Paul Keinanen
On Sat, 21 Jun 2008 15:25:38 -0700 (PDT), bill.sloman@ieee.org wrote:
low frequencies. For instance materials listed at
http://www.fair-rite.com/newfair/materials.htm start at 1 MHz
(material 31), while the common material 73 have significant losses
only above 10 MHz.
It would be quite hard to find material that would be lossy at suchOn Jun 22, 5:52 am, Paul Keinanen <keina...@sci.fi> wrote:
Are you sure that these are ordinary inductors or just a wire through
a ferrite bead?
While the ferrite will increase the inductance, a suitable ferrite
material is also quite lossy at higher frequencies, reducing the risk
for unwanted resonances with the capacitors.
Sadly, you can't rely on this. I've had to put little resistors in
series with ferrite bead to kill a resonance - admittedly at a few
hundred kHz, where the bead doesn't look that lossy.
low frequencies. For instance materials listed at
http://www.fair-rite.com/newfair/materials.htm start at 1 MHz
(material 31), while the common material 73 have significant losses
only above 10 MHz.