A minimally moderated versionof this newsgroup

"Baphomet" <fandaDEATH2SPAMMERS@catskill.net> kirjoitti viestissä
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:29 +0200, Roger Johansson <no-email@home.se

Your Texas style creationist culture is a problem in the world today.
People like you, mr. Fields, are upholding the old cultural patterns,
like the holy spirit, eternal love, the holy matrimony, gender roles,
a violent society, strong convictions, etc..

A long time ago somebody divided the world into heaven and hell, and
put a guardpost between them, to keep the world divided, and you still
stand there, fighting everybody who try to cross the borderline
between heaven and hell, aren't you?

Are the old traditional values and the old lifestyle really worth all
that suffering?

We are seeing a historical development towards a warmer and nicer
climate, but the old world is fighting back for as long as it can.
Old religious ideas like the holy spirit, eternal love, the sacred
marriage are still part of the lifestyle of many aggressive and rude
They are speed-freaks, they like to mix violence and love, stress and
conviction, to some kind of super-love.

The violence we see all around us, in media, in schoolyards, in
workplaces, in usenet, is the result of these speed-freaks lifestyle.

They want to keep the aggression level high, they want to balance love
and fear, conviction and anger, and love is a very convincing power.

They have specially trained girls who keep them happy no mattert how
badly they treat their world and each other, they mistreat their own
minds and their social world, and their women can still convince them
that everything is just fine.

The girls are trained from early youth to be very strong-willed and
romantic, so they could convince and idiot that he is infinitely wise.

The speed-freaks think very fast, so they feel very wise, no matter
how stupid they really are.

Creationist Love is based on hidden violence.

Good luck on finding a therepist who can keep from laughing...

Oh John...John...John...is this the best you can do? And here I was led to
believe you were going to give me a run for my money. Perhaps it's late
man and you need your rest. Sweet dreams.
*** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 8038c510)
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL*** Address 8038c510 has base at 8038c000 - Ntfs.sys

CPUID:AuthenticAMD irq1:1f SYSVER 0xf0000565

Dll Base DateStmp - Name
80100000 336546bf - ntoskrnl.exe
80000100 334d3a53 - atapi.sys
802ab000 33013e6b - epst.mpd
802b9000 336015af - CLASS2.SYS
802bd000 33d844be - Floppy.sys
f9328000 31ec6c8d - Siwvid.sys
f9468000 31ed868b - KSecDD.sys
f9348000 335bc82a - i8024prt.sys
f947c000 31ec6c94 - kbdclass.sys
f9370000 33248011 - VIDEOPORT.SYS
f9480000 31ec6c6d - vga.sys
f90f0000 332480d0 - Npfs.sys
a0000000 335157ac - win32k.sys
fe0c9000 335bd30e - Fastfat.SYS
fe108000 31ec6c9b - Serial.sys
f9050000 332480ab - Parallel.sys
Dll Base DateStmp - Name
80010000 33247f88 - hal.dll
80007000 33248043 - SCSIPORT.SYS
802b5000 336016a2 - Disk.sys
8038c000 3356d637 - Ntfs.sys
803e4000 33d84553 - viaide.sys
f95c9000 31ec6c99 - Null.SYS
f95cb000 335e60cf - Beep.SYS
f95cb000 3373c39d - ctrl2cap.SYS
f9474000 3324806f - mouclass.sys
fe9d7000 3370e7b9 - NDIS.SYS
f93b0000 332480dd - Msfs.SYS
fe957000 3356da41 - ati.sys
fe914000 334ea144 - ati.dll
fe110000 31ec6c9b - Parport.SYS
f93b4000 31ec7c9d - ParVdm.SYS

Address dword dump Build [1314] - Name
801afc24 80149905 80149905 ff8e6b8c 80129c2c ff8e6b94 8025c000 - Ntfs.SYS
801afd24 80129c2c 80129c2c ff8e6b94 00000000 ff8e6b94 80100000 -
801afd34 801240f2 80124f02 ff8e6cf4 ff8e6d60 ff8e6c58 80100000 -
801afd54 80124a16 80124a16 ff8e6f60 ff8e6c3c 8015ac7e 80100000 -
801afd64 8015ac7e 8015ac7e ff8e6cf4 ff8e6f60 ff8e6c58 80100000 -
801afc70 80129bda 80129bda 00000000 80088000 80106f60 80100000 -

Restart and set the recovery options in the system control panel
or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears,
contact your system administrator or technical support group.
"Richard Henry" <rphenry@home.com> wrote in message
"Baphomet" <fandaDEATH2SPAMMERS@catskill.net> wrote in message

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" from my favorite
philosopher Janis Joplin - also a Texan ;-)

i believe janois Joplin rented the philosphy from Kris Kristofferson
(another Texan).
Unless she worked for Enron...in which case she probably stole it :)
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 17:28:12 -0700, "Baphomet"
<fandaDEATH2SPAMMERS@catskill.net> wrote:

I had just gotten back from Vietnam in '67 when I first heard Janis sing it.
I don't think I even heard of Kris until several years later. Now, I can
barely remember my name ;-)
Doesn't matter much; everyone knows that you respond with "What do you
want?" every time you hear anyone say "Hey, asshole..."

John Fields
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 17:54:56 -0700, "Baphomet"
<fandaDEATH2SPAMMERS@catskill.net> wrote:

"Richard Henry" <rphenry@home.com> wrote in message

"Baphomet" <fandaDEATH2SPAMMERS@catskill.net> wrote in message

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" from my favorite
philosopher Janis Joplin - also a Texan ;-)

i believe janois Joplin rented the philosphy from Kris Kristofferson
(another Texan).

Unless she worked for Enron...in which case she probably stole it :)
Geez, Barph, that was just petty...

John Fields
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:29 +0200, Roger Johansson <no-email@home.se

Your Texas style creationist culture is a problem in the world today.
People like you, mr. Fields, are upholding the old cultural patterns,
like the holy spirit, eternal love, the holy matrimony, gender roles,
a violent society, strong convictions, etc..

A long time ago somebody divided the world into heaven and hell, and
put a guardpost between them, to keep the world divided, and you still
stand there, fighting everybody who try to cross the borderline
between heaven and hell, aren't you?

Are the old traditional values and the old lifestyle really worth all
that suffering?

We are seeing a historical development towards a warmer and nicer
climate, but the old world is fighting back for as long as it can.
Old religious ideas like the holy spirit, eternal love, the sacred
marriage are still part of the lifestyle of many aggressive and rude
They are speed-freaks, they like to mix violence and love, stress and
conviction, to some kind of super-love.

The violence we see all around us, in media, in schoolyards, in
workplaces, in usenet, is the result of these speed-freaks lifestyle.

They want to keep the aggression level high, they want to balance love
and fear, conviction and anger, and love is a very convincing power.

They have specially trained girls who keep them happy no mattert how
badly they treat their world and each other, they mistreat their own
minds and their social world, and their women can still convince them
that everything is just fine.

The girls are trained from early youth to be very strong-willed and
romantic, so they could convince and idiot that he is infinitely wise.

The speed-freaks think very fast, so they feel very wise, no matter
how stupid they really are.

Creationist Love is based on hidden violence.

Good luck on finding a therepist who can keep from laughing...
Oh John...John...John...is this the best you can do? And here I was led to
believe you were going to give me a run for my money. Perhaps it's late old
man and you need your rest. Sweet dreams.
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 22:00:45 GMT, "John Fortier"
jfortier@rochester.rr.com> wrote:

John Fields,

I have bent over backwards trying to be civil to you, and every time you
reply you are rude, patronising and boorish. For all your purported
knowledge of electronics you are obviously immature and incapable of
social discourse.

You clearly have a problem with accepting criticism and consider the
discomfort of being intellectually unhorsed as something for which you
bear no responsibility and for which I am unilaterally to blame.
Further, my contributions to this and the other groups I frequent
represent real, not purported, knowledge. If you have any comments
regarding the validity of the technical content of my posts then I
welcome the challenge. If you don't, then piss off. As far as
immaturity and politeness goes, I'm sure you consider the former my
lack of reticense to confront you when you expect your bullshit to be
swallowed and the latter my refusal to kow-tow to penny-ante tyrants
like you.

People like you are one of the main reasons that more people don't post
these newsgroups.

Yeah, right... And if you ever get your pussy group off the ground
I'll bet you'll be blaming everything and everybody except your being an
asshole for its failure.

What is the point if some jumped up, self opinionated
loudmouth uses the medium to voice his own opinions without regard to
the purposes of the group or the sensabilities of the others in the

Pot, Kettle, Black, my man. Since you first reared your ugly head here,
instead of helping out you've done almost nothing but stay off topic
bitching about how fucked up you think the people you can't bully are.

I won't even get into your "technical" posts...

You should be aware by now, and if you are not you are even more obtruse
than I have up to now considered you, that you and others like you are
main reason why I am proposing a minimally moderated newsgroup.

Then stop whining and do it.

You obviously have a lot of hostility to the idea of even a marginally
moderated group, and I can only conclude that you are afraid that you
be among the first to be banned from the group. Well, fear not, you have
about as much chance of throwing your self opinionated weight around in
new group as you have of having a life.

I don't see how you could have, but you seem to have confused hostility
with indifference.

Wanna start a new group? Go ahead, what do I give a shit?

Spend the rest of your life here whining about how not everyone acts the
way you want them to? Go ahead, what do I give a shit?

Visit your pussy little group if you ever get it together? Maybe I
will, I've never seen a queen holding court before...

Now go away, you silly little man.

I don't think so.

John Fields
If you "don't give a shit" why are you posting hostile comments with regard
to a moderated group?

By the way, congratulations on using polysyllabic words.
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:29 +0200, Roger Johansson <no-email@home.se

Your Texas style creationist culture is a problem in the world today.
People like you, mr. Fields, are upholding the old cultural patterns,
like the holy spirit, eternal love, the holy matrimony, gender roles,
a violent society, strong convictions, etc..

A long time ago somebody divided the world into heaven and hell, and
put a guardpost between them, to keep the world divided, and you still
stand there, fighting everybody who try to cross the borderline
between heaven and hell, aren't you?

Are the old traditional values and the old lifestyle really worth all
that suffering?

We are seeing a historical development towards a warmer and nicer
climate, but the old world is fighting back for as long as it can.
Old religious ideas like the holy spirit, eternal love, the sacred
marriage are still part of the lifestyle of many aggressive and rude
They are speed-freaks, they like to mix violence and love, stress and
conviction, to some kind of super-love.

The violence we see all around us, in media, in schoolyards, in
workplaces, in usenet, is the result of these speed-freaks lifestyle.

They want to keep the aggression level high, they want to balance love
and fear, conviction and anger, and love is a very convincing power.

They have specially trained girls who keep them happy no mattert how
badly they treat their world and each other, they mistreat their own
minds and their social world, and their women can still convince them
that everything is just fine.

The girls are trained from early youth to be very strong-willed and
romantic, so they could convince and idiot that he is infinitely wise.

The speed-freaks think very fast, so they feel very wise, no matter
how stupid they really are.

Creationist Love is based on hidden violence.

Good luck on finding a therepist who can keep from laughing...

John Fields
Jonny, you're definitely running out of inventive invective. Guess you're
not as used to getting it as dishing it out, hey?

Come on now, where's the vilification, where's the childish swearing and
calling into question ancestry, sexual preference and head shape?

This is so disappointing.

John Fortier
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:24 +0200, Roger Johansson <no-email@home.se

He will not go away. He has been harassing people here for many years,
and he sees it as his duty to do it. He is the inofficial guard of the
traditional social system here.
He can go on abusing people until they give up and disappear, or
accept the system and keep quiet about it, and accept his leadership
without protests.
Most people have something to lose emotionally, so they are not
prepared to fight back more than for a short time, then they give up
and take care of their mind in a better way.

The guards of the social system, like mr. Fields, have sacrificed
their peace of mind and replaced it with will power.
They guard the manly ideal, guard the secrets about gender roles and
how the traditional social system works.
Such a guard can go on forever, because he believes strongly in the
system, and he has secret support from other men.
The only thing which can stop him is a new insight, like if he
realizes that he stands for an old traditional system which is
detrimental to mankind, and that we have to abolish this old system.

We have been trying to abolish this old traditional system but it is
still present and a lot of people cannot see any alternative.
We have abolished all official rules based on gender rules and
religious ideas, but we have not abolished this old system in the
practical reality.


John Fields
So clever. The rich play on the word, the deliberate mis-spelling of fool!
The waiting and waiting for a chance to use this new and, oh so clever,

Rather pathetic really.

John Fortier
"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message
John Fortier wrote:

No society can operate efficiently without some rules or binding
Garbage. Control freak Fundies and Rightist prick assholes always
SAY this, but they are unable to SHOW it in any way AT ALL!

(Please don't start an offshoot thread on that one!)
Eat shit and DIE, then you KNEW it was just a fucking LIE!!

At present we have no rules and unruly and disruptive behaviour
are, of necessity, tolerated.
YOU mean ignored and enjoyed!!
And harmless, don't read it if you don't like it, you're nothing but a
fucking censoring little cowardly squirrel!

