Arfa Daily
"Lumpy" <lumpy@digitalcartography.com> wrote in message
I once worked with a guy of whom that was literally true. He and his missus
were both nudists, and his 'wedding photos' were of the both of them on a
beach. There was a set of footprints and a trench leading to where he was
standing ... Actually, he was quite short, but even so ...
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Come back when you grow up.
For the last time, I'm not short.
I just have a tremendously long penis
and I look short in comparison.
I once worked with a guy of whom that was literally true. He and his missus
were both nudists, and his 'wedding photos' were of the both of them on a
beach. There was a set of footprints and a trench leading to where he was
standing ... Actually, he was quite short, but even so ...