Frithiof Andreas Jensen
"Pooh Bear" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote in message
decoupling onto those chips before. Seem to remember that there is an
applciation note for the layout of that chip and that is pretty much *it* -
it will *not* work in any other way.
enough to generate it themselves. The driver chip probably plenty fast also.
Maybe you slam the supply rails together.
Once you get the good scope out, you will see that one of the pins of the
3525 *will* have a tiny 6 ns spike on it, which will reset the latch in the
chip. causing more spikes to be generated.
Layout is critical ... and decoupling ... I have had trouble squezing enoughRight now I feel like I'm going slightly mad. Maybe the pcb guy did
something wacky I've totally missed - but he's rarely that useless.
decoupling onto those chips before. Seem to remember that there is an
applciation note for the layout of that chip and that is pretty much *it* -
it will *not* work in any other way.
You are picking up noise, and the 3525 output drivers are perfectly fastDoes unequal duty cycle on OutA and OutB ring any bells with 3525 users
? It's baffling me !
enough to generate it themselves. The driver chip probably plenty fast also.
Maybe you slam the supply rails together.
Once you get the good scope out, you will see that one of the pins of the
3525 *will* have a tiny 6 ns spike on it, which will reset the latch in the
chip. causing more spikes to be generated.