Another reason ...

On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:21:52 +0000, Arfa Daily wrote:

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ? Well,
here's yet another. That one that I put in my bench light, that started
it all, has now become so dim, that it is worse than useless. It has
been getting worse and worse over the last week. There are signs of the
ballast enclosure running hot, so I guess that any electros in there,
have just cooked dry, due to the fact that it is predominantly hanging
down, in a semi-enclosed 'shade', much like a lot of household room and
decorative lighting does. They are fundamentally a crap technology that
has been forced on a largely unwanting public, by supposedly green
issues with a dubious foundation in fact.
I'm on my 2nd year of running a 100 watt equiv 6500k CFL upside down and
enclosed in a globe all year long dusk to dawn. I guess the brand does
matter in this case Osram/Sylvania. And there was no indication on the
package of any severe duty specifications.

Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse
William Sommerwerck wrote:
You don't really remember who invented global warming do you?
It's not as far fetched as you think. Before she got into politics,
Thatcher was an industrial engineer and is the mother of modern
ice cream. She calculated the exact proportion of air that could
be added to ice cream and still sold as ice cream.

Now except for home made and few specialty products, all ice
cream is made from a variation of her formula.

I'm certain that the concept of "overrun" long predates Maggie.

All ice cream needs at least a little air, or it would be very hard and
That depends on the base used -- as well as other ingredients.
And, of course, how long you let it ripen. E.g., fruits
tend to bring too much water to the mix; sugar substitutes
result in insufficient volume (I suspect sugar also lowers
the freezing point of the mix?)

My butter pecan Rx can tolerate extended ripening before
becoming "hard as a rock" (N.B. ripening seems to be a
self-contradictory term wrt ice cream!)

You can still-freeze some Rx's while others seem to need a
dasher-on-steroids. :<

dense. In the US, the maximum amount allowed is 50% by volume.
It's always fun to watch the expression on someone's face
when they taste *real* "iceD cream"!
On 11/11/2010 3:54 PM, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
Archon wrote:
one failed spectacularly after 20 minutes

Care to elaborate?


small sparky flame out of one side of the tube hole for a second and
enough smoke to set off the smoke alarm.

Archon wrote:
one failed spectacularly after 20 minutes
Care to elaborate?


Geoffrey S. Mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
To help restaurants, as part of the "stimulus package", everyone must order
dessert. As part of the socialized health plan, you are forbidden to eat it. :)
"Arfa Daily = a Fucking Liar"

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ?
** A whole pack of stupid, fucking lies.

That one that I put in my bench light, that started it all, has now become
so dim, that it is worse than useless.

** So you used an old, very worn out and unsuitable colour temp CFL.

Wot a fucking MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been getting worse and worse over the last week.

** It was WORN OUT when you put it in - you fucking LIAR !!

There are signs of the ballast enclosure running hot,
** No nearly as hot an a normal lamp runs.

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and swear
by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first
appeared, right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...

** YOU are a DAMN LIAR !!

YOU are ** by your own admission** COLOUR BLIND !!

YOU are posting piles of absolute FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes itself.

..... Phil
Archon wrote:
On 11/11/2010 3:54 PM, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
Archon wrote:
one failed spectacularly after 20 minutes

Care to elaborate?


small sparky flame out of one side of the tube hole for a second and
enough smoke to set off the smoke alarm.

Come on. It was just getting warmed up. ;-)

Politicians should only get paid if the budget is balanced, and there is
enough left over to pay them.
"Arfa Daily = a Fucking Liar"

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ?
** A whole pack of stupid, fucking lies.

That one that I put in my bench light, that started it all, has now become
so dim, that it is worse than useless.

** So you used an old, very worn out and unsuitable colour temp CFL.

Wot a fucking MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been getting worse and worse over the last week.

** It was WORN OUT when you put it in - you fucking LIAR !!

There are signs of the ballast enclosure running hot,
** No nearly as hot an a normal lamp runs.

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and swear
by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first
appeared, right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...

** YOU are a DAMN LIAR !!

YOU are ** by your own admission** COLOUR BLIND !!

