
"chucky" <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote in message
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 00:15:22 +1100, Phil (the dill) Allison wrote:

Well old "toasters-r-us" as been at it again.

When will you realize Dullard that you are a great flopping toadfish in
a very small and very shallow bucket?

Shooting you down in flames is so easy it almost isn't fun...
If you intend to shoot down in flames a great flopping toadfish (in a
bucket) I would like the opportunity to nip it in the bud first.
TT wrote:

First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts try these guys
and see where we get.
Geezus!! Never saw a single post from the person in question!! Methinks he
is barred from this news server.

The posts here reminds me of a sketch by Cleese and co (?) " ... We like to
be able to say how sorry we are to see you go, but we can't..... ". :)
"chucky" <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote in message
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 00:15:22 +1100, Phil (the dill) Allison wrote:

Well old "toasters-r-us" as been at it again.

When will you realize Dullard that you are a great flopping toadfish in
a very small and very shallow bucket?

Shooting you down in flames is so easy it almost isn't fun...

His tiny, shrivelled brain is fucked with ADHD, he is an ex public
service cunthead and now a * middle aged tragic & law student puke *

If, any of that was remotely true Phillus Dillus you have two very small
problems to overcome.

Firstly, I have a University degree (several actually) and you do not.
Secondly, I have a job and you do not.

In addition, you might consider a comparison:

One of us is a tragic middle-aged unemployed welfare recipient living in
in rather squalid rented accommodation in one of the less well heeled
suburbs of Sydney, the other lives in their own unencumbered home on a

One of us has a well founded reputation for being an asinine, insane,
stalking, abusing, black-guarding piece of Usenet pond scum (that's you
Phil in case your autism prevents insight) and the other does

One of us has a very happy life that encompasses work, pets, a partner
(of the living breathing kind rather than an inflatable one), various
social activities with friends (of the real rather, than of the
invisible/imaginary kind), regular holidays and overseas trips and the
positive regard of most of his work and social acquaintances . The other
whiles away its time between visits to Centrelink by abusing and stalking
its betters on Usenet without a friend in the world and is universally
loathed, except by those kinder souls who simply pity the poor
creature (this ones you Phil).

One of us squeals like a stuck pig when challenged on any subject and
accuses people of being variously "ADHD, Autistic, Criminal, Mad, etc",
the other (except with fools like you toaster-boi) engages in reasoned
calm debate that uses fact instead of fiction and art instead of

Let's sum up the comparison now Dullard.

Yep, all in all Phil you are a tragic, worthless husk of a sub-human that
has been discarded by society and neatly deposited in the garbage can of
life. All that remains now is disposal.

You do realise that if you did the right thing and topped yourself
Dullard, that the grass that would grow above your grave, fertilised by
your miserable corpse would represent the sole positive thing you would
have ever done during the entire time of your infliction on this planet?

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your snail mail
address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for you to use, I'll
even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as you will probably be
skint as usual.

And, in conclusion

Tell us how you thought that blowing your tutor would improve your marks

Did you ever consider actually doing the work required as an alternative,
or was it too demanding for you?

Did you think it was unfair of Sydney Uni to send you down for academic

Why did your neighbors have surveillance cameras aimed at you?

When are you going to realise that life has played a bit of a joke on you
and we are *all* laughing at you?

Tony Smith
Well written Tony. It's about time Phil got told and I think you've done
that quite well without having to resort to Phil's ultra-abusive tactics.

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 09:56:05 +0800, "Alan Rutlidge"
<don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au> wrote:

"chucky" <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote in message

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your snail mail
address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for you to use, I'll
even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as you will probably be
skint as usual.
He lives at
9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
Phone 02 9799 8242

Tony Smith

Well written Tony. It's about time Phil got told and I think you've done
that quite well without having to resort to Phil's ultra-abusive tactics.

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

Well written Tony.

** It is a pack of ridiculous lies written by a notorious net stalker.

The name "chucky " ought to give you a big hint.

