audio recording on IC -help wanted

On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 07:50:43 GMT, Ross Herbert
<> wrote:

as big as you are after. A 350VA transformer isn't all that small
especially if you are using other than a toroidal core, and those are
a bugger to wind by hand.
Err, should have been 650VA..
faruk.nur wrote:

birzaman gayet zengin bir ressam,sergi açmak istemiţ,fakat sahnenin
gerisinde durmuţ kendisini konuklara göstermemiţ.konuklara
hertürlü ikramý yapmýţ.sergiyi gezen misafirler,harika resimlere
bakmýţlar,ne kadar güzel resimler diyerek aralarýnda konuţurlarken
birisi, ressamý göremediđi için, acaba bu resimler nasýl olmuţtur
diye bir soru ortaya atmýţ.bir kýsým insanlar,bu resimler kendi
kendine olmuţtur demiţler.bir kýsým insanlar resimleri tabiiyyat
kanunlarýnýn yaptýđýný iddia etmiţler.bir kýsým insanlar ise
resimleri,resmi meydana getiren,boya,fýrça, tablo birlikte bu resmi
kafa kafaya vermiţler meydana getirmiţtir demiţler.bir kýsým
insanlar ise,harika resimleri ancak bir ressam tarafýndan
yapýlabileceđini söyleyerek,kendilerine ikramda bulunan ressamý
içeriden,alkýţlar ile davet edip,kendisiyle tanýţmýţ ve
teţekkür etmiţler.iţte biz,kainatýn tek yaratýcýsý, o ressama
Allah diyoruz.
ressamdan farký, gerçek ve canlý resimler yaratmasýdýr.

Resim,ressamýn bir parcasý olmadýđý gibi; ressam da, resmin bir
parçasý deđildir.

Soru:peki,Allah"ý kim yaratmýţtýr?sorusu(ţeytanýn insanlarý
kandýrmak için sorduđu sorudur) genellikle insanlarýn kafasýnýn
karýţmasýna yol açmýţ,bu soruda takýlýp kalmýţlardýr.
Ýnsanlarýn bu sorunun cevabýný bulmaya çalýţmasý,nafiledir.

Mesela; diyelimki bir saraya girmek için yüz kapý var,ama bir kapý
kapalý ve sarayýn sahibi ancak o kapýyý açabilir ve anahtarda
sadece ondadýr.Dýţarýdan saraya girmeye çalýţan biri,açýk
doksandokuz kapýnýn herhangi birinden içeri girebilir.Fakat kapalý
kapýnýn önünde durup o kapýyý açamayýnca,bu saraya girilemez
diyemez,Çünkü diđer doksandokuz kapý açýktýr.Aynen
öylede,Allah"ý kim yaratmýţtýr, sorusu farzedelim ki kapalý bir
kapýdýr.O kapýnýn anahtarý sadece Allah"tadýr.Allah"a inanmak
için doksandokuz kapý açýktýr.Ama inat edip,kapalý kapýnýn
önünde durmak ve saray sahibini inkar etmek ve açýk kapýdan saraya
girmemek akýl karý deđildir.

Peki Allah yoksa,bu kainatý kim yaratmýţtýr? bu kainat nasýl
olmuţtur?yani yukarýdaki harika resimler nasýl olmuţtur? sorusunun
cevabýný inat edenlerin vermesi gerekir.

Ýlmin kapýsý Hz.Ali ţöyle der,"Varsayalým ki inanmayan inat
edenlerin dediđi gibi Allah,ahiret,cennet,hesap kitap, vs.yok.Ne
inanana bir ţey olur,nede inanmamakta inat edene.Ama ya
varsa,"inanana yine bir ţey olmaz ama inanmamakta inat eden; iţini
ţansa býrakmýţ olur ki buda akýl karý deđildir.


soru:madem,herţey bir kader defterinde yazýlý ve herţey ona göre
oluyor.o halde insanlar niçin cehenneme gidiyor?
cevap:evet herţey bir kader defterinde yazýlý ve herţey ona göre
oluyor.ama,defterde yazýlý olduđu için o ţey olmuyor.

