


First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts try these guys
and see where we get.

Cheers TT
"TT" <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote in message
First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts try these guys
and see where we get.

Cheers TT

Hello TT.

It might be more effective if we agree upon a standard
wording in the complaint, and all use the same format.
Your idea is a good one.

"TT" <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote in message
First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts try these guys
and see where we get.

Cheers TT


The second post on this thread was from Phil
"Deleted from this server"

The defence rests m'Lud :)

"Tony Smith" <adolphuzspriggs@ hotmail.com> wrote in message
Rod Speed wrote:

And you're committing a federal crime as well.


Tony Smith

Give the man a chance!
Care to explain, Rod?

On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 17:19:47 +1100, "Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com>

And you're committing a federal crime as well.

who gave birth to this Goon!
Iain M Churches wrote:

And you're committing a federal crime as well.


Tony Smith

Give the man a chance!
Care to explain, Rod?
Rod runs this one up a flagpole from time to time.
It is a beief that he apparently holds with some passion. Sadly it is
based on an utterly flawed understandign of the piece of legislation
that he will, if pressed, cite to support his silly contention....

Tony Smith
Phil Allison wrote:

"Tony Smith"
Rod Speed wrote:

And you're committing a federal crime as well.


** Well, one of Australia worst serial net stalkers and usenet
psychos would say that.

Wouldn't he ?

.......... Phil


Well I guess that the misunderstanding of the relevant piece of
legislation might give a stalker some comfort.

But whatever his other faults Rodbot is not a stalker.

Unlike your good self of course Wobbly, or your mate the Septic Reffo.

You of course are a bottom feeding, scum sucking, stalking piece of
Usenet filth

Tell us why you were sacked from Sydney Uni Phil

Tell us why your neighbors had cameras on you Phil

Tony Smith
Phil Allison wrote:

** The psychotic prick wouldn't recognise himself in a mirror.

Let's try an experiment here Dullard.

Let's see how many people think *YOU* are an asinine, insane, inane,
stalking, appliance molesting, piece of Usenet filth.

And then let's see how many votes the various people you abuse and
defame get shall we?

By the way.

Did you really get sacked from Sydney Uni for trying to improve your
failing grades by blowing the tutor?

Did your neighbors really install surveillance video cameras to protect
themselves from you?

Tony Smith
Tony Smith wrote:

Phil Allison wrote:

** The psychotic prick wouldn't recognise himself in a mirror.

Let's try an experiment here Dullard.

Let's see how many people think *YOU* are an asinine, insane, inane,
stalking, appliance molesting, piece of Usenet filth.
Let's try another experiment.
Just for a week stop insulting and libelling Phil; stop impersonating him;
don't mention toasters; and don't knock ESLs unless you've listened to them.
Then see what happens.


I have no spirit to play with you; your dearth of judgment renders you
tedious - Ben Jonson.
Rod Speed wrote:
TT <TTencerNOmorespam@westnet.net.au> wrote

First off please forgive the crosspost but it is relevant.


Due to a certain person's psychotic outbursts
try these guys and see where we get.

They'll just tell you to fuck off using more diplomatic language.
Just as you should do bum boy for Phil

And you're committing a federal crime as well.
Phil Allison wrote:

"Tony Smith"

So come on Phillip , why did you expect to continue at university after
trying to improve your grade by blowing a lecturer ? you must have know
you would get caught and ejected ( quite rightfully so )

........ Phil
Eiron wrote:

Let's try another experiment.
Just for a week stop insulting and libelling Phil;

See no reason at all to stop insulting him, and I seriously doubt I
have ever "libelled" him

stop impersonating him;
Never have, never will....The thought of getting *that* close to the
creep, even metaphorically, makes my skin crawl

don't mention toasters;
Couldn't do that, ragging Phil-the-Dill for his appliance fetish is
entirely fair

and don't knock ESLs unless you've
listened to them.

Firstly, what is an ESL when it is at home?

The only time I've ever come across the term is in the context of
(E)nglish as a (S)econd (L)anguage, which somehow doesn't seem to fit.

Secondly what does/do, he/she/it/they have to say for themselves that
is so interesting?

Then see what happens.

Will Phil disappear up his own arsehole, winding himself into a smaller
and smaller ball until all that is left is a rancid grease spot?

The promise of anything less wouldn't make it worth while.

Tony Smith
"Eiron" <e1ron@hotmail.com> wrote in message

Let's try another experiment.
Just for a week stop insulting and libelling Phil; stop impersonating him;
don't mention toasters; and don't knock ESLs unless you've listened to
Then see what happens.
Eiron. While I applaud your efforts to pour oil onto troubled waters, I
point out that I have never been anything but polite to Phil. He replies to
my posts with course language and invective at every opportunity, so
intelligent discussion with him is not possible. In addition, my server,
or some server en route, seems to delete most of his posts.

He replies to first-time posters in the crudest and most unpleasant language
on this and other groups. These people rarely return.

