Announcement: Building Homebrew Vacuum Tubes and Homebrew Tr

In article <>,
"Tim Williams" <> wrote:

"Don Bruder" <> wrote in message
Nobody says I can't throw some wrought iron scrap into the mix...

Actually, wrought iron is cast iron with all the constituents (except the
iron itself) oxidized. Due to the way it's produced, it is full of slag
which makes it wonderful to forge-weld, needing no flux at all, and
generally a nice forging material. It kind of went out of style in the
19th century.
Wrought iron as it is known today is just a generic term for anything
that looks like it might've come from a blacksmith's shop (yeah, right).
Usually mild steel.

What you really want for knives and other sharp hard stuff are dull files.
I'm sure you have a few very dull ones laying around ;)
You don't know the half of it! Prolly half a gig worth! And all of them
so dull they could put a hyperactive kid on a sugar buzz to sleep in
seconds. Now, I just need to figure out how to get them in the fire...
Maybe if I hard-copy them and put THAT in the forge? :)

Heat it to a good yellow heat and bang it with a hammer till your heart's
content. When you want to harden it, heat to orange hot and quench in
water, then throw it in the oven at 400?F for up to an hour.

OK, I'm following the tempering logic up to the last - 400 for an
hour??? What's that supposed to do??? Are we trying to anneal the thing?
If so, 400 seems pretty low.

Boy that got wordy fast...
So? I don't see anybody complaining (yet...)

Even so, it MIGHT be best if we take this elsewhere.

Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - SpamAssassinated.
Hate SPAM? See <> for some seriously great info.
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart
Fly trap info pages: <>
Sticking on the mercury stuff added to alkalines...I believed it was to
prevent corosion and creation of Hydrogen gas...I dun eally
remember...anyway I haven seen a Alkaline with mercury yet...coz I'm 14 and
Singapore has a very tight law on this kind of sh*t...ok My IQ is dropping
by one now...lolx...

"Watson A.Name - Watt Sun" <> wrote in message
In article <T69db.5976$>, mentioned...
Greetings, All.

For the last three years I have been engaged in writing a book on the
topic of homebrew amplification devices, including tubes, transistors,
and electromechanical devices. I'm happy to announce that this book,
"Instruments Of Amplification" is now complete.

I invite you to visit my web site to view images of some of the

In the event you might be interested in a copy of the book, I do not
sell them myself. However, the web site features links to a number of
organizations that either do, or will shortly carry "Instruments Of
I forgot to mention to check my .sig below for a ULR to compare prices
of new and used books. Also try for lots more.

Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
In article <>,
"Watson A.Name - Watt Sun" <> wrote in message
However, I still don't understand why, in all their
New Yorkers are willing to pay $2,000 for a studio flat with a bathtub
the kitchen.

Makes icing lots of booze more convenient? <shrug

Good article this weekend on MSN about the most expensive zip codes,
median home price-wise. Some of those are out on Long Island. :p
Contrary to popular beliefs, Beverly Hills 90210 is way down at 24th
on the list. And they also said that NYC didn't make the top either.
Check it out.

Under NYC bridges are still free, I'm afraid.

From Orange County, Cal where the affluent meet the effluent

that's damn clever--why hide it? @@ Steven
If you read the article above, you'd see that a few of the most
affluent neighborhoods are along the coast in the city of Newport
Beach, which is right next to (and downwind of) the sewage treatment
plant (PHEW!!)

See the aerial photo: effluent in the middle, affluent all around.
One flush should do it!

