Tom Bruhns
chemelec@hotmail.com (Gary Lecomte) wrote in message news:<ca76d1a9.0307311011.18596683@posting.google.com>...
turns. Some have even defined it as the winding pitch times (the
number of turns plus one). It's not so different from the diameter
problem (for a single-layer uniform solenoid coil): is it inside
diameter, diameter to wire centers, or outside diameter? I don't much
care how someone defines the dimensions, so long as they are clear
about it.
A lot of folk define it as the winding pitch times the number of...
I never heard anyone ask this question before.
The Length of the coil is the "MEASURED LENGTH of the windings, END TO
turns. Some have even defined it as the winding pitch times (the
number of turns plus one). It's not so different from the diameter
problem (for a single-layer uniform solenoid coil): is it inside
diameter, diameter to wire centers, or outside diameter? I don't much
care how someone defines the dimensions, so long as they are clear
about it.