Chip with simple program for Toy

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:17:43 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

"Ku Klux Klan, the name of an American secret association of Southern
whites united for self-protection and to oppose the Reconstruction
measures of the United States Congress"

God, what have I done? Maybe Cahill is right, I
shouldn't use those multiple K's.
Cahill was right.

It looks like I
have inadvertently opened up a gate to hell,
allowing Nazi demons to crawl out.
Here are some quotes from Mein Kampf:

"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the
Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National
Socialist. The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his
character and strength of will, can be measured is by the hostility
which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people.
"The followers of the movement, and indeed the whole nation,
must be reminded again and again of the fact that, through the medium
of his newspapers, the Jew is always spreading falsehood and that if
he tells the truth on some occasions it is only for the purpose of
masking some greater deceit, which turns the apparent truth into a
deliberate falsehood. The Jew is the Great Master of Lies. Falsehood
and duplicity are the weapons with which he fights.
"Every calumny and falsehood published by the Jews are tokens of
honor which can be worn by our comrades. He whom they decry most is
nearest to our hearts and he whom they mortally hate is our best
"If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning
and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday
to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be
persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively
combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the
enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse
opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its
slanderous attacks.
"When these truths become part of the flesh and blood, as it
were, of our members, then the movement will be impregnable and

" Then I began to examine my favorite 'World Press', with that fact
before my mind. "The deeper my soundings went the lesser grew my
respect for that Press which I formerly admired. Its style became
still more repellant and I was forced to reject its ideas as entirely
shallow and superficial. To claim that in the presentation of facts
and views its attitude was impartial seemed to me to contain more
falsehood than truth. The writers were- Jews.

"Thousands of details that I had scarcely noticed before seemed
to me now to deserve attention. I began to grasp and understand
things which I had formerly looked at in a different light."

"Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be
secured. This was the Press. The Jew exercised all his skill and
tenacity in getting hold of it. By means of the Press he began
gradually to control public life in its entirety."
Here are quotes from a speech delivered by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
at the National Socialist Party Congress, Nuernberg, 1937.

"'Spain represents the world at the cross-roads.' Thus wrote
the Bolshevic press organ, Die Rundschau, in its issue dated July 22,
1937. That one sentance precisely defines the international
significance of the Spanish problem. It states exactly what the
Spanish problem is. Here the final decision must lie either with
Bolshevism or the principle of Authority. On the one side stands
ruinous anarchy and, on the other, orderly constructive development."

"Nations which in recent years have kept their eyes closed to
the startling growth of the international Bolshevic menace will one
day experience a terrible awakening from this moral narcosis. The fact
that we, German National Socialists, as conscious and uncompromising
protaganists against the Bolshevic world-front, are still condemned to
play the part of a preacher in the wilderness, calling out to deaf
ears--this cannot prevent us from seeing things as they are and
calling them by their right names. For if the constantly increasing
extension of this Bolshevic infection in Europe should cause still
greater disaster, then future historians will be in a position to
record the fact that we, German National Socialists, were not among
those who allowed themselves to be led astray in the universal chaos
of thought and mental fog purposely created as a sort of smoke-screen
by an insidious epidemic of political propaganda. Nothing could make
us deviate in the least from the straight road we have taken.
"From the very nature of the case it is obvious that the
subversive forces of International Jewry will raise a tumult of rage
when we clearly and dispassionately lay bare the background of this
revolutionary developement which is extending through the world. For,
after all, they are the only people who are drawing profit forn the
chaotic ruin which Bolshevism is bringing upon mankind. That on this
account they will swamp us with a torrrent of abuse and lies and
calumnies is only an honour for us and a further proof that we are
right in warning Europe against this peril."

"The fight which General Franco is waging, with the support of all
the constructive elements, against the Bolshevic menace to his native
land is at the same time a fight for civilization."

"The Moscow Comintern never tires of impressing on public
opinion thoughout the world the theory that the national movement,
which on July 17, 1936, intervened in the seething developements in
Spain, was a military rising oragnised by reactionary generals and
that this rising was definately repudiated by the Spanish people. The
truth however is that this national movement was in reality an act of
self-defence on the part of the people, against the revolt which had
been planned by the Spanish Communist Party for that time and was
subsequently postponed to August 1936. This communist revolt had been
planned in Moscow several years previously, organized from Moscow and
directed from Moscow, and is still being carried out in practice from
Moscow today."