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
Apologies for continuing the OT, from such a subject, but ... ;-})

Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun" <> wrote:
: > > Good article this weekend on MSN about the most expensive zip codes,
: > > median home price-wise. Some of those are out on Long Island. :p
: > > Contrary to popular beliefs, Beverly Hills 90210 is way down at 24th
: > > on the list. And they also said that NYC didn't make the top either.
: > >
: > > Check it out.
: >
: > Under NYC bridges are still free, I'm afraid.
: >
: >
: > From Orange County, Cal where the affluent meet the effluent
: >
: > that's damn clever--why hide it? @@ Steven
: If you read the article above, you'd see that a few of the most
: affluent neighborhoods are along the coast in the city of Newport
: Beach, which is right next to (and downwind of) the sewage treatment
: plant (PHEW!!)
: See the aerial photo: effluent in the middle, affluent all around.
: One flush should do it!
: yGbSda9fo56yOod4%2bEqWn%2f6Wd5eV%2bn1yWudobdCyeeefgXpyU3P6lzZhuYr2h7Pb
: DUg%2fxnQucoXi3c95VcaECyLYeVBtyCnv3clgWZgrXp258ZcrLgC4vZSELFspvtXDlqaW
: yzx%2fVj3bJFYCkmt1z1v1ky4eSPw9iGfyA8E1iqGD3oBOB7lYI4BqDkldCpQd5G7ISqLk
: lTbQSlenm35GxaslWf95GnA%2fgks5Fcc%2buKBdYgd74EiBcDdIkVwNzO9CtSa1z6uXAj
: hPc1jHPuX%2fC3mR2jz9RS2sbGHOpmERyFsaC0%2bClN

Gee, 394 chrs ... what fun! Looks almost the same when ROT13'd, too ...
I suspect you've deliberately made it so so that those who really *want* to
see an aerial photo of a sewage farm have to dig deep.-) Reminds me of an
early American author whose name I forget that told the tale of a rich
eccentric who had a vat erected in the town square, filled with fresh cow
dung, and scattered dollar bills in it for the pleasure of watching ...
Well, perhaps I should ROT13 the tinyurl ver: uggc://gvalhey.pbz/c67o
(o: - I'd love to remember who that author was if anybody knows:)

[There's a local mansion on a causeway very near the sewage ponds here in
Auckland NZ, too ... Do sewage treatment ponds really stink so much?]
RdM wrote:
Gee, 394 chrs ... what fun! Looks almost the same when ROT13'd, too ...
I suspect you've deliberately made it so so that those who really *want* to
see an aerial photo of a sewage farm have to dig deep.-) Reminds me of an
early American author whose name I forget that told the tale of a rich
eccentric who had a vat erected in the town square, filled with fresh cow
dung, and scattered dollar bills in it for the pleasure of watching ...
Well, perhaps I should ROT13 the tinyurl ver: uggc://gvalhey.pbz/c67o
(o: - I'd love to remember who that author was if anybody knows:)
The book: The Magic Christian, by Terry Southern.
Followed by, the movie: The Magic Christian with Peter Sellers and
Ringo Starr.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Tara Morice as Fran, from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"
In article <blces5$jvk$>, (Mark Zenier) wrote:

In article <>,
Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun" <> wrote:
Oddly, some things the EPA doesn't care squat about cause panic with
the state depts. Like anti-freeze. Some states ban it and tell you
to recycle it, others say it's okay to pour small quantities down the
sewer as long as your sewer connects to the main line, i.e. is not a
septic tank.

Hell, the State of California makes the manufacturer put a cancer
warning on PVC coated aluminum fence wire. ??????????????

I can understand, a bit, about a warning on a garden hose, but
are little kids going to go around sucking on a fence?

And do they make them put the warning on LP records?

Triple sheesh.
Welcome to Granola-fornia. If it's a flake, fruit, or nut, it's in here!
This damn state has more whacked out BS feelgood laws on the books than
you can shake a stick at, and the quantity grows steadily. I keep
expecting to walk out my front door to face a SWAT team getting ready to
arrest me for something stupid like not wearing my shower-shoes.

Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - SpamAssassinated.
Hate SPAM? See <> for some seriously great info.
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart
Fly trap info pages: <>
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 07:18:16 +0100, Tim Williams wrote:

Actually, wrought iron is cast iron with all the constituents (except
the iron itself) oxidized. Due to the way it's produced, it is full of
slag which makes it wonderful to forge-weld, needing no flux at all, and
generally a nice forging material. It kind of went out of style in the
19th century.
Still in use in 1912 - that's what the Titanic's rivets (that bust) were
made of.

