Robert Adsett
In article <8jd7k.97920$G33.19985@trnddc03>, Talal Itani says...
You get more triggering options generally and since you only need a
single bit per sample much greater storage depth for the same memory.
You can get combined scope/logic analyzers like the Agilent MSOs
that additionally make it easy to trigger digital collection from the
analog channels or vice versa. As an added advantage you can generally
get a number of logic channels for the cost of an analog channels.
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
You really want a logic analyser for that rather than an oscilloscope.I have a Tektronix at home, with the 2.k point, and at times it is painful
to use. I see myself trying to scroll and scroll, to see more, and then I
realize that the scope cannot show me more. We are debugging some serial
protocols, so a buffer larger than 2.4 is really needed.
You get more triggering options generally and since you only need a
single bit per sample much greater storage depth for the same memory.
You can get combined scope/logic analyzers like the Agilent MSOs
that additionally make it easy to trigger digital collection from the
analog channels or vice versa. As an added advantage you can generally
get a number of logic channels for the cost of an analog channels.
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **