audio recording on IC -help wanted

Don't forget to connect two resistors in antiparallel before burning them in. Because of... uhh.. something?!


Deep Friar: a very philosophical monk.

"Lostgallifreyan" <> wrote in message news:Xns9DB3BCBBE5F3Ezoodlewurdle@

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)
Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)
1. The AP THD meter has a floor of ~0.0008% THD for direct measurement.
Hence all measurements in vicinity of 0.001% are going to be vastly
inaccurate; unless with a special test setup using passive filters.

2. The state of the art is ~0.00005% THD in the audible band. They claim
0.001% which is really not any distinguished result.

3. Practicality: I am fine with 0.1% THD. However if somebody is willing
to pay money for 0.0001%, I will be glad to provide them the opportunity.

Vladimir Vassilevsky
DSP and Mixed Signal Design Consultant
DLostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)

Did you see the "CNC cuted PCB"? Now that's high-tech, ain't it?

BTW, I believe they still sell nuclear energy separators in Europe.
Those probably ID every electron coming out of your wall outlet, run a
background check and some DNA tests on it, and send it back if they find
it had been lingering at a nuclear power station on its most recent
trip :)

Regards, Joerg

"gmail" domain blocked because of excessive spam.
Use another domain or send PM.
Joerg <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in

Did you see the "CNC cuted PCB"? Now that's high-tech, ain't it?
Yep, I did. :) I couldn't beleive my eyes though, so it didn't register. I'd
hoped I could see an enlarged copy of that image they had that on, but I
guess keeping it small spares their blushes.

Incidentally, I wonder what all that back-to-back PCB stuff does for their
crosstalk figures.
Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)
Jamie <> wrote in
When I saw the price of that, I understood how Vitalstatix felt when Getafix
told him he thought it was 'rather pleasing' that the Romans came to their
part of the Gaulish forest for a rest cure after tours of duty in Belgium.

Curious that Denon have sold out to that kind of marketing. I guess they
found the opportunity less resistable than Vladimir Vassilevsky does. :) it
IS tempting.. Never mind Age of Austerity, we'll know when times are really
tough, because this kind of bullshit will quietly stop happening because
people can't pay for it.
Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain.>:)
It's Patrick Turner in disguise, making a fast buck from the audiophools
so he can fund his tube work ;-)


Cydrome Leader <> wrote in

Jamie <> wrote:
Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of
info on audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the
pain. >:)

wow, a $500 ethernet cable.

Denon just beat Black Box at their own game.
Won't be long before large numbers of people react to this because they're
supposed to be able to trust the industry that sells them stuff, and firms
get regulated out of business with their heads of staff doing major jail time
for large scale fraud.

Once that happens (and I'm fairly sure it will now, this kind of abuse is
getting out of hand, and in the food and pharmaceutical trades is already
causing an official backlash), the electronics industry is going to have a
hard time selling anything to a public who has come to beleive it is being
exploited as badly as in these instances. A mugger just takes the money at
knifepoint. They don't drug their victims, tie them up, fuck them, and make
them beleive they WANT it. There will come a time when people react to this
so badly that it will change the industry, and only strong technical
grounding will allow anyone to survive in it.
On Jul 12, 10:33 am, Lostgallifreyan <> wrote:
Fascinating. The one and only direct quantitative specification that
compared between the (built-from-discretes) Burson amplifier module
and the integrated circuit amplifiers it replaces, is the price.

'worth less than a can of Coca-Cola', the i.c. op amp is.

Other fascinating facts: IC opamps "suffer from EMI noise",
and "are not designed with a focus on audio".

I always thought it was lenses that were designed with a focus...
and the suffering of opamps hadn't previously come to my attention.
On 07/12/2010 10:33 AM, Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain.>:)
You're right. How offensive that they're trying to pawn off cheap,
semiconductor amplifiers as "high quality audio" when even brain-dead
audiophiles* know that you can only get true quality audio from brown
and tan striped base UG-210 tubes manufactured between December 1931 and
February 1932 in Philadelphia.

Oh -- and they have to be dipped in LN2, and connected with 99.99% pure
copper wires that have also been dipped in LN2.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Do you need to implement control loops in software?
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Jamie <> wrote:
Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)
wow, a $500 ethernet cable.

