Bit of a Con Really - Follow-up ...

"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message
"dennis@home" <> wrote in message

"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message

But take account of the fact that we're talking domestic television sets
here, not computer monitors. For the most part, TV sets do not display
the same type of content as a computer monitor, and do not include user
accessible colour temperature presets or adjustments, which is why I
made the point earlier that in general, LCD TVs are set correctly 'out
of the box'.

Every lcd TV I have seen has colour temp adjustments.

What, readily user accessible ?
It depends on where you leave the remote.
"Geoffrey S. Mendelson" <> wrote in
William Sommerwerck wrote:

Mr. Mendelson has little understanding of how digital television works.
Rather than refute his points, I will urge him to find a book on the
and read it.

Actually I do. Why don't you refute my points and that way I can refute
instead of this becoming a pissing contest.
First of all, your description ignores the compression systems used, and
treats digital TV more or less as if it is little more than a sequence of
digitized samples. It isn't.

I'm not sure why he makes a point about the lack of sync pulses, as their
lack is implicit in the way compressed video is stored and reconstituted.
Every lcd TV I have seen has colour temp adjustments.

What, readily user accessible ?
It depends on what you define as a color temperature adjustment. Many (if
not most) sets do not have the detailed adjustments that make possible both
correct color temperature and good grayscale tracking. When they do, these
are not usually available to the customer.
Is there really such a thing as a white LED? The ones I have seen have all
been red/green/blue LEDS on the same substrate to produce what appears to
the eye as a white beam, most of which are far too blue for my taste.
Have you never seen the ones that use a blue LED and a yellow-fluorescent

They are blue because blue LEDs have a much shorter life than red and
so the color will change as they age, and they start out blue before the
end up
a red green mix (yellow/orange).

I have never seen a dead LED (though I assume they exist), nor have I heard
of LEDs becoming dimmer with age.

That may be a different story because PAL TV sets never had them. NTSC
sets needed them because the phase of the color carrier wandered and
often shifted to the green, while PAL sets reset the phase each line and
therefore were always "correct".
NTSC does not, and never had, an inherent problem with phase stability.

I have yet to be impressed by an LCD/PLASMA TV. Every single one of them
I have seen is oversaturated and too bright.
Because you're seeing them in "torch" mode. There are plenty of good sets
out there. Find a dealer with a Pioneer plasma set, have him put on a really
good disk, and be prepared to die.
what makes you think that just one specific colour temp is 'correct'?
Real daylight is all over the place colour temp wise, and the end user
experiences those changes without any problem. Also any self
respecting monitor offers a range of colour temps, since it's nothing
but a taste matter.
It isn't if you want an accurate rendition of the program material.

Maybe we're talking at cross purposes here, or I'm
not understanding something properly, but it seems to me that the colour
temperature and CRI of the backlighting on an LCD TV, would be crucially
important to correct reproduction of colours.

It has almost nothing to do with it, because the level of each colour
channel output on the screen depends on both the light source and the
settings of the LCD R,G,B channels. Within reason, any temperature
colour backlight can produce any temperature colour picture.
I was about to jump on that, but it's basically correct. However, you'd want
the backlight to be "reasonably close", so you didn't have to push any
channel to its limits of adjustment.
On Fri, 22 May 2009 09:24:03 +0000 (UTC), Geoffrey S. Mendelson <> wrote:
Arfa Daily wrote:

I don't know what 'set-ups' this TV has, in terms of brightness, contrast,
colour saturation, tint/hue, but in my experience, most LCD TVs - which is,
after all, what this is - are set correctly 'out of the box', but I accept
that this particular one that I saw might not be a good example of the

Based on the assumption that it is a PAL set probably brightness,
contrast, and maybe color saturation. Digital TV sets are not PAL per
se, but they still use the same luminance, color, sync, signals that are
used by PAL (and slightly differently by NTSC).