One theory (IIRC, now disproved) said too much slag in them.

Then there's duct tape ...
(Garrison Keillor)
"Fred Nachbaur" <> wrote in message
Robert Casey wrote:
I got a C in chem 101 back in college 30 years ago, so I can't say I
know anything
about batteries. Like why do they put corrosive crap in batteries?

Because baby lotion doesn't work. :p

something, A. As I said, I got a C. To me, any chemical that I can't
is cancergenous or mutenigenous or smells bad.....

LOL! I enjoyed the chem classes but hated the labs.
Taking two chem classes right now! One is a bit of work, the other is kinda

Too messy and
stinky. And I never got the expected result, so had to fudge. Made me
feel guilty and incompetent.
You forgot the one fundimental part of chem lab - spend the 2 hour break
before lab at the pub! My results are usually excellent, but the formal lab
reports suck.

| Music: |
| Projects, Vacuum Tubes & other stuff: |
| |
"Robert Casey" <> wrote in message
Fred Nachbaur wrote:

Robert Casey wrote:


I got a C in chem 101 back in college 30 years ago, so I can't say I
know anything
about batteries. Like why do they put corrosive crap in batteries?

Because baby lotion doesn't work. :p

And I thought it was the battery operated equipment manufacturers paying
off the
battery makers to make batteries leak and ruin said equipment, making
run out and buy new equipment.... ;-)

Once my father told me a battery I had was about to explode. I tossed
it out
into the backyard and dove for cover.....
Mix good alkalines with dead ones, and the dead ones reverse charge. We had
a energiser battery blow apart because of that.

In article <Aojeb.26172$>, mentioned...

Welcome to Granola-fornia. If it's a flake, fruit, or nut, it's in here!
This damn state has more whacked out BS feelgood laws on the books than
you can shake a stick at, and the quantity grows steadily. I keep
expecting to walk out my front door to face a SWAT team getting ready to
arrest me for something stupid like not wearing my shower-shoes.
Regarding your fly trap. You didn't finish your web page. You have
to tell us what to do and how to go about getting rid of the flies and
cleaning the trap once it's full. Do you have to unscrew the clamps
and remove the flat screen to empty it? Should one just spray the fly
infestation with a fly killer like black flag or whatever to kill
them? Dump the whole trap into a tank of water for a day to drown the
rascals? How? What??

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
In article <>,
Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun" <> wrote:

In article <Aojeb.26172$>, mentioned...

Welcome to Granola-fornia. If it's a flake, fruit, or nut, it's in here!
This damn state has more whacked out BS feelgood laws on the books than
you can shake a stick at, and the quantity grows steadily. I keep
expecting to walk out my front door to face a SWAT team getting ready to
arrest me for something stupid like not wearing my shower-shoes.

Regarding your fly trap. You didn't finish your web page.


I didn't?

You have
to tell us what to do and how to go about getting rid of the flies and
cleaning the trap once it's full. Do you have to unscrew the clamps
and remove the flat screen to empty it?
Ummm... Assuming you can't figure it out for yourself with a minute or
so of thought....

Pop the top, and dump it someplace. The few (comparatively speaking)
live ones that will escape don't matter enough to worry about.

Hose it out if there's a heavy "encrustation" of fly parts on the inside
of the bucket. Spray the cone well, too, since they need to be able to
see "out" to draw them inside.

Put the top back on. You're done.

Should one just spray the fly
infestation with a fly killer like black flag or whatever to kill
Definitely *NOT*. That will repel the next batch when you re-bait it and
return it to operation.

Sun and dehydration are the kill "mechanism".