"In 1935 the annual funds which Moscow contributed for the
support of the Communist Party in Spain totalled several million
pesetas, of which two millions were officially acknowledged as having
been paid by the Comintern itself. At the 7th World Congress of the
Comintern in Moscow, in 1935, Dimitroff gave instructions for the
formation of a Front Populaire in Spain. Between February 16 and April
19,1936, 140 people were murdered by gangs of red revolutionaries, and
529 buildings were burned down and destroyed before the Bolshevic
Revolution officially broke out."

"We can account for this baffling style of mutual admiration
between Bolshevism and Western Liberalist Intellectualism only if we
assume it to be some form of mental disease."

"During February and March 101 Russian Soviet aeroplanes were shipped
from Reval to Spain. And on March 1st, 50 heavy guns from Soviet
Russia were brought overland to Almansa. Recently one single large
consignment of was material from Soviet Russia to the Reds in Spain
included 100 heavy tanks, 500 medium-sized tanks, 2000 light tanks,
4000 heavy machine guns, 6000 light machine guns and 300 aeroplanes,
with their pilots."

"I shall now deal with some instances which will help to give an
idea of the extent to which World Liberalism goes in its moral support
of the Reds in Spain. I have already emphasized the fact that the
marriage between Bolshevism and Democracy presents some uncanny
features; indeed one might call them downright perverse. In the
historical developement of its activities Democracy has more and more
become the political facade of World Capitalism. Bolshevism now
carries the democratic principle to its ultimate logical application.
We may call it the Democracy of Terror. It increases the pace of that
sanguinary and pitiless developement of which Liberalism had already
mapped out the path. I might illustrate this point by a rather drastic
comparison. In democracy leading heads were out-voted by the counting
of heads. In Bolshevism the same result is obtained by chopping off
heads with the guillotine. The result in both cases is the same. The
heads are wanting. The masses are robbed of their natural leaders and
left prey to international Jews, who are now free to exercise their
dictatorship by the employment of terrorization and money."

"Pleasing catchwords were used to win the favour of the
workers but when the communist leaders came into power social terror
became the rule of the day. Among the workers and peasant classes
hunger prevailed, as symbol and sign of the Bolshevic rule."

"In keeping with the Soviet Russian pettern, family life and
the instituton of marriage are being ruined by this world plague.
Degradation of married women, the socialization of women, the
martyrdom of children--these are the principles which are in vogue

"According to the 'Daily Mail' of August 22, 1936, Twenty-eight
nuns from the convent of Santa Clara "were subjected to inconceivable
tortures by relays of red maniacs."

"But Bolshevism in practice is nothing better than the most
frightful find of barbarism. It is the outward expression of the
hatred of the underworld agianst all those who are representative of
Western civilization and a cultural level to which Bolshevism can
never hope to attain."

"Among the 20,000 churches and monasteries which the Reds have
plundered and destroyed many were of historical and architectual
significance which cannot be replaced."

"But the churches of the world remain passive to it all and do not
seem to have the least suspicion as to the deadly menace that
threatens them. This is where Bolshevism shows itself again as the
incarnation of evil. Its destructive influence on the popular
religious instinct goes to the very roots of that instinct itself. And
this ruthless atheistic campaign spares nothing whatsoever which might
serve to remind the people of God and religion. The one fact alone
that the Fuerer has saved the German churches from this fate should be
enough to make them feel bound to remain eternally thankful to him.
But instead of this they never tire of going beyond the sphere of
their religious duties, interfering in political matters and making
their influence felt in a way that has no connection whatsoever with
their duties or their divine calling."

"According to indisputable figures based exclusively on
Bolshevic statistics, 42,000 priests have been murdered in Russia. Up
to February 2,1937, approximately 17,000 priests and monks and eleven
bishops were murdered in Spain."

"A Swedish refugee stated, on November 10, 1936: 'I have seen
churches on the walls of which the murdered bodies of women were hung,
nuns that had been beheaded or burned and whose bodies had been nailed
in rows to the church walls."

"The Strassburg paper, 'Der Elsasser', in its issue of
February 27, 1937 published the staggering fact that '50,000 Spanish
children are at the present moment wandering through Spanish
provinces, abandoned and in rags. All public activities for the
welfare of the youth have been abolished. And so the youngsters, very
often no more than four or five years old, are left no alternative.
They stagger along the road in swarms, shivering with cold and are
nothing more than wandering skeletons.'"

"One shudders to think what might happen to humanity if this
system became universal throughout the world."

