Bit of a Con Really - Follow-up ...

Schrodinger's cat wrote:
"The Natural Philosopher" <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
news:gv6ovn$f8n$ wrote:
The Natural Philosopher wrote:

You would think so really, but going back to film photography, there are
reasons why portraits were always shot on e.g. Konica, landscapes on
Agfa or Fuji, , and no one used Kodak at all professionally - Except for


Film is a whole nother business. You've got a lot less control over
its 'colour settings' than you have with a display screen, and ditto
re optical linearity. The issues with an LCD screen are quite

well in the sense that they all use combinations of RGB (or CYMK) to
produce a 'full colour spectrum'and none succeed perfectly for all
applications, they are considerably identical, actually.

No, they aren't.

Very basically, you have to understand that:

A printed image is sending reflected light to your eye. It can only reflect
some portion of the spectrum of light it has absorbed.

A screen is is sending transmitted light to your eye, which has no
reflective element to speak of.

Put even more simply, a printed image varies dramatically under different
lighting conditions, unlike a screen.

They could hardly be less identical and the analogy with different brands of
film is not applicable at all.

issues very different.
In article <gv74oo$utc$>,
The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:
A printed image is sending reflected light to your eye. It can only
reflect some portion of the spectrum of light it has absorbed.

Color transparencies which are used in pro film applications say your
are a liar.
The term printing was highjacked by photography and film - doesn't mean
the same as the original use. Which was transferring dyes from an
impression to paper, etc.

*Most people have more than the average number of legs*

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
The LCD only filters light from the backlight. If you don't have a full
spectrum white in the first place the you can't expect decent colour.
White LEDs aren't quite there yet are they?

Absolutely true, except that this particular TV doesn't use white LEDs in
its 'revolutionary' backlighting scheme. It uses small RGB arrays, which is
why I was questioning whether there was any control over the individual
elements in each array, such that the colour temperature of the nominally
white light that they produce, could be varied. Which would then, of course,
have a corresponding effect on the displayed colour balance. It just seemed
to me that given they have gone to the trouble of using RGB arrays, rather
than white LEDs, the reason for that might have been to get a full(er)
spectrum white.

"John" <> wrote in message
P'raps it needs degausing - or the convergence tweaking!

Ahh - my old Dynatron with 27 pots on a hinged panel to play with.

thats one thing I DON'T miss. I thanked god for inline guns.


One day we will be like the aliens in the classic Cadburys Smash adverts -
"So you fired electrons at phosphor dots and steered them with coils of
copper wire!!!"

But at least I could understand how it worked (a bit)
If they ever resolve the legal battles over SED technology, we'll be firing
electrons at phosphors again (although not steering them with copper) and at
last, we will be able to return to pictures as good as CRTs produced ...

The Natural Philosopher wrote: wrote:
Schrodinger's cat wrote:
"The Natural Philosopher" <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
news:gv6ovn$f8n$ wrote:
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
You would think so really, but going back to film photography, there are
reasons why portraits were always shot on e.g. Konica, landscapes on
Agfa or Fuji, , and no one used Kodak at all professionally - Except for

Film is a whole nother business. You've got a lot less control over
its 'colour settings' than you have with a display screen, and ditto
re optical linearity. The issues with an LCD screen are quite

well in the sense that they all use combinations of RGB (or CYMK) to
produce a 'full colour spectrum'and none succeed perfectly for all
applications, they are considerably identical, actually.

No, they aren't.

Very basically, you have to understand that:

A printed image is sending reflected light to your eye. It can only reflect
some portion of the spectrum of light it has absorbed.

A screen is is sending transmitted light to your eye, which has no
reflective element to speak of.

Put even more simply, a printed image varies dramatically under different
lighting conditions, unlike a screen.

They could hardly be less identical and the analogy with different brands of
film is not applicable at all.


issues very different.
Proof by assertion.
I find it hard to believe that anyone could think the same controls
were available to them with a paper/transparency process as with a
computer monitor. I cant think of any possible motivation to prove
whats quite obvious to anyone's that done photographic printing.

Arfa Daily wrote:
The LCD only filters light from the backlight. If you don't have a full
spectrum white in the first place the you can't expect decent colour.
White LEDs aren't quite there yet are they?


Absolutely true, except that this particular TV doesn't use white LEDs in
its 'revolutionary' backlighting scheme. It uses small RGB arrays, which is
why I was questioning whether there was any control over the individual
elements in each array, such that the colour temperature of the nominally
white light that they produce, could be varied. Which would then, of course,
have a corresponding effect on the displayed colour balance. It just seemed
to me that given they have gone to the trouble of using RGB arrays, rather
than white LEDs, the reason for that might have been to get a full(er)
spectrum white.

colour temp can be controlled using the LEDs or the LCD, I'm not sure
it makes any big difference which one.

