cell libraries and place and route

On 11ÔÂ18ČŐ, ĎÂÎç10Ęą08ˇÖ, Riad KACED <riad.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi There,

A quick search in the designers-guide web site comes with not less
than 5 threads dealing with the same problem. These are couple of

Thehttp://www.designers-guide.org/Forumis the ideal location for
these KOF design-related questions. That said, it is always good to
try in here.

Best Regards,
thanks a lot
Unfortunately this problem has returned and now even deleting
the .ws_states file does nothing to help the situation.

Generally if I go to direct plot a result then the waveform window
that opens is completely blank (because the window items are so badly
misplaced that they lie out of the viewable area)....

Any suggestions for debugging?

Hello Riad-san,

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, Cadence installation is not so
difficult. I thought it was more tricky...


spectrallypure wrote, on 03/04/09 12:26:
\i envGetVal("wavescan.rectGraph" "visibleStripChartRows")
\w *WARNING* envGetVal: Could not find variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'wavescan.rectGraph'.
\t nil

I am using icfb sub-version What could be going

Thanks again for any further ideas!


Hi Jorge,

Between USR3 and USR4, the cdsenv variable was removed, and replaced by a
"persistent" (sometimes known as "sticky") variable - the setting for this was
stored in the .ws_state file.

In USR4 the ability to set the cdsenv variable was restored. In fact the cdsenv
variable can have the value "persist" (sourcelink solution 11424530) to allow
the "sticky" behaviour if that's what you prefer.

So you're unfortunate - you're using a subversion (a USR3 vintage ISR) where it
was broken...


reubenwilcock@gmail.com wrote, on 03/03/09 15:44:
Unfortunately this problem has returned and now even deleting
the .ws_states file does nothing to help the situation.

Generally if I go to direct plot a result then the waveform window
that opens is completely blank (because the window items are so badly
misplaced that they lie out of the viewable area)....

Any suggestions for debugging?


Apart from using a newer subversion, I don't have much in the way of suggestions.

You're using the IC5141 Base release, which came out nearly 5 years ago, and
there have been a _lot_ of hotfixes and update releases since then! I'm amazed
that anyone is still using the Base release...

Is it possible to get a newer subversion? EuroPractice normally updates to the
latest USR for each year's software release.


Thanks so much for your reply, Andrew (and sorry for the delayed
response!). I tried your solutions and obtained these results:

1. [Variables in chart title]: I decided to use Skill for creating/
setting the chart titles, and your function abShowAllVars() solves the
problem nicely; thank you!

2. [Setting the deafult number of strips in chart] I haven't been able
to solve this problem. I added the suggested entry in my .cdsenv, but
nothing seems to happen, and the charts still show 5 strips by
default. I further tried setting/reading the suggested variable from
the CIW, but it doesn't seem to exist. This is what I get:

\i envSetVal("wavescan.rectGraph" "visibleStripChartRows" 'string
\w *WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'wavescan.rectGraph' - it has not been
\t nil

\i envGetVal("wavescan.rectGraph" "visibleStripChartRows")
\w *WARNING* envGetVal: Could not find variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'wavescan.rectGraph'.
\t nil

I am using icfb sub-version What could be going

Thanks again for any further ideas!


The first ONLY gets the symContactDevice contacts. The second will additionally
return ruleContactDevice and cdsViaDevice contacts.


Many thanks.
I've found a techfile which has both cdsViaDevice & symContactDevice
contact definitions.
Now I can try them out.

Best Regards,
If the cellView is open readonly, geGetEditCellView() still returns
it, because it's the one that the "editor" is working on.
Andrew, I figured what's got me suspicious about geGetEditCellView().

When called interactively (CIW) it often returns unexpected cellview ids. This has probably more to
do with what is assumed to be the current window (I'd assume the last one used, but it seems kind of
random). I wrongly attributed that to my opening some cellviews in read-only mode. Again, thanks for

S. Badel wrote, on 03/05/09 10:26:
If the cellView is open readonly, geGetEditCellView() still returns
it, because it's the one that the "editor" is working on.

Andrew, I figured what's got me suspicious about geGetEditCellView().

When called interactively (CIW) it often returns unexpected cellview
ids. This has probably more to do with what is assumed to be the current
window (I'd assume the last one used, but it seems kind of random). I
wrongly attributed that to my opening some cellviews in read-only mode.
Again, thanks for correcting.


You can see which window is current. In IC5141 it has the banner (just above the
pulldown menus) shown in dark grey rather than light grey (it shows a line "Cmd:
.... Sel: 0 ..." in the schematic window).