"Bolshevism and its 'friendly press' throughout the world lose no
opportunity of pointing an accusing finger at the alleged use of
terror in countries which are governed according to the principles of
authority. The whole world gives a cry of agonizing sympathy when, for
example, a Jew in Germany receives a well-earned box on the ears. But
what is this when compared with the terror that disrupts whole

"Lenin himself, when asked at the 12th Congress of the Red Party,
what were the principles on which Communism relied, answered: 'Murder,
destruction, not a stone to be left in place if its removal should be
to the advantage of the Revolution.'"

"The Jewish Soviet Ambassador in London finds it convenient to
express his moral indignation before the Non-Intervention Committee in
London. The world and the League of Nations are hypocritically
appealed to. Before these tribunals the Jew Litwinow-Finkelstein plays
the part of the civilised philistine and fills Europe with cries of

"The Intenational Brigades which are sent into action on the Red
Spanish front are commanded by Soviet officers. Their commander was
the Jew, General Kleber."

"We shall not be deterred from pointing to the Jew as the inspirer,
the instigator and the beneficiary of the dreadful catastrophe."

"At Barcelona he sits, in the person of Wladimer Bischitzki as
director of the international oragnization for the smuggling of arms
and munitions, comrades Lurje and Fuchs, of his own racial breed,
sitting by his side. His Paris agents are his racial compatriots,
Fratkin, Rosenfeld and Schapiro. At Hirtenberg in Austria their
collaborator is the Jew, Mandl. In Amsterdam the Jew, Wolf. In
Rotteerdam the Jews, Cohen, Gruenfeld, Kirsch, and Simon. In Denmark
the Jew, Moses Israel Diamant. In Prague the Jews, Kindler, Kahn,
Abter and Hithner. We know them all and we know them well."

"The fact that Western Liberalism closes its eyes to this evil
portent is only a sign of its almost childish naivety."

"A struggle for native land and liberty, for honour and family
and God and religion, for wife and child, for school and upbringing,
for order, moral principle, culture and civilization, for our lives
and our daily bread , has begun. In Germany it has already been
brought to a triumphant issue."
On Aug 29, 6:43 am, jass <> wrote:
Earn - $1500 to $3000 - Just for signing up!
Iam earning more than $3000- every month from Internet. Iam not
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open link,
International Customers >> or ,Indian Customers >>,
go to commission juction,
and sign up here.
but how it is possible
�you have posted this many times before over the years, and still no
takers. they cannot answer it with a straight yes or no.

What is higher: 440 Hz or the Eiffel Tower?
If the outspoken "market" economists thought that The Question was
pure nonsense, i. e., "how many angels could dance on the head of a
pin?" they could write that down too for the $200.

But they won't.

Not one single "market" economist will suggest that The Question is

Prove it to yourself:

This is not a wager. It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

The rules are simple.

1. The letterhead must be from Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von Mises

2. The Question must appear in the body of the letter.

3. Some text must appear to be an answer to The Question, either a
"yes" or "no" or "I dunno."

4. The signature of the outspoken economist must appear in the

5. Email a copy in an attached pdf or tiff file
along with a mailing address. If you are really secretive include a
map of a stump or pipe where I can stuff the cash. (Lower 48 only.)

* Other shill tanks may be considered.

Bret Cahill
What is higher: 440 Hz or the Eiffel Tower?

Obviously Eiffel Tower is higher :)

Eiffel Tower it is higher than the median man made building, while a 440 Hz
sound it is lower than the median man made sound. So easy riddle :)

Curses, foiled again!
That must happen a lot. You just demonstrated a complete inability to
recognize a self evident truth.

Bret Cahill
On Aug 29, 8:22 am, wrote:

Curses, foiled again!

That must happen a lot.  You just demonstrated a complete inability to
recognize a self evident truth.
And now he's been tin-foiled.

Anyway, trying to resurrect a long-dead thread
the same way you want to resurrect the high-tax
lowering of the Jimmy Carter late-seventies
economic stagflation boom?
On Aug 29, 11:19 am, wrote:

Not one single "market" economist will suggest that The Question is
Oh, I rather suspect they all would suggest just that for the obvious
reason that it is.

Prove it to yourself:
Will you offer the $200 for any who do, perhaps with a brief
explanation regarding its blatant and obvious ambiguity and

Not that they should bother since you are clearly totally delusional
and they would only be wasting their time. It would be like answering
the question posed by an inmate in a mental institution and expecting
that they have the capacity to either understand the question
themselves - or any answer provided. For example, you say that Red
China has free speech but we don't.