Everyone of you fucking Net/News/Newbies think that your ego just
can't STAND it if someone calls you a stupid little fuck, that you'll
JUST GO FUCKING MAD if it happens to you ONE MORE TIME when YOU can't
get AT them, but in a few more YEARS of this, after it GROWS YOU THE
FUCK UP, it won't bother you at all, but for NOW you're just a little
sheltered opinionated asshole who JUST can't STAND being contradicted!!
You're an emotional CHILD and you NEED this abuse to grow you up,
you silly little asshole! Your mommy sheltered your cowardly ass!

All I intend for the new group is the imposition of some minimal
rules which will lubricate the flow of information and ideas.
Rule one being we can't call you what you ARE!

Aw, you're nothing but a fucking stupid little WHINER!
Quit your fucking childish cowardly whinging and get on with posting
or else just go the fuck away and CRY, you hypersensitive infant!!

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Dear Steve,

Thank you for proving my point so effectively.

Yours sincerely

John Fortier
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 09:06:41 -0700, "Baphomet"
fandaDEATH2SPAMMERS@catskill.net> wrote:

Steve -

You just proved John Fortier's point of the desirability of a "minimally
moderated newgroup", however crudely, ineloquently and childishly.

On the contrary, I believe he's shown that Fortier's avowed use of
censorship would have kept him (Steve) from responding with heart-felt
emotion to the idiocy of Fortier's proposal, had Fortier said something
stupid (which he seems to be incapable of avoiding) and been the
moderator here.

John Fields
Not at all Fields (we seem to be using surnames here). Steve's strange
emotional outburst has simply pointed out far more clearly than I ever could
why there is a need for moderation. His language was, quite definitely,

Heart felt emotion can be expressed without use of Steve's language, or it
can by most people.

And what has he achieved? Well, he may feel justified in his behaviour and
have a momentary warm feeling, but all he has done is to convince reasonable
people of the requirement for moderation.

John Fortier
You could create your own newsgroup in the alt.* heirarchy. Maybe
alt.electronics.whatever. Or else start your own BBS, where you are
the moderator. Of course, if no one comes, then it's no party.

It may come to that, but I hope not. In the meantime I'm going to work on
the "Big Eight" to get the group going.

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 02:00:08 GMT, "John Fortier"
<jfortier@rochester.rr.com> wrote:

Jonny, you're definitely running out of inventive invective. Guess you're
not as used to getting it as dishing it out, hey?

Come on now, where's the vilification, where's the childish swearing and
calling into question ancestry, sexual preference and head shape?

This is so disappointing.
Hey, you've got to work for the good stuff!

But, I guess a limp-wristed pussy like you who can't even bring himself
to type "fuck" can't be expected to come up with much...

John Fields
John Fortier wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <rstevew@armory.com> wrote in message
John Fortier wrote:

No society can operate efficiently without some rules or binding
Garbage. Control freak Fundies and Rightist prick assholes always
SAY this, but they are unable to SHOW it in any way AT ALL!

(Please don't start an offshoot thread on that one!)
Eat shit and DIE, then you KNEW it was just a fucking LIE!!

At present we have no rules and unruly and disruptive behaviour
are, of necessity, tolerated.
YOU mean ignored and enjoyed!!
And harmless, don't read it if you don't like it, you're nothing but a
fucking censoring little cowardly squirrel!

Everyone of you fucking Net/News/Newbies think that your ego just
can't STAND it if someone calls you a stupid little fuck, that you'll
JUST GO FUCKING MAD if it happens to you ONE MORE TIME when YOU can't
get AT them, but in a few more YEARS of this, after it GROWS YOU THE
FUCK UP, it won't bother you at all, but for NOW you're just a little
sheltered opinionated asshole who JUST can't STAND being contradicted!!
You're an emotional CHILD and you NEED this abuse to grow you up,
you silly little asshole! Your mommy sheltered your cowardly ass!

All I intend for the new group is the imposition of some minimal
rules which will lubricate the flow of information and ideas.
Rule one being we can't call you what you ARE!

Aw, you're nothing but a fucking stupid little WHINER!
Quit your fucking childish cowardly whinging and get on with posting
or else just go the fuck away and CRY, you hypersensitive infant!!