YOU are posting piles of absolute FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes itself.

..... Phil
"Arfa Daily = a Fucking Liar"

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ?
** A whole pack of stupid, fucking lies.

That one that I put in my bench light, that started it all, has now become
so dim, that it is worse than useless.

** So you used an old, very worn out and unsuitable colour temp CFL.

Wot a fucking MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been getting worse and worse over the last week.

** It was WORN OUT when you put it in - you fucking LIAR !!

There are signs of the ballast enclosure running hot,
** No nearly as hot an a normal lamp runs.

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and swear
by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first
appeared, right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...

** YOU are a DAMN LIAR !!

YOU are ** by your own admission** COLOUR BLIND !!

YOU are posting piles of absolute FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes itself.

..... Phil
"Arfa Daily = a Fucking Liar"

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ?
** A whole pack of stupid, fucking lies.

That one that I put in my bench light, that started it all, has now become
so dim, that it is worse than useless.

** So you used an old, very worn out and unsuitable colour temp CFL.

Wot a fucking MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been getting worse and worse over the last week.

** It was WORN OUT when you put it in - you fucking LIAR !!

There are signs of the ballast enclosure running hot,
** No nearly as hot an a normal lamp runs.

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and swear
by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first
appeared, right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...

** YOU are a DAMN LIAR !!

YOU are ** by your own admission** COLOUR BLIND !!

YOU are posting piles of absolute FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes itself.

..... Phil
On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:33:02 +1100, Phil Allison wrote:
God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes itself.
Only after he gets blown by goats...or me.

Shit! I thought no one knew, goddammit!
Me, jacking off! Available For
It's always fun to watch the expression on someone's
face when they taste *real* "ice cream"!
That is, high-butterfat ice cream with low overrun. The University of
Maryland dairy store sold such ice cream, and it was a wonderful. Even the
"premium" brands don't match that quality.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Arfa Daily = a Fucking Liar"

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ?

** A whole pack of stupid, fucking lies.

That one that I put in my bench light, that started it all, has now
become so dim, that it is worse than useless.

** So you used an old, very worn out and unsuitable colour temp CFL.

Wot a fucking MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been getting worse and worse over the last week.

** It was WORN OUT when you put it in - you fucking LIAR !!

There are signs of the ballast enclosure running hot,

** No nearly as hot an a normal lamp runs.

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and
swear by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first
appeared, right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...

** YOU are a DAMN LIAR !!

YOU are ** by your own admission** COLOUR BLIND !!

YOU are posting piles of absolute FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes itself.

.... Phil

Now now Philip. You know we've all told you about this behaviour before. You
know what comes next don't you ? No, don't play dumb - you do know ...
That's right, you get to go on the naughty step !

Now be a good boy, take your meds - you have forgotten again haven't you,
you naughty naughty boy - and piss off back under your antipodean stone.
Whilst we all laugh at you (again)


"David Sanders" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:33:02 +1100, Phil Allison wrote:
God I hope this stinking pile of autistic, pommy shit electrocutes

Only after he gets blown by goats...or me.

Shit! I thought no one knew, goddammit!
Me, jacking off! Available For
And another twat. Jacking off behind his computer. Sad sad man ...

"Arfa Daily = a fucking TROLL "

Remember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ?
** A whole pack of stupid, fucking lies.

That one that I put in my bench light, that started it all, has now become
so dim, that it is worse than useless.

** So you used an old, very worn out and unsuitable colour temp CFL.

Wot an utter, fucking MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been getting worse and worse over the last week.

** It was WORN OUT when you put it in - you fucking LIAR !!

There are signs of the ballast enclosure running hot,
** No nearly as hot an a normal lamp runs.

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and swear
by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first
appeared, right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...

** YOU are a DAMN LIAR !!

YOU are ** by your own admission** COLOUR BLIND !!

YOU are posting piles of absolute FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

God I hope this stinking pile of retarded, autistic, pommy shit
electrocutes itself.

