Sapient Fridge
In message
Michael Gordge <mikegordge@xtra.co.nz> writes
other kids! Doesn't work so well outside of school.
An increase in the frequency of extreme weather events is what was
predicted as the result of climate change, and that is what we are
seeing. Google "global weirding".
sapient_usenet02@spamsights.org ICQ #17887309 * Save the net *
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Michael Gordge <mikegordge@xtra.co.nz> writes
I bet your insults work great in the school playground to impress theOn Jul 3, 8:22 am, Sapient Fridge <use_reply_addr...@spamsights.org
If it was localised then it has nothing to do with global climate
Stupid lying leftist cunt, ewe lefturdian retards
other kids! Doesn't work so well outside of school.
Single events are not evidence of climate change, patterns of eventshave been using
localised events (localized cyclones, localized hurricans, localized
droughts, localized floods) as your evidence of man making the globe
hot since the hoax began, but when localized events are used to show
the shit ewe are talking ewe dont like it and dont want to use them.
An increase in the frequency of extreme weather events is what was
predicted as the result of climate change, and that is what we are
seeing. Google "global weirding".
sapient_usenet02@spamsights.org ICQ #17887309 * Save the net *
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