Ross Herbert
On 10 Oct 2004 08:58:48 -0700, w3ase@comcast.net (George Francis)
|I need two or three 7th overtone xtals for a receiver osc.(2mtrs.) at
|168.315Mc. OR if I put the osc. on the low side of R.F I can use a 5th
|overtone (assuming they can be cut for a fund. above 20Mc.) at a
|frequency of 125.715 Mc. Where can I purchase so few? With miniumum
|delay? The I.F. is 21.3 MC and the repeater is at 147.015 Mc. Thanks,
If you don't have any luck locally then Hy-Q might be worth checking
out http://www.hy-q.com.au/crystals/
|I need two or three 7th overtone xtals for a receiver osc.(2mtrs.) at
|168.315Mc. OR if I put the osc. on the low side of R.F I can use a 5th
|overtone (assuming they can be cut for a fund. above 20Mc.) at a
|frequency of 125.715 Mc. Where can I purchase so few? With miniumum
|delay? The I.F. is 21.3 MC and the repeater is at 147.015 Mc. Thanks,
If you don't have any luck locally then Hy-Q might be worth checking
out http://www.hy-q.com.au/crystals/