Michael Noone
"Larry Brasfield" <donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com> wrote in news:%
voltage signal with a mosfet with a low voltage input? I thought one of the
big ideas of fets was that you could take a small input voltage and switch
a large input voltage - but that seems to not be right? Thanks,
-M. Noone
-10V to 10V.You need to consider:
1. What range of output voltage (with respect to ground)
can the op-amp output cover given its connections?
I guess that could range from 390-4102. Given the FET source connection, how does answer
to 1 affect the gate-to-source voltage applied to the FET?
30V. I see your point.3. What is the rated gate-to-source voltage of the FET?
OK then well now I'm just confused - how would you switch a very highWhen you have answers to those questions, you will have
the answer to "Why would it get killed?"
voltage signal with a mosfet with a low voltage input? I thought one of the
big ideas of fets was that you could take a small input voltage and switch
a large input voltage - but that seems to not be right? Thanks,
-M. Noone