They are also still 25 or 30 frames per second depending upon whether or
not thay are interlaced as in 1080i or not. An interlaced frame is still
2 fields, at 50 or (almost 60Hz) combined.

The main differences between a digital TV signal and an analog one are that
since each frame is discrete, there really is no need for a syncronization
pulse to define the begining of each frame and more importantly, there is
no color subcarrier.

If you were to look at a digital TV signal decoded as if it were a
stream of pixels, you would see something that looked a lot like an
analog TV signal.
Not in the slightest. Do you even understand the difference between digital
and analog? Put a USB signal from a DMM on a scope and compare that to the
input signal and then get back to us how they are so similar.

Computer displays, BTW are red-green-blue with seperate horizontal and vertical
sync, which is very different.
That's analog. Did you never learn that video displays use a video
dac to generate analog voltages for driving an analog monitor?
William Sommerwerck wrote:
Mr. Mendelson has little understanding of how digital television works.
Rather than refute his points, I will urge him to find a book on the subject
and read it.
Actually I do. Why don't you refute my points and that way I can refute yours
instead of this becoming a pissing contest.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel N3OWJ/4X1GM
Arfa Daily wrote:
Yes Geoff, I'm aware of all that. I work with the technology all the time.
Did you read the original thread from last week ? We were not discussing the
differences between transport and encoding systems, rather the moral - if
not technical - validity of Sammy advertising this new offering of theirs as
a "LED TV", which it isn't. It's an LCD TV with an alternate form of
backlighting (LEDs rather than CCFL).
I have no idea of UK law, but in the US and here in Israel, if they use
LED's in the display, then they can call it an "LED TV". I expect the same
in the UK, I was watching a show from the first season of "The F Word" (things
take a long time to get here) and they were discussing exactly what could be
called a sasuage in the UK. Based on what I saw, I expect you would have
trouble fighting them calling a TV with a power on LED an LED TV. :-(

One of the main selling points that they claim, is that because they can
control the intensity of the backlighting in individual areas, they can
deepen the blacks, effectively improving the contrast ratio.
In theory, yes they can. Since LCD's have very limited control over brightness
then a variable brightness LED behind an LCD will allow them to modulate the
light level of that particular pixel.

I don't know the resolution of the LCD array used in a TV set, but at the
actual crystal level, it's clear (on edge) or colored/transparent (face out).
I guess if you modulated the polarizing signal you could get levels of color
out of them, but I thought that the crystals were not fast enough for that.

On the example
that I saw last night, I observed no such improvement that was obvious,
compared to the sets around it. The reason that I questioned what controls
for picture setup are available on this particular set, was that given that
the backlighting is formed by RGB LED arrays, not white LEDs, then the
overall colour temperature would in theory be adjustable - sort of a grey
scale adjustment for LCDs, if you like.
Is there really such a thing as a white LED? The ones I have seen have all
been red/green/blue LEDS on the same substrate to produce what appears to
the eye as a white beam, most of which are far too blue for my taste.

They are blue because blue LEDs have a much shorter life than red and green
so the color will change as they age, and they start out blue before the end up
a red green mix (yellow/orange).

If this was the case, it might be
accessible to the customer via the standard controls menu, as something like
"tint" or "hue", and the reason that this particular set (they only had the
one on display) did not seem to produce good flesh tones compared to the
sets around it, might be because some sales erk had been playing with the
controls to see if he could 'improve' it ...
That may be a different story because PAL TV sets never had them. NTSC
sets needed them because the phase of the color carrier wandered and
often shifted to the green, while PAL sets reset the phase each line and
therefore were always "correct".

Since the chroma signal of an MPEG encoded TV signal does not pass through
a phase encoder unless you connect a composite or RF monitor, it seems
unlikely any sets would have them. More likely, ones sold to people who
are used to PAL over the air signals don't and people used to NTSC ones

Someone - maybe William - commented last week in the original thread, that
they had seen one in Fry's in the U.S., and that they weren't especially
impressed, either.
I have yet to be impressed by an LCD/PLASMA TV. Every single one of them
I have seen is oversaturated and too bright.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel N3OWJ/4X1GM
William Sommerwerck wrote:> wrote in message
William Sommerwerck wrote:

I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight...