mesela;meteroloji uzmaný,uydudan gelen fotođraflara bakarak geleceđi
görebilmektedir.bir insan ne kadar yükseđe çýkarsa hem görüţ
alaný geniţler hemde geleceđi görebilir. uzman, uydudan görüyor
ki,Türkiye"nin batýsýndan yađmur bulutlarý geliyor.bulutlarýn
hýzýný ve yönünü hesaplýyarak,hemen defterine ţunlarý
yazýyor,"yarýn türkiye bulutlu ve yađýţlý
olacak".bulutlarýn gelmesine bir gün var.bir gün sonra türkiye
bulutlu ve yađýţlý olsa;acaba meteroloji uzmaný bir gün önceden
deftere,bu olayý yazdýđý içinmi olaylar oluyor?yoksa uzman
olaylarý uydudan önceden gördüdemi yazdý.

dođru cevap;gördüde yazdý.yazdýđý için olaylar olmamakta,fakat
olayýn öyle olacađýný önceden görüp yazmýţtýr.

Mesela;aklý baţýnda bir kiţiyi, siz sýrtýnýza alsanýz,nereye
gitmek istersen seni oraya götüreceđim deseniz,diyelim ki iki yol
var biri,tehlikeli yol, öteki tehlikesiz yol.siz baţtan o kiţiye
uyarýda bulunarak her iki yolun durumunu anlatsanýz buna rađmen,o
kiţi beni tehlikeli yoldan götür dese,o tehlikeli yolda baţýna bir
kaza gelse ,size diyebilirmi ki,bak senin yüzünden baţýma bu kaza
geldi diyemez.çünkü kendi iradesiyle tehlikeli yolu
seçmiţtir.götüren deđil,isteyen suçludur.Güç ve kuvvet yalnýz
Allah"tandýr.bunu felçli hastalar daha iyi bilir.Götüren
Allah"týr, fakat tehlikeli yolda gitmek isteyen,insan suçludur. Hem
insan baţýboţ býrakýlmýţ da deđildir. Cüz-i iradesinden baţka
kendisine ait günahlarý ve borçlarý vardýr.sevaptaki hissesi ise
pek azdýr.Kimin ve neyin sayesinde sevap iţlemiţtir düţünmesi

Tevekkül ve dua;

bir çifçi,evvela(önţart);ürün almak için,1-toprađýný nadasa
koyacak,2-toprađýný sürecek,tohumu dikecek,3-sulayacak.vb.fiili dua

Sonra; Allah"a ,ürün vermesi için kavli(sözlü) dua
edecek.Çünkü bir afet gelir ürünü alýp
götürebilir.Mesela;Çekirge ve sel afeti gibi.Ţartlardan birinin
eksik olmasý,neticeye engeldir.
Dua eden kiţi için o istediđi, kendisi hakkýnda hayýrlý olup
olmadýđýný dua eden bilemez.O halde duam niye,niçin kabül
edilmedi diye,üzülmemelidir.

Mesela;Bir anne ve baba hiçbir zaman çocuđunun kötülüđünü
istemediđi için ,terbiyeye muhtaç çocuđunun her istediđini de
yapmaz .Bu imtihan dünyasýnda,sýnýrlý ve kayýtlý olduđumuz
için her istediđimizi elde edemeyiz,her istediđimizi
yapamayýz.Fakat her istediđimizi elde edecek ve her istediđimizi
yapabileceđimiz bir yer vardýr ki o yere cennet derler.
Her ţeye muhtaç olan kiţinin , Samed olan Allah"ýn kapýsýný
çalmasý dođru bir ţeydir.Yanlýţ olan, herţeye muhtaç bir
kiţinin, kendisini hiçbirţeye muhtaç olmadýđýný zannetmesi ve
dua etmemesidir.


Ţeytan"ýn aslý cin olup ateţten yaratýlmýţtýr.Ýnsanýn
apaçýk,bir düţmanýdýr.Mahlukatý,Allah"a düţman etmek için
fýrsat kollar. Bu hayatý insanlar için cehenneme çevirmeye
çalýţýr. Ýnsan, ţeytan"dan herbakýmdan üstündür.Fakat
ţeytan"ýda hafife almamak gerekir.Çünkü Hz.Adem babamýz ile
Hz.Havva annemizin cennetten çýkmasýna vesile olmuţtur.Biz
ţeytanýn inadýna,bu dünyayý cennete çevirmek için
Sakýn sizi ţeytan, Allah afedicidir diye yanýltmasýn.Çünkü,
Allah af edicidir ama, kul hakký hariçtir.

