On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 08:21:09 -0700, Watson A.Name - 'Watt Sun'
<alondra101@hotmail.com> Gave us:
Also, testing at 1kHz may NOT show this discrepancy, but higher freqs
The word for today is LITZ
<alondra101@hotmail.com> Gave us:
Unless said "skin" is a silver cladding... !!! Hehehehehee.....In article <ca76d1a9.0307311413.595344e7@posting.google.com>,
chemelec@hotmail.com mentioned...
k7itm@aol.com (Tom Bruhns) wrote in message news:<3200347.0307311023.719e304c@posting.google.com>...
chemelec@hotmail.com (Gary Lecomte) wrote in message news:<ca76d1a9.0307310618.378c732b@posting.google.com>...
Active8 <mcolasono@earthlink.net.invalid> wrote in message news:<MPG.199243f29205542498972c@news.east.earthlink.net>...
.03uH coil - rounds to .1uH (.0001mH)
32 AWG one turn coil on .25" ID should be 1 turn. program solves to 3
turns prob due to rounding.
Hi Mike, Pretty Small Coil. Yes, this is due to Rounding. I can fix
this, but even if I change this, the next person will come up with a
.003 uH coil, or even smaller. How small should I go?
I have a program that works quite well from very tiny to quite large.
After all, it's just scaling, ummm?? Anyway, it happens to make it
easy to do coils down in the 0.05" diameter region, and they are
sometimes useful. Just wind some wire on a small machine screw; it
will typically hold its shape well when you unscrew the screw from it.
When I have some time I might try comparing your web script with a
program I've learned to trust. No time right now. Does yours give
the equivalent capacitance and self-resonant freqs for the first
parallel and first series resonances? How about Q at some input
frequency? Those are useful.
I also have two other programs that I have used and trust,. One for
single layer and another for multi-layer. But they are Registered
Programs and I can't distribute them freely.
Yes, I could add tons of other stuff, but not now.
I believe self resonance is only accurate on a pure air core, not
wound on a bobbin.
Also, Not sure how difficult it would be to calculate Q.
The absolute maximum Q at a freq is the reactance of the coil at that
freq divided by the DC resistance. But the Q will always be lower
than that because the actual AC resistance will be higher because of
skin effect, when much of the inner copper wire has no current.
So you could do a simple calc based on reactance / DC res and say that
the max Q is that value, but expect less due to skin effect.
Also, testing at 1kHz may NOT show this discrepancy, but higher freqs
The word for today is LITZ