That's a reasonable definition for a video display, but it's not
for source lighting. It's difficult to make a "full spectrum"
lamp, especially one that produces good color rendition for photograpy.

but I guess even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud
cover and haze and so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some
definition of 'average spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any
display technology would aim to reproduce any colour in as closely
exact a way as it would appear if viewed directly under daylight.

The standard is D6500, a 6500K continuous spectrum from a black-body
What you suggest is, indeed, the intent.

TBH I think this is overplaying the significant of daylight. Almost
any monitor is adjustable to suit preferences of anything from 5000K
to 10,000K, and some go lower. None manke any attempt to copy the
colour spectrum of daylight, they merely include the same colour temp
as daylight as one of the options. None of the major display types
have any ability to copy a daylight spectrum, as they're only RGB

I think you've missed the difference between recreating the original color
(or the illusion of same), and producing a photographically useful
illuminant. These are different.
You havent defined what you mean by a 'photographically useful

The Natural Philosopher wrote:
Color transparencies which are used in pro film applications say your
are a liar.

Not really. Transparencies subtract some colours from the transmitted
light; prints subtract some from the reflected light. Displays make
their own...

Arfa Daily wrote:> wrote in message
William Sommerwerck wrote:
I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight...

That's a reasonable definition for a video display, but it's not
for source lighting. It's difficult to make a "full spectrum" fluorescent
lamp, especially one that produces good color rendition for photograpy.

but I guess even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud
cover and haze and so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some
definition of 'average spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any
display technology would aim to reproduce any colour in as closely
exact a way as it would appear if viewed directly under daylight.

The standard is D6500, a 6500K continuous spectrum from a black-body
What you suggest is, indeed, the intent.

TBH I think this is overplaying the significant of daylight. Almost
any monitor is adjustable to suit preferences of anything from 5000K
to 10,000K, and some go lower. None manke any attempt to copy the
colour spectrum of daylight, they merely include the same colour temp
as daylight as one of the options. None of the major display types
have any ability to copy a daylight spectrum, as they're only RGB


But take account of the fact that we're talking domestic television sets
here, not computer monitors. For the most part, TV sets do not display the
same type of content as a computer monitor, and do not include user
accessible colour temperature presets or adjustments,
fwiw my main set does, and I'm sure its not unique. Generally though a
TV is a much lower quality animal than a monitor, and displays much
lower quality data.

which is why I made
the point earlier that in general, LCD TVs are set correctly 'out of the
because they can be. CRTs are more variable, and the circuits used to
drive them a lot less precise, partly because CRT sets are generally
older, and the sort of standards expected in monitors have only begun
crossing over to tvs in recent years.

As far as overplaying the significance of daylight goes, I'm not sure that I
follow what you mean by that. If I look at my garden, and anything or
anybody in it, the illumination source will be daylight, and the colours
perceived will be directly influenced by that. If I then reproduce that
image on any kind of artificial display, and use a different reference for
the white, then no other colour will be correct either,
what makes you think that just one specific colour temp is 'correct'?
Real daylight is all over the place colour temp wise, and the end user
experiences those changes without any problem. Also any self
respecting monitor offers a range of colour temps, since its nothing
but a taste matter

which was ever the
case when CRTs were set up to give whites which were either too warm or too
cold, even by a fraction.
but thats down to historic reasons, customers never expected precise
colour temp, and screens were routinely set up by eye. The circuits
involved couldnt set themselves up the way a modern LCD set can, there
was normally no feedback on colour channels, just open loop CRT gun
drive on top of a massive dc offset, so the systems were inherently
variable. Plus the fact that CRT gamma was often way off from the real
world made it hard, or should I say impossible, to set such sets to
give a faithful reproduction in other respects anyway.