Ţeytan,Allah"ý inkar etmemektedir ama,O"na düţman olduđu,iman
etmediđi için ezeli ve ebedi olarak cehennemden çýkamayacaktýr.
Ýnkar etmemek ayrýdýr,iman etmek ayrýdýr,hiç inanmamak ise,hiçmi
hiç akýl karý deđildir.Ýnsanlar korku ile ümit arasýnda olmalý.
Acaba cennetlikmiyim, yoksa cehennemlikmiyim sorusunu merak
etmek yerine, en kötü ihtimali göz önüne alarak, tedbirimizi
almak; daha akýllýca bir iţ olsa gerektir.Allah'tan ancak O"na
iman etmeyenler,ümidini keser. Son nefese kadar,kimin ne
olacađý,(ţeytan hariç)bizce mechuldur.Cennet ucuz olmadýđý gibi,
cehennem dahi lüzümsuz deđildir.


Her semavi hak dinler,medeniyetin ve insanýn maddeten ve manen
yükselmesini,daha iyiye ve ileri gitmesini savunur. Ýslam;bir lokma
bir hýrka felsefesine karţýdýr.Yarýn ölecekmiţ gibi, ahirete,
hiç ölmeyecekmiţ gibi dünyaya teţvik eder,Ýki günü ayný olan
ziyandadýr,komţusu aç iken, tok yatan bizden deđildir, haksýz yere
bir insaný öldüren,tüm insanlýđý öldürmüţ gibidir,
düţüncesini savunur.Tek ilah vardýr. O ilahýn adý Allah"dýr.
Zerrece Allah"a imaný olan ve O"na düţman olmayan herkez,
hesaptan sonra cennete girecektir. Ýslam; Peygamberi
Hz.Muhammed"tir,Kitabý Kuran-ý Kerim"dir. Bir Müslüman,hem
Ýncile,hem Hz.Ýsa"ya, hem,Tevrata, hem Hz.Musa"ya yani tüm
semavi kitap ve peygamberlere zaten inandýđý için din
deđiţtirmesi, hiçmi hiç akýl karý deđildir.


Dininin diređidir.Bir insan,Allah"ýn benim namazýma ihtiyacý
yoktur,demesi,hasta birinsinin,doktara "ey doktor senin ilaca ne
ihtiyacýn var demesine benzer ki,Allah"ýn bizim namazýmýza
elbetteki ihtiyacý yoktur,bizim namaza ihtiyacýmýz vardýr.Bedenin
havaya ve suya ihtiyacý olduđu gibi, ruhunda manevi gýdaya ihtiyacý
vardýr ki o gýdalardan biriside "Hu" kelimesidir.Ýnsanlar her
nefes veriţte bilmeden,gayri ihtiyari "hu" derler.Hu ,Allah
demektir.Aslýnda her ţey Allah"ý anmaktadýr.Ýnsanýn bu dünyaya
gönderilmesinin sebebi ve hikmeti ,Allah"ý tanýmak ,O"na dua ve
ibadet etmektir.


Helal ţekilde;
israf etmeyiniz.Kara günler, yaţlýlýđýnýz ve ahiret
içinde,azýk ayýrýnýz. Ýlimin ,malýn ve kuvvetin önemini fark
ediniz.Bunlarý insanlýđýn hayrý için ve helal bir ţekilde

Ţeytanýn,dünyayý fesada veren ve insanlar için dünyayý
çehenneme çeviren,sen çalýţ ben yiyeyim ve ben tok olayým
baţkasý açlýktan ölsün bana ne düţüncesini ,ortadan kaldýrmak
ve sosyal dengeleri kurmak için çalýţmak insanlýđa yapýlacak en
büyük hayýrlardan biri olsa gerektir.


