Terry Casey
In article <v9WLymSSVYNPFwID@soft255.demon.co.uk>,
G6JPG@soft255.demon.co.uk says...
successor to the V2 and I'm sure that it is referred to as the V3 in the
film although, as I later found out, the V3 was a multi-barrelled high
velocity cannon, the site of which I've since visited.
G6JPG@soft255.demon.co.uk says...
1965, I think you'll find. The rocket in the film was supposed to be aIn message <MPG.299dc4ab8a5fc2bb989717@news.eternal-september.org>,
Terry Casey <k.type@example.invalid> writes:
Not a bomber - it would have been the A10 rocket.
The A10 was a prosed development of the A4 rocket that was the basis
for the V2 bombs that fell on London (as opposed to the jet engined V1
flying bomb known colloquially as the 'doodlebug' - I think the US term
is buzz-bomb).
To bring this back 'on course' - at least, for uk.tech.broadcast readers
- the A10 rocket is mentioned in this historic article:
And there was a film - 1970s I think - very loosely based on it. If I
saw it now, I'd probably cringe at all sorts of errors in it, but I
remember enjoying it _as a film_, then. I think it might have been
"Operation Crossbow" - CBA to check.
successor to the V2 and I'm sure that it is referred to as the V3 in the
film although, as I later found out, the V3 was a multi-barrelled high
velocity cannon, the site of which I've since visited.