Brian Gregory [UK]
"Green Xenon [Radium]" <glucegen1@excite.com> wrote in message
Obviously there is no way FM and PSK can be going on at the same time in any
way that can convey separate information. Worse still if you separately FM
modulate two signals that start in quadrature with each other they won't
stay in quadrature.
Brian Gregory. (In the UK)
To email me remove the letter vee.
Think about it.Would using Quadrature Frequency Modulation be of any help?
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation uses a combo of AM and Phase-Shift-Keying.
So QFM would use a combination of FM and PSK. Would this decrease the
bandwidth required for broadcasting FM luminance video signals?
Obviously there is no way FM and PSK can be going on at the same time in any
way that can convey separate information. Worse still if you separately FM
modulate two signals that start in quadrature with each other they won't
stay in quadrature.
Brian Gregory. (In the UK)
To email me remove the letter vee.