Phil Allison <pallison49@gmail.com> wrote in news:93fa8c1c-2ac8-44ea-
Coated pans are orders of magnitude better than cooking against
Aluminum. No bullshit about it, boy.
I am not the one touting PTFE as hazardous.
And as for the Aluminum FACTS I stated, the issues with Aluminum
have been reported for decades.
I am not a health fanatic and I do not claim illnesses I do not
have. I simply KNOW that Aluminum is bad for the body and I KNOW
that I will stay away from it for that reason. Pretty simple shit,
putz. Notice how we (at least the intelligent among us) do not have
ANY Aluminum utensils.
THAT is why we no longer see bare Aluminum in the stores like
WalMart, because any AL they have is coated or hard anodized. Now
the bottom of the barrel Dollar General might have some cheap chinese
Al pots and pans, but I don\'t buy those. Why? Because I have known
for years... decades even that Aluminum is a bad cooking medium.
Why do you think a restaurant puts oven paper down on their huge
Aluminum baking trays when they fill them up with bacon?
Decayed Brain Matter LIAR
Nice try though. The new stuff is quite hard and quite stable and
far better than cooking against Aluminum.
** Bullshit.
Coated pans are orders of magnitude better than cooking against
Aluminum. No bullshit about it, boy.
Google health fanatic or psychosomatic illness.
** And see your name - fuckhead.
I am not the one touting PTFE as hazardous.
And as for the Aluminum FACTS I stated, the issues with Aluminum
have been reported for decades.
I am not a health fanatic and I do not claim illnesses I do not
have. I simply KNOW that Aluminum is bad for the body and I KNOW
that I will stay away from it for that reason. Pretty simple shit,
putz. Notice how we (at least the intelligent among us) do not have
ANY Aluminum utensils.
THAT is why we no longer see bare Aluminum in the stores like
WalMart, because any AL they have is coated or hard anodized. Now
the bottom of the barrel Dollar General might have some cheap chinese
Al pots and pans, but I don\'t buy those. Why? Because I have known
for years... decades even that Aluminum is a bad cooking medium.
Why do you think a restaurant puts oven paper down on their huge
Aluminum baking trays when they fill them up with bacon?