Maybe we're talking at cross purposes here, or I'm
not understanding something properly, but it seems to me that the colour
temperature and CRI of the backlighting on an LCD TV, would be crucially
important to correct reproduction of colours.
It has almost nothing to do with it, because the level of each colour
channel output on the screen depends on both the light source and the
settings of the LCD R,G,B channels. Within reason, any temperature
colour backlight can produce any temperature colour picture.

All I know is, is that the flesh tones were poor on the example that I saw,
compared to other LCD TVs which were showing the same picture. The
fundamental difference between those sets and the Sammy, was the CCFL vs LED
backlighting, so it seems reasonable to draw from that, the inference that
the backlighting scheme may well be the cause, no ?

Its just a guess. In fact any desired flesh tone can be reproduced
using almost any colour temp backlight, certainly anything from 3,000K
to 10,000K. Think about the process, you've got 3 colour channels,
each of which has a given level of light from the backlight, which is
then attenuated to any desired degree by the LCD pixel.

AZ Nomad wrote:

If you were to look at a digital TV signal decoded as if it were a
stream of pixels, you would see something that looked a lot like an
analog TV signal.

Not in the slightest. Do you even understand the difference between digital
and analog? Put a USB signal from a DMM on a scope and compare that to the
input signal and then get back to us how they are so similar.
What has that have to do with what I said?

If you look at the DECODED signal, which would be a stream of numbers,
one defining a luminance level and the other defining a color, and
displayed them using an appropriate method, it would look a lot like an
analog signal displayed the same way.

You are confusing ENCODED data with DECODED data.

Let's take your example, A DMM with a USB output sends out a data stream
of samples. These samples are encoded as numbers, let's say 32 bit signed
integers, stuffed into packets and the packets have USB handshaking and
other data transmission information wrapped around them. Looking at the
USB output of the DMM (which would be ENCODED data) you would see very little
that resemebled the input.

Now if you stripped off all the USB handshaking and control information, and
recombined the packets into a data stream, what would you see? If you used
that for a histogram or "osciloscope display" ala Winamp, the DECODED data
would look a lot like the original signal. (depending upon sampling rate,

Now, back to the TV signal. Since it an MPEG (any level) encoded stream
contains individual pixels as samples of luminance (brightness) and chroma
(color), if you were to display it as a histogram, let's say vertical lines
being brightness and each line colored according to the chroma (color),
then if you did the same thing to an analog signal, they would look
awfully close.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel N3OWJ/4X1GM
On Sat, 23 May 2009 23:09:04 +0000 (UTC), Geoffrey S. Mendelson <> wrote:
AZ Nomad wrote:

If you were to look at a digital TV signal decoded as if it were a
stream of pixels, you would see something that looked a lot like an
analog TV signal.

Not in the slightest. Do you even understand the difference between digital
and analog? Put a USB signal from a DMM on a scope and compare that to the
input signal and then get back to us how they are so similar.

What has that have to do with what I said?
The comment that I quoted with the ridiculously idiotic statement that
digital streams look like analog.

If you look at the DECODED signal, which would be a stream of numbers,
Moving the goalposts? Pathetic.
William Sommerwerck wrote:
what makes you think that just one specific colour temp is 'correct'?
Real daylight is all over the place colour temp wise, and the end user
experiences those changes without any problem. Also any self
respecting monitor offers a range of colour temps, since it's nothing
but a taste matter.

It isn't if you want an accurate rendition of the program material.
thats only true if you mean you want to watch it at the same colour
temp. Most people neither know nor care, and real world TVs are set to
an assortment of differing colour temps.

Maybe we're talking at cross purposes here, or I'm
not understanding something properly, but it seems to me that the colour
temperature and CRI of the backlighting on an LCD TV, would be crucially
important to correct reproduction of colours.