He insults knowledgeable people, such as the Scottish university lecturer,
and starts threads such as "X is a demented *ss-h*le", which can be found by
anyone using a search engine to find references to that gentleman's

The results of the Usenet pollution caused by this one man can be seen
in a group which has a small populace anyway, and a very low percentage
of posts on topic. It is unfortunately a group which most people avoid like
the plague.

A Swedish colleague of mine who is a very experienced audio engineer and
speaker builder, and would have much of interest to say, told me yesterday
that he would rather have prolonged dental treatment without anaesthetic
than take part in a forum like this one. I think that's a great pity.

Do I get the impression, Eiron, that you admire or condone Phil's shameful

48937845@(*@ __)@&@&_
Why do you all prolong the pain by talking about it. Just plonk the offender(s) and be
done with it.
It's called 'extinction'

For those who don't understand 'plonk' it means to instruct their newsreader to
discard the offender(s) posts.

"Iain M Churches" <tael@kolumbus.fi> wrote in message
"Eiron" <e1ron@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:3soo1qFpcmtuU1@individual.net...

Let's try another experiment.
Just for a week stop insulting and libelling Phil; stop impersonating him;
don't mention toasters; and don't knock ESLs unless you've listened to them.
Then see what happens.

Eiron. While I applaud your efforts to pour oil onto troubled waters, I would
point out that I have never been anything but polite to Phil. He replies to
my posts with course language and invective at every opportunity, so
intelligent discussion with him is not possible. In addition, my server,
or some server en route, seems to delete most of his posts.

He replies to first-time posters in the crudest and most unpleasant language
on this and other groups. These people rarely return.

He insults knowledgeable people, such as the Scottish university lecturer,
and starts threads such as "X is a demented *ss-h*le", which can be found by
anyone using a search engine to find references to that gentleman's published

The results of the Usenet pollution caused by this one man can be seen
in a group which has a small populace anyway, and a very low percentage
of posts on topic. It is unfortunately a group which most people avoid like
the plague.

A Swedish colleague of mine who is a very experienced audio engineer and
speaker builder, and would have much of interest to say, told me yesterday
that he would rather have prolonged dental treatment without anaesthetic
than take part in a forum like this one. I think that's a great pity.

Do I get the impression, Eiron, that you admire or condone Phil's shameful

Phil Allison wrote:

** My tiny little prick has shrunk due to abuse , maybe masturbation is wrong ?. **

Comments and opinions please ?

........ Phil
Phial Allison wrote:

** Well, being one of Australia worst serial net stalkers and usenet psychos I should know that.

Wouldn't I ?

.......... Phil
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 00:15:22 +1100, Phil (the dill) Allison wrote:

Well old "toasters-r-us" as been at it again.

When will you realize Dullard that you are a great flopping toadfish in
a very small and very shallow bucket?

Shooting you down in flames is so easy it almost isn't fun...

His tiny, shrivelled brain is fucked with ADHD, he is an ex public
service cunthead and now a * middle aged tragic & law student puke *
If, any of that was remotely true Phillus Dillus you have two very small
problems to overcome.

Firstly, I have a University degree (several actually) and you do not.
Secondly, I have a job and you do not.

In addition, you might consider a comparison:

One of us is a tragic middle-aged unemployed welfare recipient living in
in rather squalid rented accommodation in one of the less well heeled
suburbs of Sydney, the other lives in their own unencumbered home on a

One of us has a well founded reputation for being an asinine, insane,
stalking, abusing, black-guarding piece of Usenet pond scum (that's you
Phil in case your autism prevents insight) and the other does

One of us has a very happy life that encompasses work, pets, a partner
(of the living breathing kind rather than an inflatable one), various
social activities with friends (of the real rather, than of the
invisible/imaginary kind), regular holidays and overseas trips and the
positive regard of most of his work and social acquaintances . The other
whiles away its time between visits to Centrelink by abusing and stalking
its betters on Usenet without a friend in the world and is universally
loathed, except by those kinder souls who simply pity the poor
creature (this ones you Phil).

One of us squeals like a stuck pig when challenged on any subject and
accuses people of being variously "ADHD, Autistic, Criminal, Mad, etc",
the other (except with fools like you toaster-boi) engages in reasoned
calm debate that uses fact instead of fiction and art instead of

Let's sum up the comparison now Dullard.

Yep, all in all Phil you are a tragic, worthless husk of a sub-human that
has been discarded by society and neatly deposited in the garbage can of
life. All that remains now is disposal.

You do realise that if you did the right thing and topped yourself
Dullard, that the grass that would grow above your grave, fertilised by
your miserable corpse would represent the sole positive thing you would
have ever done during the entire time of your infliction on this planet?

Do it now Phil, you know you want to. In fact let me know your snail mail
address and I will personally buy you an exit kit for you to use, I'll
even shout you the gold coin for the ferry-man as you will probably be
skint as usual.

And, in conclusion

Tell us how you thought that blowing your tutor would improve your marks

Did you ever consider actually doing the work required as an alternative,
or was it too demanding for you?

Did you think it was unfair of Sydney Uni to send you down for academic

Why did your neighbors have surveillance cameras aimed at you?

When are you going to realise that life has played a bit of a joke on you
and we are *all* laughing at you?

Tony Smith

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