Denon just beat Black Box at their own game.
On Jul 12, 1:33 pm, Lostgallifreyan <> wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)
I'm reminded of looking for good low dissipation caps. I heard that
teflon were the best, but the only teflon caps I could find were used
by audio types. There was one or two sites that said for best
performance you had to condition the caps by feeding them Gaussian
white noise for one month before using them!

George H.
On Jul 12, 11:33 am, Lostgallifreyan <> wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)
I noticed that they "chose" to use lead-free solder. I don't suppose
ROI regs. had anything to do with that.... naw....

Tom P.
George Herold <> wrote:
On Jul 12, 1:33?pm, Lostgallifreyan <> wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of info on
audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the pain. >:)

I'm reminded of looking for good low dissipation caps. I heard that
teflon were the best, but the only teflon caps I could find were used
by audio types. There was one or two sites that said for best
performance you had to condition the caps by feeding them Gaussian
white noise for one month before using them!

George H.

teflon caps are still being made for real applications, but only where
temperatire is an issue. Teflon isn't all that special as a dielectric
On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 10:47:54 -0700 (PDT), "" <> wrote:

IIRC those pots are constructed with fine wire wrapped around an
insulating rod that forms the major helix.

Yes, you're right;

Turning the knob slowly should allow the
wiper to drop between 2 turns, bridging them, and give you a step


Provided the step you are referring to is not what is shown in the
scope shots. Again, the real issue occurs when the wiper makes no
contact at all which seems to be either due to oxidation or crud on/
between turns. Lots of crud in those two close ups.
I'm happier now that you explained how a 4V drop sneaked in there,
two wipers bridging large section of element.

Element wound on thick enamelled copper wire? Think I may have opened
a busted one some decades ago.

Jamie <> wrote in

Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of
info on audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the
pain. >:)
I was searching eBay for 'cryo', just thought that might be a fun way to
spend a few minutes....

2nd item on the list was this: 270614203579
Sorry, not conveniently clickable but amusing enough to warrant the effort to
visit it. I sent the seller a mssage thus: "Yum, snake oil! Don't you just
love it?" I hope his trollfood tastes nice, I'm hungry. >:)
Lostgallifreyan <> wrote in

Jamie <> wrote in

Lostgallifreyan wrote:

Don't ask me how I bumped into those while Googling for a few bits of
info on audio op-amps, I just wish I hadn't, and want to spread the
pain. >:)

I was searching eBay for 'cryo', just thought that might be a fun way to
spend a few minutes....

2nd item on the list was this: 270614203579
Sorry, not conveniently clickable but amusing enough to warrant the
effort to visit it. I sent the seller a mssage thus: "Yum, snake oil!
Don't you just love it?" I hope his trollfood tastes nice, I'm hungry.
One more: 120506796961
Specially worth noting for the paragraph about CD's and magnets!
If those people were trading in foods or pharmaceuticals they'd be banned
worldwide. I wonder if the people who buy that stuff also think it extends
their reproductive equipment. Or hopefully, as Michael Flanders and Donald
Swann put it so wisely, it lands them 'flutter on their bottom'.
Adam Smith wrote:

I am designing a system in which I need to generate a timestamp in order
to insert a checksum, an ID, and other metadata to accompanying data
being passed between modules. I have seen and read of recommendations to
use TOY (Time of Year) Chips but I cannot find any specific chip or
Datasheet on any, to accomplish this.

Any recommendation or referral to suitable references would be appreciated.

Read the PC clock or the rather fast clock in the FPU (ticks since
power on).
Maxim makes a line of real-time clocks:

as do TI, ST, and others. Search "real time clock" on DigiKey. Will
any of these work?
On Sun, 08 Aug 2010 23:12:42 -0700, Adam Smith <>


I am designing a system in which I need to generate a timestamp in order
to insert a checksum, an ID, and other metadata to accompanying data
being passed between modules. I have seen and read of recommendations to
use TOY (Time of Year) Chips but I cannot find any specific chip or
Datasheet on any, to accomplish this.

Any recommendation or referral to suitable references would be appreciated.
An RTC chip, such as the Dallas (now Maxim) DS1307 or its relatives. It
handles power management on its own, just toss on a small lithium cell.

Some microcontrollers do have built-in RTCs that can continue to run
while the main processor is sleeping. A separate clock chip gives a bit
more choice as to what processor to use.

You'll probably not find any with exactly your (unspecified) TOY format,
so expect to do a little arithmetic to get the output to the correct
layout for your app.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA

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