RGB LEDs would give the same white as a triphosphor&uv white LED, but
with more colour control. The standard 2 colour white LED would be
useless on a 3 channel display. And fwiw bichromic white LEDs have
huge colour balance variation, way outside of whats acceptable for a

The LCD only filters light from the backlight. If you don't have a full
spectrum white in the first place the you can't expect decent colour.
White LEDs aren't quite there yet are they?

Absolutely true, except that this particular TV doesn't use white LEDs in
its 'revolutionary' backlighting scheme. It uses small RGB arrays, which
why I was questioning whether there was any control over the individual
elements in each array, such that the colour temperature of the nominally
white light that they produce, could be varied. Which would then, of
have a corresponding effect on the displayed colour balance. It just
to me that given they have gone to the trouble of using RGB arrays, rather
than white LEDs, the reason for that might have been to get a full(er)
spectrum white.
In a very broad sense, the last thing you want is a "full-spectrum" light.
The standard primaries are diluted with too much white as it is.
The Holy Quran

Please forgive us for any disturbance, but we have an important
subject to address to you regarding FAITH, and we Don’t intend to
overload your email with unnecessary messages…

Quran Means "Recitation"

The word "Quran" means "that which is recited; or that which is
dictated in memory form." As such, it is not a book, nor is it
something that reaches us only in written form.

The documentation in writting about the Quran has been preserved in
museums thoughout the world, including the Topekopi Palace in
Istanbul, Turkey, the museum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and also in
England. Keep in mind also, the Quran is only considered "Quran" while
it is in the recitation form, not in the written or the book form. The
word for what is written and held in the hand to be read by the eye is
called "mus-haf" (meaning script or that which is written down).

Only One Version - Arabic

There are no different versions of the Quran in the Arabic language,
only different translations and of course, none of these would be
considered to hold the value and authenticity of the original Arabic
Recitation. The Quran is divided up into 30 equal parts, called
"Juz’" (parts) in the Arabic language. These are learned by Muslims
from their very early beginnings as children.

áóćú ĂóäúŇóáúäóÇ ĺóĐóÇ ÇáúŢőŃúÂóäó Úóáóě ĚóČóáň áóŃóĂóíúĘóĺő ÎóÇÔöÚđÇ
ăőĘóŐóĎřöÚđÇ ăöäú ÎóÔúíóÉö Çáářóĺö ćóĘöáúßó ÇáúĂóăúËóÇáő äóÖúŃöČőĺóÇ
áöáäřóÇÓö áóÚóářóĺőăú íóĘóÝóßřóŃőćäó (21) ĺőćó Çáářóĺő ÇářóĐöí áóÇ
Ĺöáóĺó ĹöářóÇ ĺőćó ÚóÇáöăő ÇáúŰóíúČö ćóÇáÔřóĺóÇĎóÉö ĺőćó ÇáŃřóÍúăóäő
ÇáŃřóÍöíăő (22) ĺőćó Çáářóĺő ÇářóĐöí áóÇ Ĺöáóĺó ĹöářóÇ ĺőćó Çáúăóáößő
ÇáúŢőĎřőćÓő ÇáÓřóáóÇăő ÇáúăőÄúăöäő Çáúăőĺóíúăöäő ÇáúÚóŇöíŇő
ÇáúĚóČřóÇŃő ÇáúăőĘóßóČřöŃő ÓőČúÍóÇäó Çáářóĺö ÚóăřóÇ íőÔúŃößőćäó (23)
ĺőćó Çáářóĺő ÇáúÎóÇáöŢő ÇáúČóÇŃöĆő ÇáúăőŐóćřöŃő áóĺő ÇáúĂóÓúăóÇÁő
ÇáúÍőÓúäóě íőÓóČřöÍő áóĺő ăóÇ Ýöí ÇáÓřóăóÇćóÇĘö ćóÇáúĂóŃúÖö ćóĺőćó
ÇáúÚóŇöíŇő ÇáúÍóßöíăő (24)

21. If WE had sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, thou wouldst,
certainly, have seen it humbled and rent asunder for fear of ALLAH .
And these are similitudes that WE set forth for mankind that they may
22. HE is ALLAH and there is no god beside HIM, the Knower of the
unseen and the seen. HE is the Gracious, the Merciful.
23. HE is ALLAH and there is no god beside HIM, the Sovereign, the
Holy One, the Source of peace, the Bestower of security, the
Protector, the Mighty, the Subduer, the Exalted. Holy is ALLAH, far
above that which they associate with HIM.
24. HE is ALLAH, the creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. HIS are the
most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth
glorifies HIM, and HE is the Mighty, the Wise.

