Ostap S. B. M. Bender Jr.
On Mar 29, 1:59 am, Magnetic <magnetic.t...@yandex.ua> wrote:
It's midnight of March 31 in Geneva. How did your prediction work out?
Is Europe still there?
Tomorrow, despite to our protests, CERN plans to perform the first
collisions of protons with the energy 3.5 TeV per proton (7 TeV per
It's midnight of March 31 in Geneva. How did your prediction work out?
Is Europe still there?
I give about 50% that the dangerous microscopic object will be
created. It will grow, ruining the ordinary matter, and can ruin our
planet or a part of it.
Here is my crude estimation of probable outcomes:
1. Explosion of the whole Earth 49%.
2. Extermination of Geneva 1%.
3. Extermination of Europe 1%.
4. Other harmful unpredictable consequences 5%.
5. Discovery of new subnuclear energy sources 5%.
6. Outcomes with no harm and no use the rest.
At the point 1 we all will die.
At the points 2, 3, 4 a part of humanity will be killed. Destruction
of a part of the Earth will be followed by huge Earthquake all over
the Earth. To raise the probability of survival it is necessary to be
at the free air with the stalk of water, food and warm clothes.
The most probable microscopic dangerous objects are:
1. Microscopic magnetic hole.
2. Growing nucleus, consisting from strange nucleons and/or neutrons
(uds, uss, udd).
3. Microscopic black hole.
According to ideas of Kaluza, Klein and Einstein about additional
short spatial dimension and unification of gravitational and
electromagnetic forces, we can conclude that black holes, at least at
microscopic levels, can be reduced to objects of the first or the
second types. That means that microscopic black hole is in fact a
condensate, consisting from bosons, as magnetic hole, or from
fermions, as strange matter. Condensates have a binding energy per
their constituent elements. This changes the argumentation about
survival and penetrating abilities of black holes, created in cosmic
and collider proton-proton collisions...
My health is already ruined by depression. I know that we all can be
killed. I can not save myself, my family, my land. Criminal stupidity
of corrupted contemporary science had won.