that can be used to produce weapons.
No need to do that, it will happen when the price of gasoline gets high enough.BretCah...@peoplepc.com wrote
If you don't like my solutions then post your own.
Either lead follow or get out of the way.
re: what to do immediately, then asap thereafter
Immediately if not sooner, "explicitly incentivized" carpooling,
Not practical with diesel engines.which i've pushef for ad nauseam, though here's it again, two-thirds down the page
T. Boone Pickens' natural gas conversions for trucks, busses, and "goods
carriers" appeals to me as something radical that can be done for sure
No thanks, complete waste of time if you're on the grid.Pickens' wind energy is ok by me too,
Nope, makes a lot more sense to move to nukes instead.tho "not in my backyard" people do seem to hate the ugly esthetic and whiny noise
the apparently many universities that are concentrating
on various alternative energy ideas is GOOD
That last isnt going to happen.infrastructure improvements a-plenty
re ALASKA-ARCTIC, FLORIDA, CALIF, ETAL these oughta at least
allow maximal seismic and other oil & natual gas TESTINGS off their
semi pristine coasts, and plans at least need be readied if the
"energy war" requires such, and it currently appears to me
that it certainlydoes, as we devolve into recession-depression
Too dead.wacky playboy & genius Howard Hiughes should be brought back
from the dead so he could invent some other drilling breakthrough
Its here now.an efficient, safe nuclear power plant table model should be ready too,
What we do need is nukes that cant be used for producingvia virtual puterizing and super-computer fact sorting out and
distilling it's time to employ quality personnel whom know how
to do it w/o all the corruption, fuckk-ups and over runs the cost
over runs appear to me to be njormative, disingenuous rip-off
by the power companies, contractors and unions involved
weapons and those can be sold to the countrys that cant be
trusted with nukes that can be used to produce weapons.
Nukes made a hell of a lot more sense then.coal--->scrubbed semi-clean & gasolene, jet fuel, blah, blah ditto the similar above b.s.
so,yeah, i am coping out
in other words, i dunno
since the voters have rejecected me (my innocuous ideas)
about using prisoners and the chronically unemployed to
make solar stuff two or three decades ago,
And it will all get sorted out when the oil price gets high enough.then the "energy defense" or "energy war" is not my decision to make anyway
as usual, usa society appears to me to be "gridlocked" in endless
argumentation, admittedly all the sides have good ideas with contradictions