(Alhashr 21-24)


For more information about Islam

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This entry was posted on Friday, February 20th, 2009 at 1:54 pm and is
filed under ÇáŢŃÁÇä ÇáßŃíă. You can follow any responses to this entry
through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from
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The Holy Quran

Please forgive us for any disturbance, but we have an important
subject to address to you regarding FAITH, and we Don’t intend to
overload your email with unnecessary messages…

Quran Means "Recitation"

The word "Quran" means "that which is recited; or that which is
dictated in memory form." As such, it is not a book, nor is it
something that reaches us only in written form.

The documentation in writting about the Quran has been preserved in
museums thoughout the world, including the Topekopi Palace in
Istanbul, Turkey, the museum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and also in
England. Keep in mind also, the Quran is only considered "Quran" while
it is in the recitation form, not in the written or the book form. The
word for what is written and held in the hand to be read by the eye is
called "mus-haf" (meaning script or that which is written down).

Only One Version - Arabic

There are no different versions of the Quran in the Arabic language,
only different translations and of course, none of these would be
considered to hold the value and authenticity of the original Arabic
Recitation. The Quran is divided up into 30 equal parts, called
"Juz’" (parts) in the Arabic language. These are learned by Muslims
from their very early beginnings as children.

áóćú ĂóäúŇóáúäóÇ ĺóĐóÇ ÇáúŢőŃúÂóäó Úóáóě ĚóČóáň áóŃóĂóíúĘóĺő ÎóÇÔöÚđÇ
ăőĘóŐóĎřöÚđÇ ăöäú ÎóÔúíóÉö Çáářóĺö ćóĘöáúßó ÇáúĂóăúËóÇáő äóÖúŃöČőĺóÇ
áöáäřóÇÓö áóÚóářóĺőăú íóĘóÝóßřóŃőćäó (21) ĺőćó Çáářóĺő ÇářóĐöí áóÇ
Ĺöáóĺó ĹöářóÇ ĺőćó ÚóÇáöăő ÇáúŰóíúČö ćóÇáÔřóĺóÇĎóÉö ĺőćó ÇáŃřóÍúăóäő
ÇáŃřóÍöíăő (22) ĺőćó Çáářóĺő ÇářóĐöí áóÇ Ĺöáóĺó ĹöářóÇ ĺőćó Çáúăóáößő
ÇáúŢőĎřőćÓő ÇáÓřóáóÇăő ÇáúăőÄúăöäő Çáúăőĺóíúăöäő ÇáúÚóŇöíŇő
ÇáúĚóČřóÇŃő ÇáúăőĘóßóČřöŃő ÓőČúÍóÇäó Çáářóĺö ÚóăřóÇ íőÔúŃößőćäó (23)
ĺőćó Çáářóĺő ÇáúÎóÇáöŢő ÇáúČóÇŃöĆő ÇáúăőŐóćřöŃő áóĺő ÇáúĂóÓúăóÇÁő
ÇáúÍőÓúäóě íőÓóČřöÍő áóĺő ăóÇ Ýöí ÇáÓřóăóÇćóÇĘö ćóÇáúĂóŃúÖö ćóĺőćó
ÇáúÚóŇöíŇő ÇáúÍóßöíăő (24)

21. If WE had sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, thou wouldst,
certainly, have seen it humbled and rent asunder for fear of ALLAH .
And these are similitudes that WE set forth for mankind that they may
22. HE is ALLAH and there is no god beside HIM, the Knower of the
unseen and the seen. HE is the Gracious, the Merciful.
23. HE is ALLAH and there is no god beside HIM, the Sovereign, the
Holy One, the Source of peace, the Bestower of security, the
Protector, the Mighty, the Subduer, the Exalted. Holy is ALLAH, far
above that which they associate with HIM.
24. HE is ALLAH, the creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. HIS are the
most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth
glorifies HIM, and HE is the Mighty, the Wise.

(Alhashr 21-24)


For more information about Islam

Contact Us At

This entry was posted on Friday, February 20th, 2009 at 1:54 pm and is
filed under ÇáŢŃÁÇä ÇáßŃíă. You can follow any responses to this entry
through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from
your own site.
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abo mahab wrote:
The Holy Quran

Please forgive us for any disturbance, but we have an important
subject to address to you regarding FAITH, and we Don't intend to
overload your email with unnecessary messages...

Quran Means "Recitation"
And 'fuck off' means go away.
We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
drugs began to take hold. I remember abo mahab <>
saying something like:

Please forgive us for any disturbance, but we have an important
subject to address to you regarding FAITH, and we Don?t intend to
overload your email with unnecessary messages?
You intrusive bastard.
Fuck off.
Honestly, do you really think, in what passes for that easily-led brain
of yours, that continual spamming is going to win converts?
<> wrote in message
Arfa Daily wrote:

The LCD only filters light from the backlight. If you don't have a full
spectrum white in the first place the you can't expect decent colour.
White LEDs aren't quite there yet are they?


Absolutely true, except that this particular TV doesn't use white LEDs in
its 'revolutionary' backlighting scheme. It uses small RGB arrays, which
why I was questioning whether there was any control over the individual
elements in each array, such that the colour temperature of the nominally
white light that they produce, could be varied. Which would then, of
have a corresponding effect on the displayed colour balance. It just
to me that given they have gone to the trouble of using RGB arrays,
than white LEDs, the reason for that might have been to get a full(er)
spectrum white.


colour temp can be controlled using the LEDs or the LCD, I'm not sure
it makes any big difference which one.

RGB LEDs would give the same white as a triphosphor&uv white LED, but
with more colour control. The standard 2 colour white LED would be
useless on a 3 channel display. And fwiw bichromic white LEDs have
huge colour balance variation, way outside of whats acceptable for a

Which is why, given that they've put these LEDs under at least some kind of
control in order to implement their (claimed) enhanced black reproduction
scheme, that I was questioning whether the scheme maybe allowed for a degree
of user intervention under the guise of "tint" or whatever, and which might
have accounted for why on this particular TV - the only example that I've
seen on and working so far - the flesh tones were so poor compared to Pan
and Sony offerings in the same display stack, showing the same picture. I'm
trying to get a handle on why a company with the products and reputation of
Sammy, are a) using advertising terminology that appears to be questionable
in the context that it appears, and b) producing a set, claiming it to be
the dog's bollocks of display technology, which does not appear - to my eye
at least - to be as good as their traditionally CCFL backlit offerings, or
those of other manufacturers.

I saw the latest all singing and dancing LCD HD Pan, just released, in my
friend's shop yesterday. Uses conventional CCFL backlighting. Not as thin as
the Sammy, but getting there. Apart from the usual slight gripes that you
could direct at any LCD panel when examined closely, the picture was quite
stunning, and the colour rendition was as close to 'perfect' as you could
reasonably expect. Certainly, flesh tones *appeared* accurate, but I accept
that is subjective. Anyway, whichever-whatever, more accurate than they
appeared on the LED backlit Sammy ...

"William Sommerwerck" <> wrote in message
The LCD only filters light from the backlight. If you don't have a full
spectrum white in the first place the you can't expect decent colour.
White LEDs aren't quite there yet are they?

Absolutely true, except that this particular TV doesn't use white LEDs in
its 'revolutionary' backlighting scheme. It uses small RGB arrays, which
why I was questioning whether there was any control over the individual
elements in each array, such that the colour temperature of the nominally
white light that they produce, could be varied. Which would then, of
have a corresponding effect on the displayed colour balance. It just
to me that given they have gone to the trouble of using RGB arrays,
than white LEDs, the reason for that might have been to get a full(er)
spectrum white.

In a very broad sense, the last thing you want is a "full-spectrum" light.
The standard primaries are diluted with too much white as it is.
I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is perceived.
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains the
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight, but I guess
even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud cover and haze and
so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some definition of 'average
spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any display technology would aim
to reproduce any colour in as closely exact a way as it would appear if
viewed directly under daylight. I'm sure that the LCD 'primary' filters are
probably not linear in their transmission characteristics, but probably
close enough that you could use a backlight which contained a similar
spectrum to daylight, and filters 'tuned' to the RG and B humps. All pure
guesswork of course, as it's not my field ...

I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is perceived.
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains the
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight...
That's a reasonable definition for a video display, but it's not sufficient
for source lighting. It's difficult to make a "full spectrum" fluorescent
lamp, especially one that produces good color rendition for photograpy.

but I guess even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud
cover and haze and so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some
definition of 'average spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any
display technology would aim to reproduce any colour in as closely
exact a way as it would appear if viewed directly under daylight.
The standard is D6500, a 6500K continuous spectrum from a black-body source.
What you suggest is, indeed, the intent.
<> wrote in message
William Sommerwerck wrote:
I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight...

