Bush and our Future

Guy Macon wrote:

Mark Fergerson <nunya@biz.ness> says...

Rolavine wrote:

and with so many corporate scams directed at the public it
makes your head spin. Heck, who decided that a credit card company can send me
12 pages of fine print every 3 months changing the terms of our 'contract'?

If you're stupid enough to sign the original contract in the first place
without reading the clauses that allow them to change rates at whim, too bad.

Do you have any recomendations for cedit cards that don't have such clauses?
Why do you think you _need_ a credit card?

Mark L. Fergerson
Rolavine wrote:


Wow, Mark your smug superiority must be a real comfort in your safe environment
of self adoration.
And your bait-and-switch tactics (failing to adress specific replies to your
complaints) is noted.

OPEC has yet to cut production!
Of course. They want mo' money.

Mentioning the per barrel prices is just silly, a dog would look there first,
Your point? How about our pitiful lack of refining capacity?

Heck, it was Bush claiming to jawbone OPEC that failed, now your blaming Kerry,
Did you miss Kerry's claim he could "tell" OPEC to drop its prices, as
opposed to Bush's (and all other Presidents') constant jawboning (AKA

Government has protected citizens. Some states have usury laws. The FDA works
to make sure drugs and food are safe. Liquor is controlled as is gambling, and
companies that do illegal things are sometime prosecuted by the state. So what
basis have you for saying govt. has never protected the citizens?
It does not. It protects its own interests (propagating itself). How did
those "protections" you mention come about; were they built into the
Constitution? No, they had to be forced into place.

Thinning forests to prevent fires is Bush's idea but it is in dispute amongst
forestry experts, it seems the slash from the cutting is great fuel.
Typical Green bullshit. Go look at any Indian Reservation and notice that
they thin to prevent spreading fires. Why do they do that? Because they don't
want spreading fires, and of course, the Greens have no control over them.

Nuke plants have never been cost effective that is why they died out. The cost
and responsibility of storing the waste for thousands of years is not an easy
choice either.
Bullshit. Nuke plants are definitely cost effective in every possible way,
_including_ hidden costs from toxic emissions (any coal-fired plants near you?),
and I've always said that anything as radioactive as reactor "waste" isn't waste
at all, but potential fuel.

Drilling in Alaska has been shown to add very little.
Cite, please.

I like your free market comment for interest too, I guess the free market is
what allows member banks of the fed get money for less than free at 1%? Some
free market, sign me up! While your at it sign me up to pay the federal tax
rate of Haliburton, it is something like.075% of gross sales. Yes, lots of
freedom there too, Mark.
While you're at it, how about paying Kerry's rates?

Your right on about the political parties offending each other, but offending
people that won't vote for you anyway is good for your supporters. I knew that
when I wrote it but thought that anyone would get it without me stating the

And what is the matter with my comment about us being a whoreocracy? I think it
cuts through a lot of the bullshit given that moronic law. What kind of country
allows open bribery while claiming some great moral link to democracy? Not only
that but for some reason I can't find the word lobby in the constitution,
_All_ governments do. Why do you think ours is any different? Are you an

Please Mark, stop looking at the world as being fools and find yourself a good
The world is indeed made up mostly of fools and their leaders. Anyone who
tries to break out of that mold is usually called an "Anarchist", and we all
remember the unspoken association, don't we; "bomb-throwing anarchist".

So happens I'm an Anarchist, but the only bombs I need to throw are virtual ones.

We both have opinions, I state mine but you bless yours.
Upon what naive beliefs do you base your opinions? I base mine on hard-won

Mark L. FErgerson
I'm top posting cause it's long, Good one Mark, lets go get coffee!


Subject: Re: Bush and our Future
From: Mark Fergerson nunya@biz.ness
Date: 5/16/2004 2:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Message-id: <FqRpc.66809$Fl5.51298@okepread04

Rolavine wrote:


Wow, Mark your smug superiority must be a real comfort in your safe
of self adoration.

And your bait-and-switch tactics (failing to adress specific replies to
complaints) is noted.

OPEC has yet to cut production!

Of course. They want mo' money.

Mentioning the per barrel prices is just silly, a dog would look there

Your point? How about our pitiful lack of refining capacity?

Heck, it was Bush claiming to jawbone OPEC that failed, now your blaming

Did you miss Kerry's claim he could "tell" OPEC to drop its prices, as
opposed to Bush's (and all other Presidents') constant jawboning (AKA

Government has protected citizens. Some states have usury laws. The FDA
to make sure drugs and food are safe. Liquor is controlled as is gambling,
companies that do illegal things are sometime prosecuted by the state. So
basis have you for saying govt. has never protected the citizens?

It does not. It protects its own interests (propagating itself). How did
those "protections" you mention come about; were they built into the
Constitution? No, they had to be forced into place.

Thinning forests to prevent fires is Bush's idea but it is in dispute
forestry experts, it seems the slash from the cutting is great fuel.

Typical Green bullshit. Go look at any Indian Reservation and notice that
they thin to prevent spreading fires. Why do they do that? Because they don't

want spreading fires, and of course, the Greens have no control over them.

Nuke plants have never been cost effective that is why they died out. The
and responsibility of storing the waste for thousands of years is not an
choice either.

Bullshit. Nuke plants are definitely cost effective in every possible way,

_including_ hidden costs from toxic emissions (any coal-fired plants near
and I've always said that anything as radioactive as reactor "waste" isn't
at all, but potential fuel.

Drilling in Alaska has been shown to add very little.

Cite, please.

I like your free market comment for interest too, I guess the free market
what allows member banks of the fed get money for less than free at 1%?
free market, sign me up! While your at it sign me up to pay the federal tax
rate of Haliburton, it is something like.075% of gross sales. Yes, lots of
freedom there too, Mark.

While you're at it, how about paying Kerry's rates?

Your right on about the political parties offending each other, but
people that won't vote for you anyway is good for your supporters. I knew
when I wrote it but thought that anyone would get it without me stating the

And what is the matter with my comment about us being a whoreocracy? I
think it
cuts through a lot of the bullshit given that moronic law. What kind of
allows open bribery while claiming some great moral link to democracy? Not
that but for some reason I can't find the word lobby in the constitution,

_All_ governments do. Why do you think ours is any different? Are you an

Please Mark, stop looking at the world as being fools and find yourself a

The world is indeed made up mostly of fools and their leaders. Anyone who
tries to break out of that mold is usually called an "Anarchist", and we all
remember the unspoken association, don't we; "bomb-throwing anarchist".

So happens I'm an Anarchist, but the only bombs I need to throw are
virtual ones.

We both have opinions, I state mine but you bless yours.

Upon what naive beliefs do you base your opinions? I base mine on hard-won


Mark L. FErgerson
Rolavine wrote:

I'm top posting cause it's long, Good one Mark, lets go get coffee!
That's the sole product I can't buy from a first (or even
second-world) country, with the exception of Hawaiian Kona.
But there's so little available space to grow it that the
price is prohibitive. Sigh.

Mark L. Fergerson
Subject: Re: Bush and our Future
From: Mark Fergerson nunya@biz.ness
Date: 5/21/2004 11:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Message-id: <1bsrc.771$PU5.19@fed1read06

Rolavine wrote:

I'm top posting cause it's long, Good one Mark, lets go get coffee!

That's the sole product I can't buy from a first (or even
second-world) country, with the exception of Hawaiian Kona.
But there's so little available space to grow it that the
price is prohibitive. Sigh.

Mark L. Fergerson

LOL, Mark your quite the character! OK, I'll by the coffee!


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