Chip with simple program for Toy

"Jesse" <> wrote in message
Basically, I've got a 0-5v microcontrolled source to actuate a lever.
I need some help on this.

Basically what I'm doing is I need to move a lever with very little
physical resistance using a 0-5v source with the servo or whatever, at
it's fully open position at 1.75v - 2.0v

I considered using an RC aircraft type servo, but I understand you've
got to convert the voltage to a pulsed signal.

Does anybody have any ideas or know where I can go for this info?
Try these:
"Jesse" <> wrote in message
Basically, I've got a 0-5v microcontrolled source to actuate a lever.
I need some help on this.

Basically what I'm doing is I need to move a lever with very little
physical resistance using a 0-5v source with the servo or whatever, at
it's fully open position at 1.75v - 2.0v

I considered using an RC aircraft type servo, but I understand you've
got to convert the voltage to a pulsed signal.

Does anybody have any ideas or know where I can go for this info?
"coulyo" <> wrote in message
This is a basic question about the timer in the PIC microchip.
I need a 1 second delay. My clock is 4MHz and so my cycles
are 1 usec each. Because the clock is not a binary one, I need
to get a roll-over of the timer every 250 instaed of 256, so I
need to write the timer. The question is: I read in the
documentation that after writing to the timer, the timer is
disabled for 2 cycles. I am not sure exactly what value I need
to enter to the timer ? (I need a roll-over of 250)
Add two to the value.

However, I'd use timer1 rather than timer0 for this, unless you can't for
some reason. With a 1:8 prescale, it will give you an almost exact 1/2
second interrupt or rollover (if you are polling it) by using the following
macro like

PAUSE .500000

Here are the macros:

banksel T1CON
bcf T1CON,TMR1ON ; turn off timer1
movlw ((65536 - (t)) & 0xFF) ; set it up so there are t ticks left till
movwf TMR1L
movlw (((65536 - (t)) >> 8) & 0xFF)
movwf TMR1H
bsf T1CON,TMR1ON ; turn it on

a set 0

banksel PIR1
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ; clear the interrupt flag
btfss PIR1,TMR1IF ; wait till timer rolls over
goto M_again#v(a)
a += 1

Add two to the value.

However, I'd use timer1 rather than timer0 for this, unless you can't for
some reason. With a 1:8 prescale, it will give you an almost exact 1/2
second interrupt or rollover (if you are polling it) by using the following
macro like
Are you sure, what about the writing itself

movlw D'ddd'
movwf TMR0

this is two cycles, plus the other two, it's already 4, now the question is
if there is anything else we need to take into account, like e.g. that call
instruction to the ISR (a call is 2 cycles)
I've seen this done before - it's conceptually pretty simple, but a
sonofagun to design and build. One name that springs to mind from a job
about 20 years ago (for off-the-shelf) is "Spellman." look up "High
voltage DC-DC converters" or some such on the search engines.

Good Luck!

Rileyesi wrote:

We make the "run of the mill" power supplies using an AC input, step down
transformer, full wave rectifier, etc. I have been given a task to design a
supply that we have never made. I'm looking for a puch in the right direction.

The supply has a 20 VDC input and two outputs. One output is 600 VDC at 2 mA
and the other is 18,000 VDC at 0.2 mA. The only thing I've seen before that
would step up a DC voltage is a DC-DC converter, but I think my voltage outputs
are too high for an "off the shelf" solution.

I was hoping for a book title or web sites where I could learn more.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
"coulyo" <> wrote in message
Add two to the value.

However, I'd use timer1 rather than timer0 for this, unless you can't
some reason. With a 1:8 prescale, it will give you an almost exact 1/2
second interrupt or rollover (if you are polling it) by using the
macro like

Are you sure, what about the writing itself

movlw D'ddd'
movwf TMR0

this is two cycles, plus the other two, it's already 4, now the question
if there is anything else we need to take into account, like e.g. that
instruction to the ISR (a call is 2 cycles)
According to the datasheet, the timer ticks every instruction. So, for each
instruction that is executed, TMR0 is incremented. However, also according
to the datasheet, after a write, the next two instructions don't tick TMR0.

instruction TMR0 after instruction
nop 1
nop 2
movlw D'ddd' 3
movwf TMR0 4
nop 4
nop 4
nop 5

This means that you need to subtract two from the value you've put into TMR0
to get an accurate count. However, using tmr0 for a long timeout like this
will be painful. You will have to account for the loop overhead. Remember,
any instruction that changes the program counter takes two instructions.

Bob Monsen
I think the easiest way is to simple leave all calculations aside
and simply measure the clock with a stopper, adjust, measure,
adjust, I belie in the end it is possible to achieve accuracies
of a quarz watch.
Ryan Kremser <> wrote in message news:<>...
any recommendations for a computer based oscilloscope through the sound
If you wish to construct the PC-based oscilloscope by yourself, please
take a look at
"Lukas Louw" <> wrote in

Think of voltages in terms of potential differences. By choosing to
assign a node to ground, or zero volts, all other voltages can be
expressed as potential differences, positive or negative and
magnitude, to ground.

