Meat Plow
On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:21:52 +0000, Arfa Daily wrote:
enclosed in a globe all year long dusk to dawn. I guess the brand does
matter in this case Osram/Sylvania. And there was no indication on the
package of any severe duty specifications.
Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse
I'm on my 2nd year of running a 100 watt equiv 6500k CFL upside down andRemember my post a few weeks back "Another Reason to Hate CFLs" ? Well,
here's yet another. That one that I put in my bench light, that started
it all, has now become so dim, that it is worse than useless. It has
been getting worse and worse over the last week. There are signs of the
ballast enclosure running hot, so I guess that any electros in there,
have just cooked dry, due to the fact that it is predominantly hanging
down, in a semi-enclosed 'shade', much like a lot of household room and
decorative lighting does. They are fundamentally a crap technology that
has been forced on a largely unwanting public, by supposedly green
issues with a dubious foundation in fact.
enclosed in a globe all year long dusk to dawn. I guess the brand does
matter in this case Osram/Sylvania. And there was no indication on the
package of any severe duty specifications.
Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse