Arfa Daily
Well, I saw one of these LED backlit TV sets from Sammy in a store last
night, and I have to say that I was not particularly impressed with the
picture quality. Comparing to conventionally backlit (CCFL) Sony and
Panasonic offerings in immediate proximity to the Sammy, it was my opinion
that the rendition of skin tones, which we previously agreed was a good test
of a colour display's performance, was actually nothing like as good. Both
the Pan and the Sony had a near identical 'tone' to the skin of a
newsreader's face. On the Sammy, that same face was rather pink and florid
looking. I also did not think that the black level was any better than on
the other two sets, which is a point that they are making a lot of, claiming
that it substantially increases the contrast ratio.
I don't know what 'set-ups' this TV has, in terms of brightness, contrast,
colour saturation, tint/hue, but in my experience, most LCD TVs - which is,
after all, what this is - are set correctly 'out of the box', but I accept
that this particular one that I saw might not be a good example of the
I forgot to have a look round the back of it to see if there was a rating
plate, but next time I'm in that store, I will try to remember.
In the set's favour, it is very pretty-looking. The slimness of the display
is extremely impressive, and at this point in my evaluation, far outweighs
any display-quality aspects being claimed for it ...
night, and I have to say that I was not particularly impressed with the
picture quality. Comparing to conventionally backlit (CCFL) Sony and
Panasonic offerings in immediate proximity to the Sammy, it was my opinion
that the rendition of skin tones, which we previously agreed was a good test
of a colour display's performance, was actually nothing like as good. Both
the Pan and the Sony had a near identical 'tone' to the skin of a
newsreader's face. On the Sammy, that same face was rather pink and florid
looking. I also did not think that the black level was any better than on
the other two sets, which is a point that they are making a lot of, claiming
that it substantially increases the contrast ratio.
I don't know what 'set-ups' this TV has, in terms of brightness, contrast,
colour saturation, tint/hue, but in my experience, most LCD TVs - which is,
after all, what this is - are set correctly 'out of the box', but I accept
that this particular one that I saw might not be a good example of the
I forgot to have a look round the back of it to see if there was a rating
plate, but next time I'm in that store, I will try to remember.
In the set's favour, it is very pretty-looking. The slimness of the display
is extremely impressive, and at this point in my evaluation, far outweighs
any display-quality aspects being claimed for it ...