It's about time Phil got told and I think you've done that quite well
without having to resort to Phil's ultra-abusive tactics.

** The post was pure criminal abuse - every word.

You are completely insane - Rutlidge.

Now explain the Thai boyfriend incident where he stole all your money.

........... Phil
Phil, the only one insane here is you.

Your unhealthy obsessions are proof of that alone, and that you public
parade them all over UseNet should be telling you something in your more
"sober" moments.

Many of your posts within recent times (in fact for quite a while now) have
been completely OT. Your Thai obsession is just one of them. I can't for
the life of me fathom why you would be even remotely interested. Clearly
nobody else is. This is painfully evident by the fact that even though
you've posted the same subject on more occasions than I care to recall, no
one is responding to them, which indicates to me (and surely even to
yourself) that it is of NO INTEREST. Besides it's completely OT for
aus.hi-fi and aus.electronics.

I'd kill-file you except your posted contents sometimes get repeated with
replies by other people so ATM I can't see the point in doing so. I would
add that from time to time you do post some interesting and informative
material which I enjoy reading. Pity the ratio is a little like mining gold
tailings from the slag heaps - you've got to sift through an enormous amount
of useless and unwanted rubbish to find the odd occasional speck of gold.

Phil, for what it's worth, consider cutting the crap out of your posts. You
probably won't make any friends overnight, but it wouldn't do your kudos any
harm either.

On 1 Nov 2005 04:37:09 -0800, "Ayn Marx" <mdhjwh@iprimus.com.au>

48937845@(*@ __)@&@&_
I totally agree, Ayn.
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:55:48 +1000, chucky <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote:

On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 00:15:22 +1100, Phil (the dill) Allison wrote:

Well old "toasters-r-us" as been at it again.

When will you realize Dullard that you are a great flopping toadfish in
a very small and very shallow bucket?

Shooting you down in flames is so easy it almost isn't fun...

His tiny, shrivelled brain is fucked with ADHD, he is an ex public
service cunthead and now a * middle aged tragic & law student puke *

If, any of that was remotely true Phillus Dillus you have two very small
problems to overcome.

Firstly, I have a University degree (several actually) and you do not.
Secondly, I have a job and you do not.

In addition, you might consider a comparison:

One of us is a tragic middle-aged unemployed welfare recipient living in
in rather squalid rented accommodation in one of the less well heeled
suburbs of Sydney, the other lives in their own unencumbered home on a

One of us has a well founded reputation for being an asinine, insane,
stalking, abusing, black-guarding piece of Usenet pond scum (that's you
Phil in case your autism prevents insight) and the other does

One of us has a very happy life that encompasses work, pets, a partner
(of the living breathing kind rather than an inflatable one), various
social activities with friends (of the real rather, than of the
invisible/imaginary kind), regular holidays and overseas trips and the
positive regard of most of his work and social acquaintances . The other
whiles away its time between visits to Centrelink by abusing and stalking
its betters on Usenet without a friend in the world and is universally
loathed, except by those kinder souls who simply pity the poor
creature (this ones you Phil).

One of us squeals like a stuck pig when challenged on any subject and
accuses people of being variously "ADHD, Autistic, Criminal, Mad, etc",
the other (except with fools like you toaster-boi) engages in reasoned
calm debate that uses fact instead of fiction and art instead of

Let's sum up the comparison now Dullard.

Yep, all in all Phil you are a tragic, worthless husk of a sub-human that
has been discarded by society and neatly deposited in the garbage can of
life. All that remains now is disposal.

You do realise that if you did the right thing and topped yourself
Dullard, that the grass that would grow above your grave, fertilised by
your miserable corpse would represent the sole positive thing you would
have ever done during the entire time of your infliction on this planet?

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your snail mail
address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for you to use, I'll
even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as you will probably be
skint as usual.

And, in conclusion

Tell us how you thought that blowing your tutor would improve your marks

Did you ever consider actually doing the work required as an alternative,
or was it too demanding for you?

Did you think it was unfair of Sydney Uni to send you down for academic

Why did your neighbors have surveillance cameras aimed at you?

When are you going to realise that life has played a bit of a joke on you
and we are *all* laughing at you?
Mmmm...that just about says it all, Tony, and so eloquently too. If I
were Phil I'd throw in the towel now.
On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 17:19:47 +1100, "Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com>

TT <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote

First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts
try these guys and see where we get.

They'll just tell you to fuck off using more diplomatic language.

And you're committing a federal crime as well.
Any relation to God Speed, Rod? :)
......@.......com wrote:
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 09:56:05 +0800, "Alan Rutlidge"
don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au> wrote:

"chucky" <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote in message

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your
snail mail address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for
you to use, I'll even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as
you will probably be skint as usual.

He lives at
9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
19, actually.

Phone 02 9799 8242

Tony Smith

Well written Tony. It's about time Phil got told and I think you've
done that quite well without having to resort to Phil's
ultra-abusive tactics.

"Ayn Marx" <mdhjwh@iprimus.com.au> wrote in message
48937845@(*@ __)@&@&_
One of your more intelligent posts ;-)
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 16:43:19 +1100, "Phil Allison"
<philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

"paul packer"

** You are a completely insane autistic freak.

Get back to your kiddie porn - caravan man.
Very nice to speak to you again too, Phil.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 17:28:20 +1100, Rod Speed wrote:

.....@.......com wrote:
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 09:56:05 +0800, "Alan Rutlidge"
don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au> wrote:

"chucky" <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote in message

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your
snail mail address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for
you to use, I'll even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as
you will probably be skint as usual.

He lives at
9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.

19, actually.
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:55:48 +1000, chucky <chucky@ato.gov.au> wrote:
You do realise that if you did the right thing and topped yourself
Dullard, that the grass that would grow above your grave, fertilised by
your miserable corpse would represent the sole positive thing you would
have ever done during the entire time of your infliction on this planet?

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your snail mail
address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for you to use, I'll
even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as you will probably be
skint as usual.

Thought you might be interested....

"Bob Parker"
chucky = Tony Smith

You do realise that if you did the right thing and topped yourself
Dullard, that the grass that would grow above your grave, fertilised by
your miserable corpse would represent the sole positive thing you would
have ever done during the entire time of your infliction on this planet?

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your snail mail
address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for you to use, I'll
even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as you will probably be
skint as usual.

Thought you might be interested....


** Nice one Bob.

Tony Smith might find himself facing disciplinary proceedings even before
he becomes a legalised "Rottweiler".

............ Phil
He lives at
9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.

19, actually.

Phone 02 9799 8242
Flat Number? Between 1 and 10 but not 2.

Want to find out more>

Strata Manager: Somerville First National, 4 Hercules St Ashfield, Ph: 9797

has all the records and information you need.

Searches available for a modest fee or use a Building Inspection Service
that does pre-purchase strata searches. Have a check on all correspondance
from the tenants and owners.

"W.O." <wo@beo.com> wrote in message
: >>
: >> He lives at
: >> 9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
: >
: > 19, actually.
: >
: >> Phone 02 9799 8242
: Flat Number? Between 1 and 10 but not 2.
: Want to find out more>
: Strata Manager: Somerville First National, 4 Hercules St
Ashfield, Ph: 9797
: 0777
: has all the records and information you need.
: Searches available for a modest fee or use a Building
Inspection Service
: that does pre-purchase strata searches. Have a check on
all correspondance
: from the tenants and owners.
: Cheers.
Mmmmm.......... do I detect some who dislikes Philthy as
much as me and the other gang of ten?

