Chris from London
Went to try to fix my daughters ASUS laptop and made it much worse 
She did not have her power supply so I used mine - I have an ASUS netbook. The plug was not the same but the VA are so I rigged up what I thought was the correct one but when I plugged it in it would not light the "PSU connected light". Although the laptop worked, without a charger it was no use.
As it was working before I got my hands on it I assume my connector somehow caused the PSU circuit to blow. The DC Jack goes to a plug on the mobo and I tested it in situ - there was 19v at the mobo socket, so the prob is further down the line.
I had to take the laptop completely apart to get at the mobo components to test points, and cannot easily re-connect everything to test the whole. I stripped it down and sure enough there is a burnt-out component - looks like a SM cap (MLCC) but cannot be 100% certain due to ignorance.
The mobo is an asus k501j
Found the schematic (https://googledrive.com/host/0ByM1ELG0t6mgZlJsRmRZcXhSVWM/pub/asus_k40ij_k50ij_rev_1.1_sch.pdf although it is for rev 1.1 and my board is rev 2.1) so have extracted the PSU Section and added it to the photo.
It looks as if the burnt one is an MLCC - a capacitor but, as I am not sure I have got the right schematic and cannot trace the wiring on the board itself (it is too thick) I guess I can only go ahead and replace it and hope for the best.
Can I test the mobo with nothing apart from power or do I need to reassemble? Can I simply remove the component and see if the laptop works without it? There could be a further fault. Presumably I do not need a MLCC - a regular cap would do it provided it is rated at 25v? Thought I could maybe try to find one on an old computer board as it looks like you cannot easily buy just one MLCC.
Hers a photo of the mobo showing the component and the schematic:
Here is a bigger pic of just the mobo:
Any help gratefully appreciated.
She did not have her power supply so I used mine - I have an ASUS netbook. The plug was not the same but the VA are so I rigged up what I thought was the correct one but when I plugged it in it would not light the "PSU connected light". Although the laptop worked, without a charger it was no use.
As it was working before I got my hands on it I assume my connector somehow caused the PSU circuit to blow. The DC Jack goes to a plug on the mobo and I tested it in situ - there was 19v at the mobo socket, so the prob is further down the line.
I had to take the laptop completely apart to get at the mobo components to test points, and cannot easily re-connect everything to test the whole. I stripped it down and sure enough there is a burnt-out component - looks like a SM cap (MLCC) but cannot be 100% certain due to ignorance.
The mobo is an asus k501j
Found the schematic (https://googledrive.com/host/0ByM1ELG0t6mgZlJsRmRZcXhSVWM/pub/asus_k40ij_k50ij_rev_1.1_sch.pdf although it is for rev 1.1 and my board is rev 2.1) so have extracted the PSU Section and added it to the photo.
It looks as if the burnt one is an MLCC - a capacitor but, as I am not sure I have got the right schematic and cannot trace the wiring on the board itself (it is too thick) I guess I can only go ahead and replace it and hope for the best.
Can I test the mobo with nothing apart from power or do I need to reassemble? Can I simply remove the component and see if the laptop works without it? There could be a further fault. Presumably I do not need a MLCC - a regular cap would do it provided it is rated at 25v? Thought I could maybe try to find one on an old computer board as it looks like you cannot easily buy just one MLCC.
Hers a photo of the mobo showing the component and the schematic:
Here is a bigger pic of just the mobo:
Any help gratefully appreciated.