Bugging device

David L. Jones
Out of curiostity, what antenna did you use? and what range did you

True, I only get a very short range transmission. Something like 30 - 40
meters .

** I can ***hear*** people talking on their mobiles at a greater range
than that !!!

What a pathetic BS artist.

.............. Phil
"Richard Freeman" <deletethisrichard@atps.net> while reading the
NewsGroups, picked his nose and bring out

"Parmin" <rajabetawi@hotmail.NOSPAM.com> uttered more crap in message
"Richard Freeman" <deletethisrichard@atps.net
in the Battery cover ???? do you mean in the battery pack ? or the
space where the battery goes ?
Richard, Dick, please do your research and read my post carefully before
asking these questions again, coz it make you sound really stupid (your
surname is not Head is it?). Go to your local mobile phone reseller and
ask for dual SIM kit for your mobile.

I bet it performs like crap when/if the
It may be, but at least it perform. But seriously, it works quite good
and the materials obtained using the device is really useable.

phone is in use of course you still have the problem of powering the
illegal device and the joy the owner will experience when he decides
his battery is stuffed ....
You seems to be fascinated with the words "illegal device" and true
sometime illegality does attract and interest some people (like Phil
Allison - read his comments, it get amusing sometime to see someone dig
his own hole).

However, there is a lot of legal surveillance device, bugs if you like,
that are commisioned with court order. So sometimes, if you are good
with what you are doing, you got commisioned with proper legal court
permission to built and install such a device. (Which Phil Allison NEVER
experienced because his prehistoric skill is NOT up to it)

So there is the end of my legal argument.

The cover I used is the ones that have been used for
a dual SIM card system. PLENTY of space of course.

this would be for a bug and a battery ?
Yes Dick, a bug AND a battery.... I feel like I am explaining the working
of a turbocharged diesel engine to a five years old. Yes it fit, yes it
works. Good bugs unlike appended sexual bodyparts are best if they are
small. Obviously you would not construct the bug using valves (like Phil
did) and obviously you will have to find out what 0402 means when you try
to construct one of these thing.

So stop bitching and start doing.

Some people just bitch and bitch....


"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> while reading the NewsGroups,
picked his nose and bring out news:2hl02vFedh6eU1@uni-berlin.de:

True, I only get a very short range transmission. Something like 30
- 40 meters .

** I can ***hear*** people talking on their mobiles at a greater
range than that !!!

Poor Phil, the sound you "hear" is the produce of your demented
schizophrenic brain.
Oh man, you are worse than I thought you are. Starts hearing voices did

What a pathetic BS artist.

What a poor man. I feel sorry for you Phil. This will be the last post
on this topic that I would butt against you, you poor poor old demented
I can see that you revel in bullying and telling people off in your
retarded excuse of a wit, and resorted to profanity when confronted with
superior intelligence.

You are pathetic indeed.

"Shithead" <rajabetawi@hotmail.NOSPAM.com> wrote in message
"Richard Freeman" <deletethisrichard@atps.net> while reading the
NewsGroups, picked his nose and bring out

"Parmin" <rajabetawi@hotmail.NOSPAM.com> uttered more crap in message
"Richard Freeman" <deletethisrichard@atps.net
in the Battery cover ???? do you mean in the battery pack ? or the
space where the battery goes ?

Richard, Dick, please do your research and read my post carefully before
asking these questions again,
Shithead, I read your post very carefully and it really completely failed to
make sense now let me quote what you said :
"Well, I have placed a custom FM transmitter in the battery cover for a
Nokia 8210" now a battery cover is a piece of plastic which (as its name
suggests) covers the battery

coz it make you sound really stupid (your
surname is not Head is it?).
You really have a bit of trouble with this whole reading/writing thing don't
you ?

Go to your local mobile phone reseller and
ask for dual SIM kit for your mobile.
I don't need a SIM card for CDMA

I bet it performs like crap when/if the

It may be, but at least it perform. But seriously, it works quite good
Is that the same as ' It works well' ??

and the materials obtained using the device is really useable.
Nope, sorry Shithead this does not make any sense either.

phone is in use of course you still have the problem of powering the
illegal device and the joy the owner will experience when he decides
his battery is stuffed ....

You seems to be fascinated with the words "illegal device"
Well what else would you call a bug hidden in a Mobile phone ? you may be
allowed to make small Transmitters on the grounds thatit could be used for
some completely different purpose but by the time it is hidden away in a
mobile phone it gets a bit hard to argue that it is not a bug.

and true
sometime illegality does attract and interest some people (like Phil
Allison - read his comments, it get amusing sometime to see someone dig
his own hole).
Actually Shithead I beg to differ It appears more and more obvious from your
posts that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

However, there is a lot of legal surveillance device, bugs if you like,
that are commisioned with court order. So sometimes, if you are good
with what you are doing, you got commisioned with proper legal court
permission to built and install such a device.
You are dreaming here. I doubt anyone would consider seriously employing you
to build any bugs especially given the level of expertise (or more
specifically lack thereof) that you have shown here

(Which Phil Allison NEVER
experienced because his prehistoric skill is NOT up to it)

So there is the end of my legal argument.
I must have blinked, I missed any sane legal argument.

The cover I used is the ones that have been used for
a dual SIM card system. PLENTY of space of course.

this would be for a bug and a battery ?

Yes Dick, a bug AND a battery.... I feel like I am explaining the working
of a turbocharged diesel engine to a five years old. Yes it fit, yes it
Actually Shithead there is a far, far simpler way of using a mobile phone to
conceal an audio bug.

Good bugs unlike appended sexual bodyparts
Have much experience in the field do you ?

are best if they are
small. Obviously you would not construct the bug using valves (like Phil
did) and obviously you will have to find out what 0402 means when you try
to construct one of these thing.
WTF are you on ?? The original Poster appeared to have very little knowledge
of Electronics to start with (or I am sure he would have already ducked down
to his local DSE and purchased their common or garden 'wireless mic' kit)
and now you expected him/her/it to make a bug using SMT ????

So stop bitching and start doing.
I am! I'm bugging you .......;-)

Some people just bitch and bitch....


"Richard Freeman" <deletethisrichard@atps.net> while reading the
NewsGroups, scratched his arse and bring out

I don't need a SIM card for CDMA
Neither do I Dickhead! or are you that pathetic Phil in disguise?

If you dont understand the significance of the dual SIM cover, well so be
it. Because you are a waste of flesh, you are ridiculous and obnoxious, a
living emptiness and a meaningless void.

End of discussion.

"Parmin" <rajabetawi@hotmail.NOSPAM.com> wrote in message
"Richard Freeman" <deletethisrichard@atps.net> while reading the
NewsGroups, scratched his arse and bring out

I don't need a SIM card for CDMA

Neither do I Dickhead! or are you that pathetic Phil in disguise?

If you dont understand the significance of the dual SIM cover, well so be
it. Because you are a waste of flesh, you are ridiculous and obnoxious, a
living emptiness and a meaningless void.

End of discussion.
Glad to see I have Succesfully Bugged you Shithead ;-)
"Parmin" <rajabetawi@hotmail.com> wrote

Phil,---Dung beatles loves you coz you are so full of crap.

***** If Phil didn't crap,you wouldn't have anything to eat.

Brian Goldsmith

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