A window is made current typically by hitting a bindkey in it (or even just the
shift or control key) or using a pulldown menu.

hiGetCurrentWindow() will return the windowId of the current window. This will
return something like:


where 5 is the number shown in the top right of the window.

In IC613, there's a little square in the bottom left corner of each window which
becomes pink when the window is current. The square has both the session window
and window numbers in (because you have multiple tabs in windows).

So it's not (quite) random ;->

It might seem that way though...

S.K.22.05.2008."Pölyttäjien täyskato uhkaa viedä kesän marjat. Omenapuut ja
herukat kukkivat monin paikoin jo täysillä, mutta puutarhoissa on hiljaista.
Pölyttäjiä ei ole liikkeellä. Sään lämpeneminenkään ei lupaa helpotusta,
sillä luonnonvaraisten pölyttäjien kannat ovat romahtaneet lähes
OLEMATTOMIIN! vaarassa ovat myös metsämarjat, sielä esim. mustikan, puolukan
ja vadelman pölytys on lähes yksinomaan kimalaisten varassa.

Mehiläistenhoidonneuvoja Ari Seppälä on kartoittanut pölyttäjien tilannetta
koko Suomessa. Uutiset ovat olleet yksinomaan HUONOJA! -arvioisin, että
kimalaisia ja ampiaisia on nyt korkeintaan KYMMENESOSA normaalista tasosta.
Tutulla omenanviljelijällä on tarhassaan tuhat kukivaa puuta. Hän ei ole
nähnyt tänä keväänä ensimmäistäkään kimalaista. Kimalaiset ja ampiaiset
katosivat yllättäen Suomesta viime kesämä. Syytä katoon ei tiedetä. Seppälä
ei usko tilanteen korjaantuvan edes seuraavana kesänä!"

Niin TUSKIN tarvitsee jatkaa? Poriin on ylätuuleen matkaa TVO:lle jo yli
50km. Ja kuten todettiin 90% katoaluetta aina kukkakärpäsiä myöten on aivan
hurjaa. (Huvittavinta, että kyseiselle kaverille lähetin vain parisen viikoa
sitten tiedot ydinaavikoitumisfaktasta, ja KAS oivalteli! Ei sanan sanaa
siitä, ettei Suomella olisi mehiläisistä ongelmia. Kiitokset Ari näin netin
kautta, oikeesti! no toisaalta kaverin netit kuulema turpoavat kiukkuisen
kentän kommentteja aiemmasta virhetiedotuksista! Taisi ryhmäkuri olla
mukana. ))) .. Ydinvoimalan päästöt tappaa siis todetusti jo kautta Suomen!
Joten HÄVETKÄÄ muuta täällä aiemmin vedätelleet!

Vaikka täällä yritetään pajunköyttää ties mitä "varmaa"
virus,punkki,bakteri,mitälie tekaisua" toteennäytetyksi niin Seppälä kuittaa
tällaiset luulot jopa yllättäen ilmoittamalla, ettei syistä ole hajuja!
Porissa vain muutamasta talvipesästä on jokusia punkkeja löytynmyt ja
mehiläiskato on edelleen mysteeri. Niin.. .? Tai oikeammin tarkoittaa sitä,
että YKSIKÄÄN julkisuuden tautipelleilyharhautus ei vakuuta ketään! Eli jää
jäljelle jälleen keran VAIN ne joista kuiskitaan ovien takana.
Ydinionisaation aiheuttama suunnistuseksymiselle jälleen tutusti pojot!
Sanoi ydinklingonit mitä lystää! Outoa kapinointia kentältä, jopa musta,
ettei jotain ole tekaistu syyksi klassisista huijauksista, vaikka ydinala on
parisen vuotta puukottanut? Lieneekö vaan niin, ettei valheet
mehiläiskasvattajiin enää uoppoa, kun netissä puhelevat tietävämmät syyksi
ydinavikoitumisia, ja beetasoihtupäästöjä?)
sridhartv25@gmail.com wrote, on 01/29/09 10:19:
What is this language.
My guess from looking at some of the words, and the name of the poster. I stuck
it through the google translator:


Note terribly legible, but something to do with pollination and bees. Not a lot
to do with Cadence software ;-)

New Book Service wrote:
Just thought people might be intrested in this new free book service. Here is a link to a signup page http://www.eyemagic.com or it is offered free at about 4,000 libraries in the US. I really enjoy it!

We have released 2009 version of our

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check it out, it's been 15 years since it was

out initially.