Bir zaman iki ayna var imiţ,her iki aynada yüzlerini gökteki
güneţe çevirmiţ,aynalarda akseden,tecelli eden güneţi ,
insanlarýn yüzlerine her iki ayna da çevirdiđinde, insanlarýn
gözlerini kamaţtýrmýţlar. Aynalardan biri gururlanarak ben
insanlarýn gözlerini kamaţtýrdým diye gururlanmýţ ve kendisinde
bir ţeyler olduđunu tevehhüm, zan etmiţ.Diđer ayna ise mütevazý
birţekilde,aslýnda kendisinde bizatihi bir ţey
olmadýđýný,gökteki güneţ olmasa hiçbirţeye yaramadýđýný,
önceki aynaya söylemiţ. Ýţte gururlu ayna, sihir ve büyü gibi
zararlý ilimler ile ilgilenip insanlarý kendisinin etkilediđini
zanneden ţeytan gibidir.Ama mütevazý ayna ise mücize ve kerametin
asýl sahibinin kendisi olmadýđýný bilen ve faydalý ilimler ile
ilgilenen bilge kiţidir.Gýbta edilecek kiţi gökteki güneţin ýsý
ve ýţýđýna mazhar olan kendisini güneţ zannetmeyen ama güneţi
gösteren, kiţidir.Bu aynalarýn en güzelleri peygamberlere aittir.en
kötüleri ise ţeytan ve ţeytan gibilere aittir. Ţeytan ve ţeytan
gibi kötü kiţilerin ţerrinden Allah"a sýđýnmak
gerektir.Çünkü insanlarý ve insanlýđý tesirleri altýna
alabilmekte ve aldatabilmektedirler.Her insan kabiliyeti nispetinde
güneţe mahzar olabilir ve olmalýdýrda. Asýl olan aynayý
insanlýđýn hayrýna kullanmak ve ayna olduđunu hiçbirzaman
unutmamaktýr.Aynadan kasýt insan, güneţten kasýt ise,Allah'týr.

Güneţ bize ýţýk ve ýsýsý ile çok yakýndýr,biz ise güneţe
çok uzađýz.Ama ayna vasýtasýyla,bir nebze güneţin özelliklerini
anlayabiliriz. Veya uzay mekiđi ile güneţin hakiki nuruna ve
ýsýsýna yaklaţabiliriz onu yakýndan inceleyebiliriz ki,bunu mirac
hadisesinde Hz.Muhammed bizzat refref'e binerek çok kýsa bir zaman
zarfýnda yapmýţtýr. Cenneti,cehennemi ve kainatýn
yaratýcýsýný görmüţ,gidipte görenmi var veya gidipte dönenmi
var sorusunuda cevapsýz býrakmamýţtýr.

Mesela, koca bir kütlesi olan dünyamýzý,vasýtasýz ve çok
süratli birţekilde götüren ve döndüren, bir insaný elbette ve
evleviyetle daha hýzlý ve kýsa bir sürede götürmeye ve geri
getirmeye muktedirdir ve aynen öylede olmuţtur.

Ýnsanlýđa faydalý bilgileri, tanýdýk,tanýmadýk,baţkalarý ile
de paylaţýnýz,yayýnýz. Ben bu bilgileri bilmiyordum,bana kimse
öđretmedi diyen kiţinin hesabý; bilenden, bildiđi halde susandan
ve hakikatý ve dođruyu yaymayandan sorulacaktýr. Malýn zekatý
olduđu gibi,ilminde zekatý ve kuvvetinde bir zekatý vardýr.Bilen
ile bilmeyen bir deđildir.Ýlim mümin"in yitiđidir, nerede olursa
alýr.Ýlim Çin"dede olsa alýnýz.Hayatta,en hakiki murţit
ilimdir. Faydalý tüm ilimlerden istifade ediniz,ettiriniz. Beţikten
mezara kadar ilim öđreniniz. Okuyunuz,okutunuz.Ne demiţ yunus
emre,'Ýlim ilim bilmektir, ilim kendin bilmektir,sen kendini bilmez
isen ilim nice okumaktýr.'

Ruh nedir;

Ruh insanýn aslýdýr,kendisidir.Mahiyeti,bir ţekli sureti ve ţuuru
olan bir kanundur, yerçekimi kanunu gibi,ama yerçekimi kanununun bir
ţekli, sureti ve ţuuru yoktur.Fakat dünyadaki iţleri yapabilmesi
için, ruh"un elbisesi,bineđi mahiyetinde olan bedene ihtiyacý
vardýr.Ruh katiyen bakidir,yani ölümsüzdür. Ey insanlar, baki bir
aleme gideceksiniz,o halde hazýrlýklý olun.Ölüm,ruhun bedenden
çýkmasý daha önce vefat etmiţ olan sevgili anne ve babanýzýn ve
dostlarýnýzýn yanýna gitmektir.