What more needs to be said.

You're a lunatic.

Fred Weiss
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 10:19:43 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

John's original, still right at the top, is just plain wrong on WHEN that collection
of silly senile old farts realised that the earth does in fact revolved around the sun.
Sorry for the confusion.

What I was referring to was the Roman Catholic Church's official
admission that Geocentrism was wrong and, AIUI, that acknowledgement
only occurred a few years ago.

Small comfort for Galileo, who knew he was right, beyond a shadow of
doubt, but was forced to perjure himself in order to not be killed by
the Nazis of that time.

And you, "Rod Speed", what do you have to offer?

On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 11:27:20 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote

John's original, still right at the top, is just plain wrong
on WHEN that collection of silly senile old farts realised
that the earth does in fact revolved around the sun.

Sorry for the confusion.

There is no confusion and there still isnt. You were and still are just plain wrong.
OK, then, instead of your bluster, let's see your evidence.

What I was referring to was the Roman Catholic Church's
official admission that Geocentrism was wrong

Yes, that was always clear.

and, AIUI, that acknowledgement only occurred a few years ago.

And that is where you were always just plain wrong. It happened a LONG time before that.
OK, then, instead of your bluster, let's see your evidence.

Like I said, what actually happened only a few years ago, was that
they did officially admit that Galileo had been very badly treated.
OK, then, instead of your bluster, let's see your evidence.

Small comfort for Galileo, who knew he was right, beyond a shadow of doubt,

And he wasnt alone in recognising that at that time. The evidence was very clear.
That's not the point.

but was forced to perjure himself

He didnt even perjure himself.
In order to save his life, he was forced to lie about his beliefs
before a legislating body, which is perjury.

in order to not be killed by the Nazis of that time.

You wouldnt know what a real Nazi was if one bit you on your lard arse.
Well, as much as you'd like to, I don't think you'll ever get that

And you, "Rod Speed", what do you have to offer?

Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
Stuck in there, then, are you?

They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the open
highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a 1000
mile day and even without the green write offs the savings would more
than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on the

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.
Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which would
only work on flat land anyway.

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail

Bret Cahill
They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the open
highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a 1000
mile day and even without the green write offs the savings would more
than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on the

ďż˝ ďż˝ ďż˝ The link qwerty provided talked about short run delivery trucks
and bucket trucks like the utility companies use. �Nothing about the OTR
trucks unless I missed it.
Hybridization is a minor advantage on the highway. An old diesel
Rabbit gets slightly less mpg as a new Prius on the highway.

Nevertheless, if it becomes politically correct to go up a 6% grade at
< 8 mph, a full series hybid truck may appear. On the down hill the
energy could be regenerated to recharge the battery instead of
overheating the brakes. But right now a series hybrid truck would
require a multi ton battery to get 80,000 lbs over a mountain at what
is currently considered an acceptable speed ~ 35 mph.

Maybe series hybridization would make some sense on OTR routes
restricted to the midwest or below the Southern Crescent, N.O. - DC.
Instead of a 400 hp diesel running well below its "sweet spot" a
tweaked 100 hp engine might use 10 -15% less fuel in a full series

In any event trains will pick up a lot of long haul which should
increase demand for hybrid truck tractors on short haul to the rail
yard. Peterbilt made a smart move.

One of the web pages claimed that the Peterbilt drive train could run
on batteries only for limited periods of time.

The battery farm tractor drive train is already in production. We
just need a way to recharge it, either by partial trolly or battery

ďż˝ ďż˝ It seems like there are a growing number of trucks running about 63
The big trucking companies changed all the governors on their fleets
to save fuel. If you see a company semi going over 62, it's because
it is going downhill without brakes.

even on I-80 here in Nebraska. �The speed limit is 75.
In CA the speed is 55 for trucks but supposedly CHP won't ticket below

That's why all the governors are set at 62.

� � �A few trucks I've seen have a single wheel instead of duals on the
trailers. �I guess the fuel saving is something like 2%.
You mean single axle or single tire?

Single axle might be cost effective for low weight loads as DOT limits
the weight/axle.

Single tire might not be an efficiency issue. It's just that it can
be hauled between furrows.

Bret Cahill wrote:

They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the open
highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a 1000
mile day and even without the green write offs the savings would more
than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on the

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.

Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which would
only work on flat land anyway.
Precisely my thinking.

