Anthony William Sloman
On Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 12:42:31 PM UTC+11, Flyguy wrote:
I wasn\'t advocating the atmospheric detonation of a nuclear weapon. I was advocating making an iron ore deposit inaccessible to an invading enemy by setting off a buried nuclear weapon, Project Plowshare style.
The fact that your government own hundred of nuclear weapons with the well advertised intention of setting them off in the atmosphere in case of nuclear war would makes them much more idiotic - if we were silly enough to take your moronic assertions seriously.
You really do go to a lot of trouble to advertise - frequently - precisely how much of an idiot you are. We have got the message. You could shut up about it, but you are an idiot, so you won\'t.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 5:37:41 AM UTC-8, bill....@ieee.org wrote:
On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 6:33:10 PM UTC+11, Flyguy wrote:
On Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 9:46:26 PM UTC-8, bill....@ieee.org wrote:
On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 4:07:46 PM UTC+11, Flyguy wrote:
On Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 7:50:15 PM UTC-8, bill....@ieee..org wrote:
On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 8:23:22 AM UTC+11, Flyguy wrote:
On Wednesday, December 29, 2021 at 5:52:21 PM UTC-8, bill....@ieee.org wrote:
On Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 12:25:31 PM UTC+11, Flyguy wrote:
On Monday, December 27, 2021 at 1:59:59 PM UTC-8, gnuarm.del...@gmail.com wrote:
On Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 1:01:10 AM UTC-5, Flyguy wrote:
Neither produces the lithography: AMAT, LRCX, and KLAC do. In fact, AMD produces clones of INTC processors, not the other way around. It\'s one of the things they do.
No, SNIPPERMAN, INTC DOES NOT produce lithography machines.
Nobody said that they did. ASML in the Netherlands is about the only company that does, these days.
INTC doesn\'t produce clones of AMD processors despite the fact that there is a market for them.
Hey Einstein, it\'s the other way around.
I wonder what Flyguy thought that he was saying there.
If you could think you might think about why.
Someone who describes themselves as smarter than everyone else, as you DO, should know this.
I don\'t describe myself as smarter than anybody else - merely smarter than you, as pretty much everybody else who posts here can claim. You resent this and try generalise it in a thoroughly unrealistic way, as somebody as dim as you could be expected to do.
No, you are DUMBER, A LOT DUMBER, than I am. You advocate NUKING YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY!! Need I say more?
That\'s not really what I advocated, and if you weren\'t quite a dumb as you are you wouldn\'t make the claim the way you do.
Nuclear tests sites in Australia and the US illustrate the fact that nuking remote bits of your own country was perfectly acceptable a few years ago, and nobody sane labels the politicians that okayed it as dumb. You implicitly do, but you aren\'t exactly sane.
I\'ve got to hand it to you, Sloman, you don\'t back down in the face of your OVERWHELMINGLY OBVIOUS STUPIDITY.
Happily, the stupidity is all yours.. and you do make it overwhelmingly obvious.
Above-ground nuke tests were BANNED years ago for good reason: they KILL PEOPLE:
So does a lot of other stuff. Climate change is doing better already. Your habit of carrying around a concealed carry weapon reflects a stupidity that has killed a lot more people than nuclear tests ever did.
Your article witters on at great length about radiation exposure from the fall-out from nuclear tests.
Not a peep about potassium-40, which is the largest source of natural radioactivity in animals including humans. One banana a day would supply about 1% of your natural radiation dose. Nuclear tests never added much (unless you were unlucky enough to be directly down-wind of a very recent test). Chernobyl was nasty, but it wasn\'t any kind of intentional nuclear test.
As usual, your link doesn\'t say what you seem to think it says, mainly because you lack the wit to process what it was telling you.
Hey Sloman, you are about the ONLY IDIOT ON EARTH trying to defend atmospheric detonation of nuclear weapons - doesn\'t that make you the LEAST BIT uncomfortable? It SHOULD!
I wasn\'t advocating the atmospheric detonation of a nuclear weapon. I was advocating making an iron ore deposit inaccessible to an invading enemy by setting off a buried nuclear weapon, Project Plowshare style.
The fact that your government own hundred of nuclear weapons with the well advertised intention of setting them off in the atmosphere in case of nuclear war would makes them much more idiotic - if we were silly enough to take your moronic assertions seriously.
You really do go to a lot of trouble to advertise - frequently - precisely how much of an idiot you are. We have got the message. You could shut up about it, but you are an idiot, so you won\'t.
Bill Sloman, Sydney