Hope that makes sense,

I am trying to use the web and a couple of books to teach myself
basic electronics, a subject I have very scant knowledge of.

However, I seem to come up across stumbling blocks. For instance,
few pages in to most texts, and we are already talking about stuff
that seems should come later, and things that aren't obvious are
skipped altogether.

For instance, I cannot seem to get a straight answer as to what
or ground is in practical terms. i.e how one achieves it when
building a circuit.
how can one get a demo copy of TINA?
"Rileyesi" <> wrote in message
We make the "run of the mill" power supplies using an AC input, step down
transformer, full wave rectifier, etc. I have been given a task to design
supply that we have never made. I'm looking for a puch in the right

The supply has a 20 VDC input and two outputs. One output is 600 VDC at 2
and the other is 18,000 VDC at 0.2 mA. The only thing I've seen before
would step up a DC voltage is a DC-DC converter, but I think my voltage
are too high for an "off the shelf" solution.

I was hoping for a book title or web sites where I could learn more.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Look for flyback converters.

| __O Thomas C. Sefranek
|_-\<,_ Amateur Radio Operator: WA1RHP
(*)/ (*) Bicycle mobile on 145.41, 448.625 MHz
Ryan Kremser <> wrote:
Any recommended 3 digit 7 segment counter packages ready to attach into

a circuit? I need to be able to pulse the display and have it increment

by one up to 300, also would need a reset function. Is it recommended
to buy pre made circuit or individual components to assemble myself.
I'll need 6 of these so any help would be appreciated.

Hi Ryan
It will probably be difficult to find an off the shelf counter module with
only 3 digits, most start with six.
This link may give you an idea whats out there.
There are also versions of red lion counters with elastomeric connectors
for mounting on a circuit board.
There is also a company called Omron that makes miniature counters.
If I was in your situation and building only six of these, an off the shelf
unit would be my first choice.

Good luck

Colin G
The charge is converted to heat.

Dan Fraser

From Costa Mesa in sunny California
949-631-7535 Cell 714-420-7535

Check out my electronic schematics site at:
If you are into cars check out
Why? This is a part that is not all that hard to get.

Dan Fraser

From Costa Mesa in sunny California
949-631-7535 Cell 714-420-7535

Check out my electronic schematics site at:
If you are into cars check out
You obviously don't live in Yeppoon QLD Australia, and only have DickSmith
available. And no, ordering over the net is out due to shipping costs and no

"Dan Fraser" <> wrote in message
Why? This is a part that is not all that hard to get.

Dan Fraser

From Costa Mesa in sunny California
949-631-7535 Cell 714-420-7535

Check out my electronic schematics site at:
If you are into cars check out
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:19:09 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

I forgot one thing... sending HTML in E-mail should be a felony ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:19:09 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

I forgot one thing... sending HTML in E-mail should be a felony ;-)

Don't Hotmail do that by default now? (When sending from their website, at
least - I never use it, so I don't know, seem to recall reading something
about it a while ago)

I'm not just a number. To many, I'm known as a String...
In article <>, Jim- says...
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:19:09 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

I forgot one thing... sending HTML in E-mail should be a felony ;-)
Ok, what is your proposal for those who post to the Usenet using
HTML? ...I gotta hear this! ;-)

In article <bjvilh$mcgmo$>, says...
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:19:09 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

I forgot one thing... sending HTML in E-mail should be a felony ;-)

Don't Hotmail do that by default now? (When sending from their website, at
least - I never use it, so I don't know, seem to recall reading something
about it a while ago)
Those using Hotmail...

"Keith R. Williams" wrote:
In article <>, Jim- says...
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:19:09 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

I forgot one thing... sending HTML in E-mail should be a felony ;-)

Ok, what is your proposal for those who post to the Usenet using
HTML? ...I gotta hear this! ;-)

A taser applied repeatedly to the groin, till the battery dies!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Nick Funk <> wrote in message news:<>...
Please read.

Sorry about this off topic post. But anyone who has every posted to a
news group knows to well that they open themselves up to a flood of spam.
I have a philosophical preference for a technical solution over a
legal solution.

I have a design for a technical solution to the spam problem. I think
it will work not only in the technical sense, but also in the
marketing and human enginering sense.

I am thinking through the funding issues. I would be glad to
correspond with anyone who has experience funding their own company.
I do have some experience, both directly, and through my circle of
friends, but additional experience is welcome. illuminates some of this.

One of the ideas that I am considering is to organize a corporation,
and hire a financial officer whose duties are to identify prospective
investors and raise money, without tripping on any of the legal
issues. I would hope that this would take less of my time than just
working half time on other work.

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