Bret Cahill
In that case your outspoken "market" economists should be falling overAnyway, going back to Brat's ridiculous "Question", it is not "free
speech" which people need in advanced industrial countries. They
already have that
themselves to answer The Question.
They should be just like Ayn Rand ripping Dr. Coase or anyone else who
suggests free markets are not possible without the precondition of
free speech.
Outspoken market economists should be outspoken in their support of
free speech.
Instead they _all_ go into full dodgin' 'n dodgin' mode when ever any
pops 'em on their fraudulent fannies with The Question:
Does F/S precede each and every F/T?
It's the part that ain't free speech on naked nazi flag burner parades(for the most part).
that's missing.
And that missing "part" -- the core intent by Madison's own words --
is worth trillions to the economy, leveling wealth at the same time so
median wages will soon be over $50/hr.
The part that is missing is free speech on economic information.
Bret Cahill