Mesela ;bir ţöför nasýl aracýndan inince araba hiçbir iţe
yaramaz ise,ruh"ta beden aracýndan inince, beden hiçbir iţe
yaramaz.Kabre konan bedendir.Siz ise ruhsunuz.Ruh berzah alemine
gitmektedir. ölüm yokluk ve hiclik deđildir.Kim yok olmak
isterki,Ezeli ve ebedi bir Allah"ýn sevgili mahlukatýda ebedi
olmalýdýr.Fakat mahlukatýn ebediliđi bizatihi deđil, Allah"ýn

Ey insanlar ve cinler ezeli ve ebedi cennete girmek,ebedi yaţamak,her
istediđini yapmak ve Allah'ý görmek istemezmisiniz.
Ey sevgili ruh,bunun için Allah'a ţükretmeli ve iman etmeli

Allah,birdir, hiçbirţeye ihtiyacý yoktur,ne birbaţkasý O'nu
yaratmýţtýr nede O'nun bir çocuđu vardýr.O'nun eţi ve
benzeri yoktur.
I suggest you try Google, I think he lives on the same block as Allah.
"mike" <> wrote in message
faruk.nur wrote:
A whole bunch of bull shit snipped..........

I suggest you try Google, I think he lives on the same block as Allah.
For all we know, that could have been another message aimed to start some
more bull shit. I suggest the writer go find Osama Bin Laden - and suck his
dick some more - they're all queers - we know for a fact they can't stand to
look at women (other than to give birth). OBL looks like he's sucked a few
camels and donkeys in his day. As much as I disagree with our president, at
least he isn't hiding in some cave like a coward. COME ON OBL - SHOW YOUR

Sorry - but this BULL SHIT strikes a nerve in me..........ALL THEM BASTARDS

Not a one of them has the balls to face another man - LIKE A MAN. THEY ARE
leelk3 wrote:
New Item Offer :

IC Items : For DMB Phone

1. CXA3235N-T4 : SONY : 56,000 Pieces, 1,000 Pieces/Reel : D/C: 05+
: Not Pb free

2. MB90F482PFV-G : Fujitsu : 11,000 Pieces, 960 Pieces/Tray, D/C:
03+ , Not Pb free

3. CL761STF : CORE LOGIC : 10,000 Pieces, 2,000 Pieces/Reel, D/C;
06+, Pb free

4. MSM6050-5TR : QUALCOMM : 500 Pieces, 500 Pieces/Reel, Pb FREE

5. TQM7M4022 : TRIQ : 2,500 Pieces, 2,500 Pieces. /DC; 04+, Pb free

LCD Panel of cellular Phone

1. 1.93 inch QQVGA MIKASA Chip(UPD161621P use): 29,655 Pieces

2. 1.8 inch QQVGA 12HR LDEI Cell, only : 28,500 Pieces

3. 2.03 inch ( 176*192 ) : 33,486 Pieces

4. 1.52 inch (128*128) chip ( HD66782 use or HD66782RBP use) : 132.255

5. 1.31 inch QQVGA : 23.200 Pieces

6. 1.86 inch QQVGA Cell. Only : 29,000 Pieces

7. 1.9 inch QCIF chip( HD66772 use or HCD667B72RBP/774RBP use) :
485,810 Pieces

8. 1.9 inch QCIF chip(HD66789 use or HCD667B89RBP use) : 129,500

9. 2.2 inch QCIF Cell, only : 50,461 Pieces

10. 2.22 inch QVGA RGB Chip(HD66781 use) : 12,800 Pieces

11. 1.76 inch QCIF +LDI chip(S6D0118A01-B0CX use) : 41,967 Piecees

12. 1.76 inch QCIF Cell, only : 160,446 Pieces

13. 1.98 inch QVGA ECB LDI Cell, only : 29,556 Pieces

14. 1.8 inch QCIF+LDI Cell, only : 178,000 Pieces

15. UF12R020A : SAMSUNG E330: 17,868 Pieces : MODULE

16. UG12D200A : 11,200 Pieces : MODULE

17. 2.0 inch TFT Panel : LH200Q02-A1 : 9,000 Pieces

18. 1.17 inch TFT Panel : LH117Q01-A1 : 9,000 Pieces

19. 2.0 QCIF CLASS : CMO ( CHI MEI ) : F020G1-T10 : 56,000 Pieces

20. 7 inch TFT PANEL : LT070W02-TMC2 : LG Philips : 10,000 Pieces

21. 1.8 inch GLASS : LB018Q01-B1 : 04+, 40,000 Pieces

22. 2.0 inch GLASS : LB020Q01-A1 : 04+ , 34,000 Pieces

LCD Drive Chip :

