
"Iain M Churches"

Eiron. While I applaud your efforts to pour oil onto troubled waters, I
would point out that I have never been anything but polite to Phil.

** L I A R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He replies to
my posts with course language and invective at every opportunity, so
intelligent discussion with him is not possible.

** COS YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He replies to first-time posters in the crudest and most unpleasant
on this and other groups. These people rarely return.


He insults knowledgeable people,

** Leaves you out.

such as the Scottish university lecturer,

** Shame you will not post the whole story - you pile of autistic SHIT.

A Swedish colleague of mine who is a very experienced audio engineer and
speaker builder,

** Err - that the same FUCKING DUMB CUNT who gave you FALSE data on
speakers ??

Autistics like the utterly cretinous "Churches " are a plague of locust on
the face of the earth.

Best thing is to shoot them on sight.

............. Phil
"Tony Smith"
Rod Speed wrote:

And you're committing a federal crime as well.


** Well, one of Australia worst serial net stalkers and usenet psychos would
say that.

Wouldn't he ?

........... Phil
"Tony Smith"

** The psychotic prick wouldn't recognise himself in a mirror.

His tiny, shrivelled brain is fucked with ADHD,
he is an ex public service cunthead and now a
* middle aged tragic & law student puke *
living off his bitch wife Sylvia in Cairns.

If this pic of him does not scare you, nothing will.


If any libelling scum bags like Smith want to say I am a liar re
my time at Sydney Uni then he had better put their money on it.

All monies ( i.e. $10k each) to be held by a solicitor in trust until facts

Put your money up or shut the fuck up - Smithtoid.

You gutless, fucking excuse for a maggot filled turd !!!

......... Phil
Iain M Churches <tael@kolumbus.fi> wrote
Tony Smith <adolphuzspriggs@ hotmail.com> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

And you're committing a federal crime as well.


Give the man a chance!
Care to explain, Rod?
Its a federal crime to use a 'carraige service', which basically
means the net in this context, to 'menace or harass' SECT 474.17
Iain M Churches <tael@kolumbus.fi> wrote
TT <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote

First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts try these guys and see where we

It might be more effective if we agree upon a standard
wording in the complaint, and all use the same format.
That's the last thing you should do, makes it look
like someone is faking up a number of identitys.

And may well get flushed by their spam filter too.

Your idea is a good one.
No it aint, they'll just flush them all where they belong, you watch.
"Alan Rutlidge"

Well written Tony.

** It is a pack of ridiculous lies written by a notorious net stalker.

The name "chucky " ought to give you a big hint.

It's about time Phil got told and I think you've done that quite well
without having to resort to Phil's ultra-abusive tactics.

** The post was pure criminal abuse - every word.

You are completely insane - Rutlidge.

Now explain the Thai boyfriend incident where he stole all your money.

............ Phil
"Alan Rutlidge"

** You are completely insane - Rutlidge.

Now explain the Thai boyfriend incident where he stole all your money.

............ Phil
"paul packer"

** You are a completely insane autistic freak.

Get back to your kiddie porn - caravan man.

........... Phil
Jadzax <jadzax@hotmail.com> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
TT <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote

First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts
try these guys and see where we get.

They'll just tell you to fuck off using more diplomatic language.

And you're committing a federal crime as well.

Your terminal pig ignorance is your problem child.

Always has been, always will be.
paul packer <packer@iprimus.com.au> wrote:
On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 17:19:47 +1100, "Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com

TT <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote

First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts
try these guys and see where we get.

They'll just tell you to fuck off using more diplomatic language.

And you're committing a federal crime as well.

Any relation to God Speed, Rod? :)
Down, boy.

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