Rod Speed
John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote
that the calculations show will work and build that instead.
be a non viable approach once we have established the basis for the calculations.
Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that if we calculate that
a big bridge or a big multistory building or a heavy aircraft wont work in a
particular config, we dont bother to build that config to prove the calculations,
we find a different config that we calculate will work and build that instead.
Yep, the only thing that makes any sense is to work out a configRod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote
Rod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
Kris Krieger <me@dowmuff.in> wrote
And anyway, the fun part isn't automatically knowing in advnace
whether the idea will succeed - the fun part is doing all the
planning, sketching, info research, and other creative thinking,
and so on, needed to at least *try* to make it succeed
Pointless if some basic calculations show that it isnt a viable alternative.
Not at all pointless, since in order to prove the calculations
correct reduction to practice must be attempted and result
in failure, quantitatively, as predicted by the calculations.
Pointless bothering with most real world engineering calculations.
that the calculations show will work and build that instead.
The exact opposite actually, as you know full well.Then according to you, everything should be built using trial and error.
Different matter entirely to what was being discussed, what can be calculated toThere might just be a reason why we calculate instead of experiment.
Yeah but, initially, we still have to experiment in order
to determine whether the calculation was right or not.
be a non viable approach once we have established the basis for the calculations.
Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that if we calculate that
a big bridge or a big multistory building or a heavy aircraft wont work in a
particular config, we dont bother to build that config to prove the calculations,
we find a different config that we calculate will work and build that instead.