TT :))
"TT" <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote in message
"W.O." <wo@beo.com> wrote in message
: >> He lives at
: >> 9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
: > 19, actually.
: >> Phone 02 9799 8242
: Flat Number? Between 1 and 10 but not 2.
: Want to find out more
: Strata Manager: Somerville First National, 4 Hercules St
Ashfield, Ph: 9797
: 0777
: has all the records and information you need.
: Searches available for a modest fee or use a Building
Inspection Service
: that does pre-purchase strata searches. Have a check on
all correspondance
: from the tenants and owners.
: Cheers.
Mmmmm.......... do I detect some who dislikes Philthy as
much as me and the other gang of ten?

TT :))


and BTW I notice most of his posts do not appear on my news server anymore
..... as of late.

"TT" <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote in message
"W.O." <wo@beo.com> wrote in message
: >> He lives at
: >> 9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
: > 19, actually.
: >> Phone 02 9799 8242
: Flat Number? Between 1 and 10 but not 2.
: Want to find out more
: Strata Manager: Somerville First National, 4 Hercules St
Ashfield, Ph: 9797
: 0777
: has all the records and information you need.
: Searches available for a modest fee or use a Building
Inspection Service
: that does pre-purchase strata searches. Have a check on
all correspondance
: from the tenants and owners.
: Cheers.
Mmmmm.......... do I detect some who dislikes Philthy as
much as me and the other gang of ten?

TT :))
Actually, in case is escaped your attention I think we were down to nine at
last count on Philthy's recent post. Of course not to forget [quote from
Philthy ] "Plus countless, anonymous scumbags and idiot fence sitters."


I wonder who lives at #2?
"Alan Rutlidge" <don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au> wrote in message
"TT" <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote in message

"W.O." <wo@beo.com> wrote in message
: >> He lives at
: >> 9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
: > 19, actually.
: >> Phone 02 9799 8242
: Flat Number? Between 1 and 10 but not 2.
: Want to find out more
: Strata Manager: Somerville First National, 4 Hercules St
Ashfield, Ph: 9797
: 0777
: has all the records and information you need.
: Searches available for a modest fee or use a Building
Inspection Service
: that does pre-purchase strata searches. Have a check on
all correspondance
: from the tenants and owners.
: Cheers.
Mmmmm.......... do I detect some who dislikes Philthy as
much as me and the other gang of ten?

TT :))

Actually, in case is escaped your attention I think we were down to nine
at last count on Philthy's recent post. Of course not to forget [quote
from Philthy ] "Plus countless, anonymous scumbags and idiot fence


I wonder who lives at #2?
2 was recently sold - vacant possession.

I live in Summer Hill, I go past that block every day. There are 10

"W.O." <wo@beo.com> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge" <don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au
wrote in message


"TT" <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote in message

"W.O." <wo@beo.com> wrote in message
: >> He lives at
: >> 9 Prospect Rd Summerhill Sydney.
: > 19, actually.
: >> Phone 02 9799 8242
: Flat Number? Between 1 and 10 but not 2.
: Want to find out more
: Strata Manager: Somerville First National, 4 Hercules
Ashfield, Ph: 9797
: 0777
: has all the records and information you need.
: Searches available for a modest fee or use a Building
Inspection Service
: that does pre-purchase strata searches. Have a check
all correspondance
: from the tenants and owners.
: Cheers.
Mmmmm.......... do I detect some who dislikes Philthy
much as me and the other gang of ten?

TT :))

Actually, in case is escaped your attention I think we
were down to nine
at last count on Philthy's recent post. Of course not
to forget [quote
from Philthy ] "Plus countless, anonymous scumbags and
idiot fence


I wonder who lives at #2?

2 was recently sold - vacant possession.

I live in Summer Hill, I go past that block every day.
There are 10


OK now we are getting somewhere.

10 flats in a two storey complex, so 5 up and 5 down (well 3
if you count the garage level)
The 5 down one is not # 2
Leaves 4 right?
Philthy has a private court yard, right? That leaves out
the front two.
Therefore it is one of the two rear units on the ground
floor eh? 50/50 chance of the right one eh?

Cheers TT

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