Dear Steve,
Thank you for proving my point so effectively.
John Fortier
You proved nuthin', you lying little shitlick.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
Roy McCammon <rbmccammon@mmm.com> wrote in message news:<3F942A42.2000208@mmm.com>...
Roger Johansson wrote:

Texas style creationist culture is a problem in the world today.

now you have defamed and offended Texas
Nowhere near as much as Dubbya's crew in the White House, who are
widely seen seen as a rabid pack of Texas oil-men. The consequent
defamation of Texas is unavoidable - they've dumped a problem governor
into a place where he can do even more damage - and while his antics
don't seem to be offensive to the mindless Texans of the John Fields
class, I imagine that a certain disquiet is circulating amongst those
few Texans with a few neurones to rub together - not that their
neighbours would tolerate any overt expression of this disquiet.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message news:<8an8pvomhs7rqf7b26qkkligjq7lefe778@4ax.com>...
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:54:29 +0200, Roger Johansson <no-email@home.se

Good luck on finding a therepist who can keep from laughing...
Come now John. Therapists love that sort of woolly love-thy-neighbour

Of course, your Texan sensibilities perceive this as
"sodomise-thy-neighbour" which you'd find intensely comic ....

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message news:<4ta9pvcge01v7s3achrga12e5j95e0pgvm@4ax.com>...
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 02:00:08 GMT, "John Fortier"
jfortier@rochester.rr.com> wrote:

Jonny, you're definitely running out of inventive invective. Guess you're
not as used to getting it as dishing it out, hey?

Come on now, where's the vilification, where's the childish swearing and
calling into question ancestry, sexual preference and head shape?

This is so disappointing.

Hey, you've got to work for the good stuff!

But, I guess a limp-wristed pussy like you who can't even bring himself
to type "fuck" can't be expected to come up with much...
Boring and repetitive. Why don't you go and study some Richard Stephen
Waltz postings, and get a little variety into your sexual innuendo.

Now that the Supreme Court has struck down the Texan anti-sodomy laws
(at least as far as they apply to behaviour in private) can we expect
you to devote less time to appearing aggressively hetro?


And devote correspondingly less time to claiming that your critics are
"limp-wristed" and in other ways effeminate?

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 01:50:32 GMT, "John Fortier"
<jfortier@rochester.rr.com> wrote:

If you "don't give a shit" why are you posting hostile comments with regard
to a moderated group?
The hostile comments have nothing to do with a moderated group, they
have everything to do with any self-important little prig like you
assuming he knows what's best for everyone.

By the way, congratulations on using polysyllabic words.
Congratulations from condescending, coprophiliac cocksuckers I can do

John Fields
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 02:12:44 GMT, "John Fortier"
<jfortier@rochester.rr.com> wrote:

So clever. The rich play on the word, the deliberate mis-spelling of fool!
The waiting and waiting for a chance to use this new and, oh so clever,
Thank you!

I was wondering whether you'd get it...

Rather pathetic really.
Do I detect a hint of grudging admiration?

John Fields
Bill Sloman wrote:

Nowhere near as much as Dubbya's crew in the White House, who are
widely seen seen as a rabid pack of Texas oil-men. The consequent
defamation of Texas is unavoidable - they've dumped a problem governor
into a place where he can do even more damage - and while his antics
don't seem to be offensive to the mindless Texans of the John Fields
class, I imagine that a certain disquiet is circulating amongst those
few Texans with a few neurones to rub together - not that their
neighbours would tolerate any overt expression of this disquiet.
You don't think we have a monoculture down here do you?

local optimization seldom leads to global optimization

my e-mail address is: rb <my last name> AT ieee DOT org
On 21 Oct 2003 02:55:08 -0700, bill.sloman@ieee.org (Bill Sloman) wrote:

Nowhere near as much as Dubbya's crew in the White House, who are
widely seen seen as a rabid pack of Texas oil-men.
What, are you kidding? We're _proud_ of him, regarless of what
misguided, self-appointed, impotent guardians of the public trust, like
you, think about it. Goddam right we want the oil, and we're going to
get it too, regardless of what you and the rest of your crew of milksops
think about it.

The consequent
defamation of Texas is unavoidable - they've dumped a problem governor
into a place where he can do even more damage - and while his antics
don't seem to be offensive to the mindless Texans of the John Fields
class, I imagine that a certain disquiet is circulating amongst those
few Texans with a few neurones to rub together - not that their
neighbours would tolerate any overt expression of this disquiet.
What you imagine and what is real are widely disparate. Mr. Bush is our
president, you pretentious, blathering nothing and even though we,
ourselves, poke fun at him, when push comes to shove I'm sure you'll
find that we'll all get behind him if we get seriously fucked with.

John Fields

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