Is a match for AutoCAD 2009 now.
hamidrezah@yahoo.com wrote, on 04/19/09 16:38:
I do not get pin names and symbol name when I generate a symbol view
from a schematic view. I only get a box with red squares (supposedly
pins) around it (but no name associated with box or squares).

Any idea what is wrong?

Have you got some strange template loaded? When you do Create CellView from
CellView, make sure that the "Edit Options" is checked, and then on the Symbol
Generation Options, check the "Load/Save" checkbox. See what Template path it
has, and try loading "analog" or "digital" or some other template from the
cyclic choice next to the "Load" button.

In the CIW, you can type


to see what choices are available, and

envGetVal("schematic" "tsgTemplateType")

to show the default.

Perhaps you can report back here what your settings are, and what happens when
you do the steps I mention above on the create cellView from cellView forms?


Riad KACED wrote, on 05/13/09 00:39:

Yes, there are loads of docs out there. You don't need them all
though. I have working with Cadence for 8 years and I'm still using
only a dozen of docs out of the ~100 available. The following is very
good for beginners:

I would advice to use the cdnshelp/cdsdoc.

I just updated that wiki page to mention cdnshelp. I always use cdnshelp with
IC5141 (cdnshelp is in all current streams - it's not in IC5141 because it's too
old - however, you can use cdnshelp from one stream to open the help from another).

In order to prepare IC5141 for use with cdnshelp, you need to do:

cdnshelp -refresh -hierarchy $ICHOME/doc

(you'll need write access to the installation) and then follow the prompts.

Afterwards, users can then use cdnshelp and do File->Library->Open Library and
point to the $CICHOME/doc/xmlreg/library.lbr file that got created by the above
command. Having added it once, it will appear in the list of libraries.

cdnshelp doesn't involve Java, has a built-in search engine, and doesn't need a
separate web browser. Much easier to use and more reliable.


On Jun 15, 9:28 pm, terminator <raghavanamrith...@gmail.com> wrote:
when i open my library manager i want the cell names to be sorted with
the latest modified cell view first and that modified long back at the
end. How to write a code in skill to accomplish this?

thank you,
Is the above operation not possible?
terminator wrote, on 06/21/09 08:53:
On Jun 15, 9:28 pm, terminator <raghavanamrith...@gmail.com> wrote:
when i open my library manager i want the cell names to be sorted with
the latest modified cell view first and that modified long back at the
end. How to write a code in skill to accomplish this?

thank you,

Is the above operation not possible?
No, it's not possible, at least not without writing your own library manager.


On 7月20日, 下午8時40分, Andrew Beckett <andr...@DcEaLdEeTnEcTe.HcIoSm>
Charley wrote, on 07/20/09 08:41:

Hi All,

I have a  cell with hierarchy e.g. A (cellview) -- B(cellview) -- C
(cellview )
There are 3 paths inside C (cellview) and  I want do re-draw (By
dbCopyFig or dbCreatePath)  the same path on the top level.

which  rotation   ,A is  "R0" 、B is "R0 " & C is "R90"

How do write the code ?

Thank you,


You'd need to build the overall transform by using dbConcatTransform() with each
of the ~>transform attributes of the instances listed in geGetInstHierPath().

In the example below I kept it simple by not worrying about mosaics (arrays).
That makes it a bit more complicated, because you need to factor the position
within the array into the transformation. But I'll leave that as an exercise for
you if you're even using mosaics...

; this code makes absolutely no attempt to deal with mosaics...
xform=list(0:0 "R0" 1)
; reverse the list to get the transform the right way around
foreach(instPath reverse(geGetInstHierPath(hiGetCurrentWindow()))
   xform=dbConcatTransform(xform car(instPath)~>transform)

; now copy selected shapes to the top cellView, with the right transformation
newShapes=foreach(mapcar shape geGetSelSet()
   dbCopyFig(topCv shape xform)


Hi Andrew,

It works . That is what I need .
PS : dbCopyFig(topCv shape xform) ==> dbCopyFig(shape topCv xform)

Thank you,
Charley wrote, on 07/21/09 08:22:
; now copy selected shapes to the top cellView, with the right transformation
newShapes=foreach(mapcar shape geGetSelSet()
dbCopyFig(topCv shape xform)



Hi Andrew,

It works . That is what I need .
PS : dbCopyFig(topCv shape xform) ==> dbCopyFig(shape topCv xform)

Thank you,

Apologies for that last bit. That bit of the example I'd not actually tested,
and so made a typo when putting it together, and got the args back to front.



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