1. HD66773R : 120,000 Pieces

2. HD66789R : 8,888 Pieces

3. HD66741BP : 27,500 Pieces

4. HD66771 : 400,000 Pieces

5. HD66717 : 400,000 Pieces

6. HX8310A : HIMAX : 10,480 Pieces

7. HCD667B73RBSMV : 1,996 Pieces

8. HCD667A66RBP : 40,000 Pieces

9. HCD667A66UBP : 100,000 Pieces

10. HCD66781S : 100,000 Pieces

11. HD66783BP : 100,000 Pieces

12. HD66781S : 100,000 Pieces

MCP IC For Cellular Phone

1. TV00670003CAGB : 128M Nor Flash and 64 M SRAM : TOSHIBA : D/C; 95+

100,000 Pieces, Lead Free , with same TH50VPF6783AASB :

if you are interest in this parts, We can support DataSheet

2. Qualcomm Chip :

1) MSM6050-4TR : 30,000 Pieces ,D/C: 05+

2) RFR6000 : : 30,000 Pieces ,D/C: 05+

3) RFL6000, : : 30,000 Pieces ,D/C: 05+

4) RFT6100 : 30,000 Pieces ,D/C: 05+

5) MSM5105 : 10,000 Pieces, D/C: 05+

6) MSM6000 : 70,000 Pieces, D/C: 05+

7) MSM6100 : 21,000 Pieces, D/C: 04+

8) MSM3300 : 45,000 Pieces, D/C: 02+

9) MSM3100 : 55,000 Pieces

10) MSM3000 : 20,000 Pieces

3. MEMORY : LH28F128BFHD-PWTLZ1 : SHARP : 62,000 Pieces

4. MCP of Cellular Phone :

1) AM41DL3224GT ?85I : 35,000 Pieces, D/C: 04+

2) AM41DL3224GT-70I : 115,000 Pieces, D/C: 04+

3) AM49DL6408H70I, S71JL064H80BAW11X : 83,000 Pieces , D/C: 04+

4) LRS1830 : SHARP : 34,000 Pieces, D/C: 03+

5) LRS1830A : SHARP : 60,000 Pieces

TEL : 82-42-532-6747
FAX : 82-42-532-6748
E-mail :
Thanks, I will be expecting free samples of all these units ASAP.
Marco Licetti wrote:

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in

Marco Licetti wrote:
I agree. It is spam. He states DO NOT REPLY TO NEWSGROUP, as if the entire
traffic here is irrelevent to his financial aims, and in this case must be
subservient to them. In that case, he has NO business posting to a
newsgroup at all.
Lostgallifreyan wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in

Marco Licetti wrote:

I agree. It is spam. He states DO NOT REPLY TO NEWSGROUP, as if the entire
traffic here is irrelevent to his financial aims, and in this case must be
subservient to them. In that case, he has NO business posting to a
newsgroup at all.

He has e-mailed me claiming that it isn't spam. What a loser. :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Marco Licetti" <> wrote
in news:uM3Lg.6324$

Huge reprint of earlier spam snipped
Nope, it's still spam... You did say "death2spammers", didn't you? >:)

No need to answer that, rhetorical question only, after all you'll not be
reading this anyway as you don't want anyone to reply and no doubt you'll
dump this stuff again and again and expect us all to read every word while
you sit pretty in your tower watching all the peons below who are expected
to have nothing to say in return. Oh, I guess you won't be watching, after
all you don't expect there to be anything here worth watching.

Except your spam, perhaps?
Marco Licetti <> wrote:
[spam spam spam spam spam]

Marco Lispamti, have you read this:

I guess not, or you wouldn't be spamming a bazillion and one
inappropriate newsgroups.