..... Phil
Arfa Daily <> wrote in message
"D Yuniskis" <> wrote in message

On the wider field of RoHS

Law banning use of lead shot in duck hunts ignored

Lead pellets still used as ammunition to shoot ducks, says Wildfowl and
Wetlands Trust

* James Meikle
*, Wednesday 10 November 2010 17.20 GMT
Duck hunters are flouting the law on the use of lead ammunition.
The law banning the shooting of ducks and other wildfowl with lead shot is
being widely flouted across England, according to a government-funded study.

Seven in 10 of the ducks checked at game-dealers, butchers and supermarkets
were killed with lead ammunition, while surveys of shooters and shoot
organisers revealed that many admitted they did not always comply with the
regulations introduced in 1999.

The measures were meant to stop the death of waterbirds from lead poisoning
caused by them mistakenly eating spent shot which they mistook for food or
grit needed to aid their digestion. This was thought to account for
one-in-eight bird deaths. But no one is known to have been prosecuted for
breaking the law which could result in a Ł1,000 fine. The regulations also
ban lead shot being used to kill any birds below the coastal spring-tide
high-water mark or in specified wetlands.

The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), which wrote the report with the help
of surveys by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC),
said there had been no improvement since the trust conducted a smaller study
with the RSPB in 2002. Non-compliance remained "high and widespread".
Businesses selling duck killed by lead pellets are not breaking the law.

The checks indicated how the law was particularly poorly observed on inland
game and duck shoots. Wildfowlers shooting birds in coastal areas were less
likely to supply game outlets, the report noted.

The BASC surveys found up to 45% of those responding admitted not always
complying with the law. Some did not believe lead poisoning of wildlife was
a sufficient problem to justify the regulations and others believed lead
shot was more effective and less expensive than alternative ammunition,
including steel, tungsten and bismuth.

The WWT is calling on the government to do more to ensure the law is obeyed.
It recommends that offences are reported, and said shoot organisers should
make compliance with the law a condition of taking part, and that
game-dealers should demand that all their suppliers had behaved legally.

The BASC agrees all regulations applying to the use of lead shot should be
observed. A spokesman said: "We need to address the problems this is showing

The Lead Ammunition Group, a panel established by environment department
Defra and the Food Standards Agency, is to report on the health impacts of
lead shot on both wildlife and humans next summer.
In article <QAOCo.118328$Dv.107823@newsfe07.ams2>, Arfa Daily
<> writes

There are signs of the ballast
enclosure running hot, so I guess that any electros in there, have just
cooked dry, due to the fact that it is predominantly hanging down, in a
semi-enclosed 'shade'
They don't last as long when run base-up, as you have found.

, much like a lot of household room and decorative
lighting does. They are fundamentally a crap technology that has been forced
on a largely unwanting public, by supposedly green issues with a dubious
foundation in fact.
My thought too. What about the mercury in the tubes?

I know a lot of people on here seem to like the dreadful things, and swear
by them, but my continuing experience, judged from when they first appeared,
right up until now, just makes me want to swear *at* them ...
They have their place, but are not the universal panacea the greenies
profess them to be. They're ok in outside lights, for example, or in
the garage or shed.

I have now found an internet site selling all varieties of incandescents,
including 60 watt pearl, so I shall be stocking up post haste.
Me too. The pound shops and TJ Hughes are still stocking them, 60 and
100w, clear and pearl, for 99p for four.

I snarfed for free a big bag (about 50) of incandescent R60 spot bulbs
from some guy who had replaced the lot in his new house with CFLs.
Excuse me? Try turning them off occasionally...

Mike Tomlinson
On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 14:58:39 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote:

On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 18:07:12 -0500, David Sanders wrote:

Maet Plow is blown by goats

Really? How so?
You tell us.
Shit! I thought no one knew, goddammit!
Me, jacking off! Available For
On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:33:02 +1100, Phil Allison puked:

<snip everything not worth reading>

Look nothing left. heh
On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 18:07:12 -0500, David Sanders wrote:

blown by goats
Really? How so?

Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse

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