Incidentally look at Detroit Diesel's site for their latest efficiency
improvements on a standard diesel engine.

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.
Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive and only makes sense on
heavily used commuter routes.

Funnilly enough for 'long haul' rail - hydrogen fuel might actually make
sense. It's an area where it's disadvantages won't really matter to a
multi-header freight train. You just need to be able to make the hydrogen

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail
It used to be a lot like that in the UK. But it was SLOW. No use for
preishable goods for one thing.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment

Rod Speed wrote: wrote:
They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the
open highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for a
1000 mile day and even without the green write offs the savings
would more than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on
the highway.

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.

Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which would
only work on flat land anyway.

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail

That wont happen, because transport fuels are perfectly viable.
And in many countries the yards no longer exist.

Graham wrote:

� � �A few trucks I've seen have a single wheel instead of duals on the
trailers. �I guess the fuel saving is something like 2%.

You mean single axle or single tire?

Single axle might be cost effective for low weight loads as DOT limits
the weight/axle.

Single tire might not be an efficiency issue. It's just that it can
be hauled between furrows.

Bret Cahill

The normal duals are replaced with single tires.
These are on the tractor. The ones I've actually seen were on the
An old article here:
A furrow is the shallow ditch between the ridges. The ridges are
where the actual crop is planted. This dates back to when farmers had
to cultivate corn to kill the weeds. Cultivation also loosens the soil
and is still used to kill weeds although modern sprays do an awful good
job of weed control Farmers also deliberately use a
ridger to cut the ditches a little deeper and get the debris out of the
way for furrow irrigation. It's sometimes called "hilling". Another
benefit is during corn combining. The snoots on the corn head can pick
up downed corn a little better if there is a shallow ditch between the
Furrows have nothing to do with the use of single tires for OTR
trucks. The normal procedure is to disc the field ends to make turning
easier. The truck is parked at the end of the field or on the road.
Auger wagons/carts are used to get the grain from the combine to the
truck. The combine loads the auger cart on the go.
Soil compaction is a big deal. Running a loaded truck down the
field would cause a lot more of it. Not a good thing. It also would be
unnecessarily tough on the truck.
Combines, auger carts and tractors are set up so the tires run down
the furrow not on the row/ridge. There is a conservation farming
practice called ridge till where this is important. The ridge needs to
be there for the next spring's planting.


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But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive
It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude because that was
the situation in N. Europe decades ago.

and only makes sense on
heavily used commuter routes.
The main line between LA and Long Beach back east -- the bulk of the
trade with China -- runs 70 trains/day.

One gigawatt or billions in diesel / year.

.. . .

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail

It used to be a lot like that in the UK.
And it'll be like that again.

But it was SLOW. No use for
preishable goods for one thing.
You'll always need a few OTR trucks.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment
Plow them under.

They had a "Rails to Trails" movement that would make bike trails out
of abandoned right of ways. That can be reversed.

"Trails to Rails."

Bret Cahill
A few trucks I've seen have a single wheel instead of duals on the
trailers. I guess the fuel saving is something like 2%.

You mean single axle or single tire?

Single axle might be cost effective for low weight loads as DOT limits
the weight/axle.

Single tire might not be an efficiency issue. �It's just that it can
be hauled between furrows.

ďż˝ ďż˝ ďż˝ ďż˝ ďż˝ The normal duals are replaced with single tires.
These are on the tractor. ďż˝ The ones I've actually seen were on the
An old article here:
'Super singles don't offer the "limp home" capabilities of duals,
according to Cohn. "If you get a flat, you have to pull over; you're

Sounds like a lot of trouble for 4% more cargo.

� � A furrow is the shallow ditch between the ridges. �The ridges are
where the actual crop is planted. This dates back to when farmers had
to cultivate corn to kill the weeds. �Cultivation also loosens the soil
and is still used to kill weeds although modern sprays do an awful good
job of weed control �Farmers also deliberately use a
ridger to cut the ditches a little deeper and get the debris out of the
way for furrow irrigation. �It's sometimes called "hilling". �Another
benefit is during corn combining. �The snoots on the corn head can pick
up downed corn a little better if there is a shallow ditch between the
ďż˝ ďż˝ Furrows have nothing to do with the use of single tires for OTR
trucks. �The normal procedure is to disc the field ends to make turning
easier. �The truck is parked at the end of the field or on the road.
Auger wagons/carts are used to get the grain from the combine to the
truck. �The combine loads the auger cart on the go.
Maybe I saw the wagons or carts on the roads instead of the trailers
in the fields.

