"--exray--" <no@no.no> wrote in message
I know what you mean, though. I had to educate my young'uns very early on
about the price of batteries. I buy them rechargeables, but have to keep on
them about keeping them topped off...sucks to buy a set of NimH's or even
NiCads and find them under the bed months later--flat as a pancake and
nutritious.... ;-)Watson A.Name - Watt Sun wrote:
But at almost any store, I can buy an 8-pack of brand name alkaline
AAs for 4 bucks, that's about $.50 each. And they have a lot higher
capacity than carbon-zincs. Someetimes they go on sale; At Fry's I
got a bunch of 4-packs of GE/Sanyo AA alkalines for $.89, about 22
cents each, so I have enough AA cells to hold me over for quite
awhile. ;-) So at least for the smaller sizes, like AA and AAA, I
don't see a reason to buy carbon-zincs.
Wow, I wish we had stores like that out here in the backwater. I have
to mail order the Mouser GP AA alkalines at 40 cents or pay retail
locally which is typically 2/$2.99 and I've got two kids that eat 'em
like candy.
-Bill M
Man! What else are you feeding them?!?! Those batteries couldn't be very
I know what you mean, though. I had to educate my young'uns very early on
about the price of batteries. I buy them rechargeables, but have to keep on
them about keeping them topped off...sucks to buy a set of NimH's or even
NiCads and find them under the bed months later--flat as a pancake and