And if any AR fruitcakes who happen to be hanging about want to start
screming about how "cruel" that is, you're welcome to shove your head up
your butt and do your screaming there. I don't care if it is or isn't a
humane way to kill the damn things. As long as they're dead, I'm happy.
If that means instantly from a swat, over a few minutes by poison, over
the course of two or three days from dehydration, or over the course of
a month of specialized fly-torture, it's all the same to me. The only
good fly is a dead fly.

Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - SpamAssassinated.
Hate SPAM? See <> for some seriously great info.
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart
Fly trap info pages: <>
Don Bruder wrote:
Sun and dehydration are the kill "mechanism".
Actually, it's the cold at night. That's what does the little
buggers in.

After the sun goes down, they all cruise up to the top and go
to sleep. Bang the cage on it's feet for a few laughs and watch
them all wake up. Repeat as required to amuse yourself.

The next morning, most are all dead.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Tara Morice as Fran, from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"
In article <1SIeb.22503$>,
Jeffrey D Angus <> wrote:

Don Bruder wrote:
Sun and dehydration are the kill "mechanism".

Actually, it's the cold at night. That's what does the little
buggers in.

After the sun goes down, they all cruise up to the top and go
to sleep. Bang the cage on it's feet for a few laughs and watch
them all wake up. Repeat as required to amuse yourself.

The next morning, most are all dead.

Sorry, Jeff, but I'm forced by experience to respectfully disagree. As
one piece of evidence, during the fly season here, the nights rarely
drop below 60F (more often, temps don't go below 70F for more than a
couple of hours in the dead of night from about May to about October),
which is *FAR* from fatal to a fly. I've personally seen flies operating
with absolutely zero apparent difficulty other than being a bit
slower/less agile than usual at temps as low as 45F. At about 40, they
start seriously slowing down, and most will be either unwilling or
unable to get airborne, but they're still perfectly healthy as far as
I've been able to detemine, as evidenced by the fact that warming them
up puts them right back in "go like hell" mode, even after extended
periods of near-freezing temperatures. At 35, most are so torpid that
they don't move even when prodded, but again, warming them up brings
them right back to full obnoxiousness.

Outright *KILLING* them with cold takes some *SERIOUS* cold
(sub-freezing) for a fairly long time (at least 2-3 days) - I've seen
flies that somehow got shut into a freezer walk out under their own
power after more than a day inside, find a sunny spot to "defrost" for a
bit, then fly away as if nothing had ever happened. And yes, the ice
cream in the freezer was still hard as a rock, so it wasn't an anomaly
caused by a failed freezer.

Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - SpamAssassinated.
Hate SPAM? See <> for some seriously great info.
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart
Fly trap info pages: <>
Don Bruder wrote:
Sorry, Jeff, but I'm forced by experience to respectfully disagree.
Perhaps I should have said exposure then instead of cold.
They are most assuredly all dead the next morning.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Tara Morice as Fran, from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"
Too messy and
stinky. And I never got the expected result, so had to fudge. Made me
feel guilty and incompetent.

There's a big difference between undergraduate (or high school) chem
labs and
real research labs. In school, you know that you are not going to
discover something
not already known to mankind. That there is an expected result. In
real research
you're doing it to see if your expected result really does happen, or
maybe your
theory needs work. So in school, you fudge the results to yield the
correct answer.
By the time scientists get to do real research, they don't fudge (Fudge
results, and
nobody else can reproduce what you claimed you did, and you lose face and
reputation big time).

You forgot the one fundimental part of chem lab - spend the 2 hour break
before lab at the pub! My results are usually excellent, but the formal lab
reports suck.

They never mention it enough, but once you're in industrial research
labs, or
anywhere else where you're not flipping burgers, you need to be able to
write reports of what you did so your boss will know what you got done
for the company, so you can get better raises or avoid layoffs. That in
combination with good interpersonal/ office politics skills.... So do
put some effort into the reports. Remember, even in science or
engineering or software, you still gotta deal with a boss, who is a person.

In article <EbIeb.26600$>, mentioned...
In article <>,
Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun" <> wrote:

In article <Aojeb.26172$>, mentioned...