"sox" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
Project Management in Electronics (September 2006).
Procedures and Guidelines for Project Management,What is Project
Management?,Project Management Processes,Project Planning Tutorial,Ten
Tips for Managing a Project,Related Project Management Articles &
Project Management ? Techniques invented by large companies to try to be as
efficient as small companies, isn't it ;+) ?
Robert Lacoste a écrit :
"sox" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
Project Management in Electronics (September 2006).
Procedures and Guidelines for Project Management,What is Project
Management?,Project Management Processes,Project Planning Tutorial,Ten
Tips for Managing a Project,Related Project Management Articles &

Project Management ? Techniques invented by large companies to try to be as
efficient as small companies, isn't it ;+) ?
Also, techniques sometimes used by small companies to be as inefficient
as large companies.

Don Hendrix wrote:
Please visit AA

Never again!

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
I'm interested in this thread, having built a 1050 back in the late '50s.
It too has been part of the garage clutter for fifty years or so.

However, I am NOT willing to wade through two or three pages of quote,
quotequote, quotequotequote to get to one or two lines of answer.


On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 13:19:26 -0400, Meat Plow wrote:
On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:11:06 -0700, RST Engineering (jw) Has Frothed:

I'm interested in this thread, having built a 1050 back in the late '50s.
It too has been part of the garage clutter for fifty years or so.

However, I am NOT willing to wade through two or three pages of quote,
quotequote, quotequotequote to get to one or two lines of answer.


Use a news reader that can mute quoted text.
Screw you. Post right - don't make other people compensate for your own

On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 04:57:07 GMT, the renowned "Genome"
<> wrote:
Well speaking seriously I don't know what the real sort of pricing might be
this time of year, what with the heavy seas and such stuff.

If you do a Google on 'snorkle ship' then you might find a stalwart crusty
who bought in early and has a couple of three tons he hasn't managed to sell
to fruity geologists going cheap.

Hey, that chipset "rocks"..

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
"Aly" <> wrote in

"larwe" <> wrote in message
I stopped using PartMiner years ago, when they closed down all free
access to datasheets.

Today I received an email from PartMiner which says, in essence, "our
core business model is unprofitable, so we are now professional
spamwhores. Your contact details are being sold to anyone we can find
who will pay us a nickel":

If you would like to receive business or career related offers
from PartMiner Information Systems, you do not have to respond
to this e-mail. You can easily unsubscribe each time you receive
an e-mail from us if you don't find the information worthwhile. To
unsubscribe now, please scroll to the bottom of this e-mail for

This "vendor" should be boycotted.

I agree with this. I outright refuse to use suppliers that expect ME
to pay for their advertising material. Maplin is one them, wanting Ł5
for a catalogue. RS are so stingy with their catalogues it's unheard
of, you'd think they'd be giving them away on every street corner when
you see their prices. After LOADS of arguing I lost interest, they
sent them eventually by UPS/TNT? to a rural country location taking
3-weeks of further cock-ups, such that I had absolutely no faith in
anything I ever ordered getting to me. The catalogues went in the

Buy our products *AND* buy our sales merchandise. Use *OUR* delivery
service that *WE* have a cut price contract with, even if it'll never
get to you because the drivers are too lazy to even bother.

This methodology wouldn't work at my local Indian Restaurant I'm sure.
RS stingy? Overpriced in many things, yes, but not stingy. Those paper
catalogs cost so much that it's amazing they can give them away at all. If
you paid actual cost for them, you'd pay Ł70 per set. You can always get
the DC ones. Also, you can use their site and you can set up any handle you
like on their site to get access to PDF's for free, with no need to have an
account with them. If you think that's stingy, you have forgotten the
meaning of generosity.

And no, I don't work for them, nor get any benefit other than what I
described, same as you can have.

Maplin's catalog is less than impressive now, but if they'd start putting
those tech notes back like they used to add to it, it would be worth the
money for those alone.
Actually I wonder about the "Ł70 per set" figure for RS catalogs. It's what
I was told once, and I think it might have been the whole-year figure,
three releases per year. The costs rise per set the fewer they make, and
they're trying to use CD's to save costs.
"John Popelish" <> wrote in message
Spamfree wrote:
"Jeff Volp" <> wrote:
"John Popelish" <> wrote:

I have spent thousands of dollars to buy from eBay and have gotten
only two negative comments. Both in retaliation after I gave a
negative for poor shipping.

And you're the fellow who suggested stuffing the transistors into a
flat-rate envelope to save 2 bucks on shipping?

I do agree that it is the responsibility of the seller to get the item to
you safely. That takes packaging appropriate for the item. And
even mandatory insurance for expensive fragile items.