� � Soil compaction is a big deal. �Running a loaded truck down the
field would cause a lot more of it. �Not a good thing. �It also would be
unnecessarily tough on the truck.
Ragged out sugar beet semis drive right out in the field to be loaded.

� � �Combines, auger carts and tractors are set up so the tires run down
the furrow not on the row/ridge. �There is a conservation farming
practice called ridge till where this is important. �The ridge needs to
be there for the next spring's planting.
Some local ex farmer was telling me that in the midwest the wheat
actually grows up under the snow. (I listened politely.) He also
said that the soil there is only 4" deep so they alternate rows with
weeds for a wind break to keep the soil from blowing away.

He claimed the local farmers only get one ton/acre of the expensive
wheat or 3 tons/acre of the cheap wheat so either way they never made
much money. He said the lettuce farmers got upset over some insect
attracted by cotton and banned cotton farming.

He said he quit farming because of the 90 hour work weeks.

I've been cycling a lot at night and farm tractors are often out
working the fields. They light up a cloud of dust around the tractor
with a half dozen lights.

Bret Cahill
Rod Speed wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote: wrote:

They didn't give a driving profile but if that claim held for the
open highway, that would be $100/day for a 600 mile day, $180 for
a 1000 mile day and even without the green write offs the savings
would more than make the tractor payments.

In town the savings of a hybrid could be great but not so much on
the highway.

30-40% savings sounds very high for an average truck journey.

Not gonna happen on the highway, not even with full series which
would only work on flat land anyway.

Precisely my thinking.

Incidentally look at Detroit Diesel's site for their latest efficiency
improvements on a standard diesel engine.

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive and only makes sense
on heavily used commuter routes.

Funnilly enough for 'long haul' rail - hydrogen fuel might actually
make sense. It's an area where it's disadvantages won't really matter
to a multi-header freight train. You just need to be able to make the
hydrogen efficiently.

And nukes do that fine.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail yard.

It used to be a lot like that in the UK. But it was SLOW.
No use for preishable goods for one thing.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment blocks.

I doubt thats true of all of them.
I assure you it pretty much damn well is. Or they're now the car parks for the commuters
who use the trains.

AFAIK you can no longer send an ordinary parcel by train in the UK. It's contract only for
heavy loads.

Bret Cahill wrote:

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive

It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude because that was
the situation in N. Europe decades ago.
The lines are shorter, more heavily used and grid electrical power for the line is
readily available at the intervals needed to stop excessive IR and I2R losses.

and only makes sense on
heavily used commuter routes.

The main line between LA and Long Beach back east -- the bulk of the
trade with China -- runs 70 trains/day.

One gigawatt or billions in diesel / year.
We run FAR more trains than that on our commuter lines. In the hundreds certainly.
In fact many lines are now capacity limited until improved signalling can be put in
to reduce the wait between trains. OR the stations improved to take longer trains.

Trucking will eventually consist of a lots of short trips to the rail

It used to be a lot like that in the UK.

And it'll be like that again.
No chance. All the yards have gone. Sold off and developed or car parks for the

But it was SLOW. No use for
preishable goods for one thing.

You'll always need a few OTR trucks.

Of course all the rail yards here are now built over with expensive apartment

Plow them under.
Haha ! At UK property prices ?

They had a "Rails to Trails" movement that would make bike trails out
of abandoned right of ways. That can be reversed.
It's been talked about but once again, often inportant parts have been built over
and the cost of new rail is PHENOMENAL.

Bret Cahill wrote:

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if only
because sooner or later trains will electrify and a lot or most long
haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive

It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude because that was
the situation in N. Europe decades ago.
Land and (relatively) labour was cheap then too. That's how France laid the
majority of the TGV system without it costing a fortune.

Rod Speed wrote:

Bret Cahill <> wrote:

But the hybrid tractor, series or parallel, will prevail if
only because sooner or later trains will electrify and
a lot or most long haul trucking will disappear.

Electrifiying train lines is HORRIBLY expensive

It must have been cost effective at $10/barrel crude
because that was the situation in N. Europe decades ago.

Wrong, as always. Not much freight moves using rail in northern europe.
True. Even the Royal Mail (British Post Office) moved to trucks only a year or so ago.

Those are electrified for passengers, stupid.
Spot on. Especially around London and other large cities.


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