It has almost nothing to do with it, because the level of each colour
channel output on the screen depends on both the light source and the
settings of the LCD R,G,B channels. Within reason, any temperature
colour backlight can produce any temperature colour picture.

I was about to jump on that, but it's basically correct. However, you'd want
the backlight to be "reasonably close", so you didn't have to push any
channel to its limits of adjustment.
.... not really. The backlight on this monitor is far removed from the
colour temp its operating at, and all is well. When its far removed it
does affect contrast ratio a bit.

If you look at the DECODED signal, which would be a stream
of numbers, one defining a luminance level and the other defining
a color, and displayed them using an appropriate method, it would
look a lot like an analog signal displayed the same way.
That isn't the way an MPEG is encoded. It's rather more complex.

Furthermore, as most (though not all) color-encoding systems use some
combination of luminance and color-difference signals, it follows that, on a
basic level, DVDs, BDs, NTSC, and PAL -- not to mention JPG -- are very much
alike. Claiming there's an interesting similarity doesn't tell us something
we don't already know.
I was about to jump on that, but it's basically correct. However,
you'd want the backlight to be "reasonably close", so you didn't
have to push any channel to its limits of adjustment.

... not really. The backlight on this monitor is far removed from the
colour temp its operating at, and all is well. When its far removed it
does affect contrast ratio a bit.
I have to disagree. Suppose the backlight doesn't produce sufficient blue
for the desired color temperature. You can compensate by displaying the blue
pixels at a higher luminance level. But you can't go higher than 100% -- the
lightest (highest) level the LCD can transmit. That level might not be
enough to match the green and red levels.

A roughly similar situation occurs with color-negative film. If you expose
daylight-balanced film at 2800K, the blue layer might be unacceptably
underexposed, and no amount of additional blue-layer exposure during
printing will restore the lost shadow detail. Ditto for exposing 3200K film
under daylight, except the error is on the side of overexposure.

Simply stated, neither an LCD nor photographic film can display or record an
infinite brightness range.
Andy Champ wrote:
The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Color transparencies which are used in pro film applications say your
are a liar.

Not really. Transparencies subtract some colours from the transmitted
light; prints subtract some from the reflected light. Displays make
their own...
Ah, so that is why they are backlit then?

So they can 'make their own?
What a prat. An LCD display IS a color transparency.

> Andy
"The Natural Philosopher" <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Andy Champ wrote:
The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Color transparencies which are used in pro film applications say your
are a liar.

Not really. Transparencies subtract some colours from the transmitted
light; prints subtract some from the reflected light. Displays make
their own...

Ah, so that is why they are backlit then?

So they can 'make their own?
What a prat. An LCD display IS a color transparency.

In the case of an LCD display, that is correct. However, I expect his
intended meaning was CRTs, Plasmas, OLEDs, proper LEDs, and SEDs, all of
which *do* "make their own" ...

"Geoffrey S. Mendelson" <> wrote in message
Arfa Daily wrote:
Yes Geoff, I'm aware of all that. I work with the technology all the
Did you read the original thread from last week ? We were not discussing
differences between transport and encoding systems, rather the moral - if
not technical - validity of Sammy advertising this new offering of theirs
a "LED TV", which it isn't. It's an LCD TV with an alternate form of
backlighting (LEDs rather than CCFL).

I have no idea of UK law, but in the US and here in Israel, if they use
LED's in the display, then they can call it an "LED TV". I expect the same
in the UK, I was watching a show from the first season of "The F Word"
take a long time to get here) and they were discussing exactly what could
called a sasuage in the UK. Based on what I saw, I expect you would have
trouble fighting them calling a TV with a power on LED an LED TV. :-(

Considering the litiginous nature of U.S. society, and some of the consumer
product cases that William cited in a thread from a few months ago (Canderel
sugar substitute was it ? Something like that anyway) I'm surprised at that.
Also, Ramsay and his sausages is probably more of the exception than the
rule nowadays in the UK. Since handing over the running of our nation in
every way possible to faceless wonders in Brussels, we are so bogged down in
legislation about what we can and can't say about products that we can and
can't sell in ways that they dictate, I'm sure that someone will jump on
this sooner or later to say that unless it's at least 72.65% LEDs, you can't
call it a "LED TV" d;~}

One of the main selling points that they claim, is that because they can
control the intensity of the backlighting in individual areas, they can
deepen the blacks, effectively improving the contrast ratio.