Shipping is "not" rocket science, though some still can't seem to master
it. Not "all" shipping is created equal. When I sell, I check "all"
options available to me for shipping. I let the buyer know what their
options are as well as prices and ask for any preference. The customer
can choose to pay for the carrier of their choice (among those offered).
I find the Post Office "usually" but not always cheapest. As to packing,
it does benefit the seller in reputation and aggravation - to package the
items properly. In the end, so long as the buyer knows what to expect and
"gets it", all should be happy.

Though it sounds silly to insure a $1 item - here is a "possible"
answer....... If it arrives broken or it is lost - then a refund has to
be made by "someone"! The seller "may" be counting their time and packing
materials in the cost (which can add up) and wish not to lose out in the
event of any problems.

One method is not appropriate for all items. The pound of transistors
doesn't look very fragile to me. On the other hand, I have gotten ferrite
cores shipped in a very oversize box, with the cores laying on the bottom
and the large extra space filled with loose wadded newspaper. Would have
worked great, if someone had hammered on the top of the box. But normal
handling (the box was undamaged) had tossed the cores against each other,
like china dishes, and all I got was a box of coarse black sand. Banding
them together and shipping them in an envelope, with no padding, would
have been much better.

The item I gave a negative comment on, were solenoidal inductors, bobbin
wound, with hair-fine wire, and having sharp, stamped, PCB pins. They
were dumped into a manila envelope with no other packing, and not one
arrived without tangles of cut wire hanging off them. The seller paid
about $2 for first class shipping (no insurance), but I had paid him $8
for the shipping, to include insurance. Then I was lectured by him about
how you don't damage someone's reputation with a negative comment without
giving them every chance to make things right. He said he didn't insure
them, because he had a lot of them, and would send more if these arrived
damaged. Of course, he didn't tell me any of this before the damaged ones

I think the comments are there to warn other buyers about brainless,
negligent or dishonest sellers and to reward sellers who do it right the
first time.
Replying to this and the subsequent posts - I've seen so-called businesses
on e-bay pack worse than individuals. You just never know. I learned LONG
ago, to pack like the Samsonite commercials use to display - "rough"
handling. My "ex" mother in law sent a box of glassware to her daughter in
law one year. They were packed well and proven as such. When we went to the
UPS office, the business was transacted and they were told it was
"glass"........ The UPS lady picked the box up and gave it a heave ho to a
pile. My "ex" mother in law was pissed. BUT, the package "did" survive the
journey. Again, it isn't rocket science, but many have yet to master it.
Some "may" not want to "buy" a lot of supplies if they don't sell
"regularly". No big deal, go to most any store and you can acquire boxes and
foam for free that their store displays came out of. I have an appliance
store near by, I can get most any size box I need. Then too, if you GET
packages - SAVE the bubble wrap/peanuts/etc. It doesn't have to cost a mint!
It doesn't have to be confusing. It doesn't have to cause problems for the
buyer or seller.

What kills me, is when "I" get an item which is shipped in a box 6 or more
times the size of the item....... Talk about overkill!
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 14:11:42 -0400, "Spamfree"
<> wrote:

Replying to this and the subsequent posts - I've seen so-called businesses
on e-bay pack worse than individuals. You just never know. I learned LONG
ago, to pack like the Samsonite commercials use to display - "rough"
handling. My "ex" mother in law sent a box of glassware to her daughter in
law one year. They were packed well and proven as such. When we went to the
UPS office, the business was transacted and they were told it was
"glass"........ The UPS lady picked the box up and gave it a heave ho to a
pile. My "ex" mother in law was pissed. BUT, the package "did" survive the
journey. Again, it isn't rocket science, but many have yet to master it.
Some "may" not want to "buy" a lot of supplies if they don't sell
"regularly". No big deal, go to most any store and you can acquire boxes and
foam for free that their store displays came out of. I have an appliance
store near by, I can get most any size box I need. Then too, if you GET
packages - SAVE the bubble wrap/peanuts/etc. It doesn't have to cost a mint!
It doesn't have to be confusing. It doesn't have to cause problems for the
buyer or seller.

What kills me, is when "I" get an item which is shipped in a box 6 or more
times the size of the item....... Talk about overkill!
I only use USPS (or UPS) when I can afford to have it lost... FedEx
has never failed me.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

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