Well bullshit back at you, you have no facts for this not proof and noSubject: Re: Bush and our Future
From: Mark Fergerson nunya@biz.ness
Date: 4/30/2004 1:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Message-id: <L%nkc.6767$k24.4293@fed1read01
Rolavine wrote:
Sorry, my link did not take.
There is the address for what I quoted.
The gist of the story is that 540,000 high Tech jobs were lost in the US in
2002, and that these jobs now number only 6 million.
This story was from November 19,2003.
The AEA site is
and Google had no trouble finding it Marc?
So this should solve our credibilty gap?
What "credibility gap"?
And this from the Boston Herald just today.
"Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, campaigning in Midwest
hurt by job losses, proposed greater government investment in such
as renewable fuels and hybrid engines to build new industries. "
Bullshit, plain and simple. Those "new industries" would
supposedly put "displaced" workers in new jobs, right?
There's a major hitch; the workers would need retraining.
Labor Unions _do not want_ retraining to work because they'd
lose "loyal members" since the workers would likely join a
different Union. Union members are encouraged to believe
that the job they now have is the "only one worth having"
since it gives them a wholly vaporous status. Now ask
yourself what the members are "loyal" to; their own real
interests (making a living no matter what the economy is
based on), or the Unions' bullshit?
evidence, therfore inherently Bull Shit. Some of you people are just plain
listen to yourself?Hence the major factor keeping us on an "oil economy" is
the UAW, not the White House.
Wow, bullshit that is supposed to become a conclusive argument? Do you ever
I don't understand you at all.Why the hell anyone with three functioning cerebral
neurons would join an organization dedicated to keeping them
in a job that's _guaranteed_ to disappear sooner or later
(as all jobs are) is beyond me.
I still doing electronic engineering, but the idea that I ever do the sameYou also wrote:
Most of my competition is out of business and I'm just paying the bills.
are a dozen huge facilites around the Portland Oregon area that are closed
Did the people who worked there take any initiative in
being able to do any other kind of work?
Are _you_ making any effort to figure out how to make a
living doing something else?
thing is quite wrong. I learn to do new stuff al the time.
don't need a definition, I work in high tech.Bush did nothing to encourage investment in High Technology or other hard
sectors. The tax cuts and 1% prime rate did not save 3 million American
What do you mean by "high technology"? Car manufacturing
used to be that, but it's now mostly done by robots, and a
good thing that is.
I'm not sure, check with the links I listed and see what they call high tech. I
Electronic people, who the hell else reads this newsgroup.Blanket tax cut did not help our kind at all.
Who is "our kind"?
simply stated that over 750 thousand tech jobs were lost and that Bush didI found a job twenty years ago that
_cannot_ be outsourced. Why don't you do something similar
instead of whining that "Daddy President" isn't taking care
of you?
Mark L. Fergerson
I did not whine for me, and you know it. Why would you lie about what I said? I
nothing. Bush did things to concentrate even more wealth in the hands of the
rich, I suppose they had some relationship with the daddy president? But Mark
you know this argument is BS anyway, you just want to blow bubbles over an
important point. When things were good for us teckies the govt let in aliens to
compete for our jobs, it was ok for them to take from us but not to give when
things got though?