Sun and dehydration are the kill "mechanism".
Ok, thanks. Being that I've never used one of those before, I didn't
know that most of the flies would be dead in a short while. I figured
that opening the top would let most of them out again since they'd
still be alive. Most fly traps use some kind of stick-um, so escape
isn't an option! Just drop the trap into the trash can, and then pay
another five bucks for another package of traps. Oof! I just
realized something. If your trap becomes popular and those other trap
makers lose business, you could end up in the bottom of a lake with
cement shoes on, just like Jimmy Hoffa and the guy who invented that
hundred MPG carburetor! ;-)

I talked to a lady at work who owns a horse, and she said they didn't
have a fly problem because they plowed the manure every week or so, so
the fly eggs didn't have a chance to hatch. What few flies they had
left were caught by a sticky trap. She gave us the rundown on why
flies are bad and how the flies get on the horse's eyes and mucus
membranes, and spread disease, etc. Some of the ladies got grossed
out when we started to talk about maggots, etc. Eewww.

Anyway, your trap seems a lot simpler and more effective than a bug
zapper that runs off electricity. Technology is cool, like BRRZAP!
has an appeal to it, but like you said, it don't make no diff if it's
a quick zap or they die of lack of water. Thanks for the info.

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
In article <l3Meb.23034$>, mentioned...
Don Bruder wrote:

Sorry, Jeff, but I'm forced by experience to respectfully disagree.

Perhaps I should have said exposure then instead of cold.
They are most assuredly all dead the next morning.
Just to throw another variable into the equation, maybe they die from
lack of food. Could be they're like ants or honey bees, they don't
live long without a source of energy, like sugar or nectar, or a piece
of poop to suck on(!)

Students on campus drop a piece of candy on the cement, and the ants
are on it fast, like flies on dog sh!t. Couldn't help using the
analogy. :)

Don's comment about AR (animal rights?) whiners got me thinking of a
few weeks ago when I mentioned that I had bees in the wall on my
patio, so I called the management co., and they sent an exterminator
to spray them. Someone jumped on me about killing them, and that they
should be moved to a new place. But I didn't have any choice about
how they were mitigated, all I said was that they were starting a hive
in my wall. They still haven't sent someone over to patch the holes,
so who knows - maybe the bees will be back.

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
"Watson A.Name - Watt Sun" <> wrote in message
[...] I mentioned that I had bees in the wall on my
patio, so I called the management co., and they sent an exterminator
to spray them. Someone jumped on me about killing them, and that they
should be moved to a new place. But I didn't have any choice about
how they were mitigated, all I said was that they were starting a hive
in my wall. They still haven't sent someone over to patch the holes,
so who knows - maybe the bees will be back.
Spray those areas with something smelly like fly killer (Pyrethrum)
and they will avoid it for weeks - long after their need to build a new
house. Air freshner works too.

Graham W XP1800+ Page added, Graphics Tutorial
Dorset UK Astro Society's Web pages, Info, Meeting Dates, Sites & Maps
Change 'news' to 'sewn' in my Reply address to avoid my spam filter.
Watson A.Name - Watt Sun wrote:
Just to throw another variable into the equation, maybe they die from
lack of food. Could be they're like ants or honey bees, they don't
live long without a source of energy, like sugar or nectar, or a piece
of poop to suck on(!)
On a marginally related topic. Those gifts from the dog used to turn
white with age. They don't anymore. They've stopped using bone meal
and use ash now for filler.

When I asked my dad (as a kid) why it turned white, he said, "That's
because the flies have sucked all the goodness out of it."


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Tara Morice as Fran, from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"
In article <>, Watson
A.Name - "Watt Sun" wrote:

another five bucks for another package of traps. Oof! I just
I thought those little rolls of fly paper strip were cheaper. I once
them in a pack of four for $1.

Or is this something different? Sheets of the stuff?

Sven Weil
New York City, U.S.A.

Welcome to