That's a reasonable definition for a video display, but it's not
for source lighting. It's difficult to make a "full spectrum"
lamp, especially one that produces good color rendition for photograpy.

but I guess even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud
cover and haze and so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some
definition of 'average spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any
display technology would aim to reproduce any colour in as closely
exact a way as it would appear if viewed directly under daylight.

The standard is D6500, a 6500K continuous spectrum from a black-body
What you suggest is, indeed, the intent.

TBH I think this is overplaying the significant of daylight. Almost
any monitor is adjustable to suit preferences of anything from 5000K
to 10,000K, and some go lower. None manke any attempt to copy the
colour spectrum of daylight, they merely include the same colour temp
as daylight as one of the options. None of the major display types
have any ability to copy a daylight spectrum, as they're only RGB
I think you've missed the difference between recreating the original color
(or the illusion of same), and producing a photographically useful
illuminant. These are different.
William Sommerwerck wrote:
I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is perceived.
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains the
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight...

That's a reasonable definition for a video display, but it's not sufficient
for source lighting. It's difficult to make a "full spectrum" fluorescent
lamp, especially one that produces good color rendition for photograpy.

but I guess even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud
cover and haze and so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some
definition of 'average spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any
display technology would aim to reproduce any colour in as closely
exact a way as it would appear if viewed directly under daylight.

The standard is D6500, a 6500K continuous spectrum from a black-body source.
What you suggest is, indeed, the intent.

TBH I think this is overplaying the significant of daylight. Almost
any monitor is adjustable to suit preferences of anything from 5000K
to 10,000K, and some go lower. None manke any attempt to copy the
colour spectrum of daylight, they merely include the same colour temp
as daylight as one of the options. None of the major display types
have any ability to copy a daylight spectrum, as they're only RGB

<> wrote in message
William Sommerwerck wrote:
I guess it comes down to definitions and how 'full spectrum' is
Rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of it as a spectrum which contains
same component colours in the same ratios, as natural daylight...

That's a reasonable definition for a video display, but it's not
for source lighting. It's difficult to make a "full spectrum" fluorescent
lamp, especially one that produces good color rendition for photograpy.

but I guess even that varies depending on filtering effects of cloud
cover and haze and so on. Even so, I'm sure that there must be some
definition of 'average spectrum daylight', and I would expect that any
display technology would aim to reproduce any colour in as closely
exact a way as it would appear if viewed directly under daylight.

The standard is D6500, a 6500K continuous spectrum from a black-body
What you suggest is, indeed, the intent.

TBH I think this is overplaying the significant of daylight. Almost
any monitor is adjustable to suit preferences of anything from 5000K
to 10,000K, and some go lower. None manke any attempt to copy the
colour spectrum of daylight, they merely include the same colour temp
as daylight as one of the options. None of the major display types
have any ability to copy a daylight spectrum, as they're only RGB

But take account of the fact that we're talking domestic television sets
here, not computer monitors. For the most part, TV sets do not display the
same type of content as a computer monitor, and do not include user
accessible colour temperature presets or adjustments, which is why I made
the point earlier that in general, LCD TVs are set correctly 'out of the

As far as overplaying the significance of daylight goes, I'm not sure that I
follow what you mean by that. If I look at my garden, and anything or
anybody in it, the illumination source will be daylight, and the colours
perceived will be directly influenced by that. If I then reproduce that
image on any kind of artificial display, and use a different reference for
the white, then no other colour will be correct either, which was ever the
case when CRTs were set up to give whites which were either too warm or too
cold, even by a fraction. Maybe we're talking at cross purposes here, or I'm
not understanding something properly, but it seems to me that the colour
temperature and CRI of the backlighting on an LCD TV, would be crucially
important to correct reproduction of colours.

All I know is, is that the flesh tones were poor on the example that I saw,
compared to other LCD TVs which were showing the same picture. The
fundamental difference between those sets and the Sammy, was the CCFL vs LED
backlighting, so it seems reasonable to draw from that, the inference that
the backlighting scheme may well be the cause, no ?

"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message

But take account of the fact that we're talking domestic television sets
here, not computer monitors. For the most part, TV sets do not display the
same type of content as a computer monitor, and do not include user
accessible colour temperature presets or adjustments, which is why I made
the point earlier that in general, LCD TVs are set correctly 'out of the
Every lcd TV I have seen has colour temp adjustments.

"dennis@home" <> wrote in message
"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message

But take account of the fact that we're talking domestic television sets
here, not computer monitors. For the most part, TV sets do not display
the same type of content as a computer monitor, and do not include user
accessible colour temperature presets or adjustments, which is why I made
the point earlier that in general, LCD TVs are set correctly 'out of the

Every lcd TV I have seen has colour temp adjustments.
What, readily user accessible ?


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