In theory, yes they can. Since LCD's have very limited control over
then a variable brightness LED behind an LCD will allow them to modulate
light level of that particular pixel.

I think that I would have to contest your point of "very limited control".
All of the (recent) half-way decent LCD screens that I have seen to date,
have a perfectly adequate contrast ratio. Certainly, the one in my kitchen
produces deep enough blacks and bright enough whites to be absolutely fine
under the pretty intense flourescent light that I have in there. This is one
of the reasons that I question the requirement to extinguish areas of the
backlighting in order to 'improve' the rendition of blacks.

I don't know the resolution of the LCD array used in a TV set, but at the
actual crystal level, it's clear (on edge) or colored/transparent (face
I guess if you modulated the polarizing signal you could get levels of
out of them, but I thought that the crystals were not fast enough for
With HD now, the resolution of the panels is high, and the speed of them is
enough to cope with 100Hz refresh rates

On the example
that I saw last night, I observed no such improvement that was obvious,
compared to the sets around it. The reason that I questioned what
for picture setup are available on this particular set, was that given
the backlighting is formed by RGB LED arrays, not white LEDs, then the
overall colour temperature would in theory be adjustable - sort of a grey
scale adjustment for LCDs, if you like.

Is there really such a thing as a white LED? The ones I have seen have all
been red/green/blue LEDS on the same substrate to produce what appears to
the eye as a white beam, most of which are far too blue for my taste.

They are blue because blue LEDs have a much shorter life than red and
so the color will change as they age, and they start out blue before the
end up
a red green mix (yellow/orange).

White LEDs do exist in a form that is not RGB based, and in fact is the
commonest form of them. They are blue LEDs with a yellow phosphor overlaid.
There is a wide variety of 'colours' of white available, including ones that
are distinctly bluish, and ones that are yellowish.

Someone - maybe William - commented last week in the original thread,
they had seen one in Fry's in the U.S., and that they weren't especially
impressed, either.

I have yet to be impressed by an LCD/PLASMA TV. Every single one of them
I have seen is oversaturated and too bright.

Well actually, the one in my kitchen isn't, neither is the one in my
daughter's lounge. The new Pan that I saw Friday in my friend's shop, was
excellent in that respect, giving an extremely nicely 'balanced' picture.
There are aspects of flat panel displays which cause me to like them less
than CRTs, but 'general' picture quality in terms of brightness, contrast
etc, is not one of them. I think that in general, they've got that one
nailed down now.

"William Sommerwerck" <> wrote in message
Is there really such a thing as a white LED? The ones I have seen have
been red/green/blue LEDS on the same substrate to produce what appears to
the eye as a white beam, most of which are far too blue for my taste.

Have you never seen the ones that use a blue LED and a yellow-fluorescent

They are blue because blue LEDs have a much shorter life than red and
so the color will change as they age, and they start out blue before the
end up
a red green mix (yellow/orange).


I have never seen a dead LED (though I assume they exist), nor have I
of LEDs becoming dimmer with age.

You're not quite correct there. They do dim with age, and that is actually
the way that they are specified for lifetime expectancy. I seem to remember
that it is something like 'hours to the 50% point'. The figure drops
drastically if they are DC driven rather than pulse driven, and if they are
'abused' with excess current. I have also seen dead LEDs in indicators,
bargraph displays, and where they are used as some kind of voltage reference
in amplifier output stages.


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