Nico Coesel
Tim Wescott <tim@seemywebsite.com> wrote:
with the STR700 series I switched to NXP and never looked back at ST.
Appearantly a good choice
Failure does not prove something is impossible, failure simply
indicates you are not using the right tools...
nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
I guess ST is still making mediocre controllers. After an adventureOn Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:06:03 +0000, Nico Coesel wrote:
"nba83" <3224@embeddedrelated> wrote:
On Mon, 24 Sep 2012 06:00:15 -0500
"nba83" <3224@embeddedrelated> wrote:
On 09/24/2012 08:09 AM, nba83 wrote:
I want to feed data in parallel (8bit) to CPLD, buffer it for
bytes, and then start to drive SPI Out. I am some how concerned
speed grade of the CPLD I intend to use(XC95144XL-TQG144-10C), it
is -10C(means 10nsec delay for IO routs), does this delay impose
Since I want to drive the CPLD with 100MHZ oscillator clk input,
You've written behavioral VHDL that describes a dual-port block RAM.
That's lovely and all, but have you checked the CPLD datasheet and
confirmed that there is a block RAM resource on the chip that will do
that? You could also write VHDL describing a unicorn, but you'd be
hard pressed to make it pass synthesis.
Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com Email
address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.
I am some how obliged to use XC95144(since I have plenty of them
purchased before), and as it was mentioned here, I omitted RAM Module
from my design and instead I would like to add a SRAM or SDRAM chip,(and
since SDRAM is much cheaper than SRAM I'm apt to SDRAM), and here it
posed another question and that is if this CPLD is capable of driving a
SDRAM (regarding dynamic memory timing constraints)?
I'd go for SRAM. I have used the XC95144 for replacing CRT / STN
displays with TFT. The key is to calculate the required bandwidth. In my
most recent project I used a 16 bit SRAM.
Still, given your project requirements you probably could get by with a
small FIFO (maybe 4 bytes deep). You need to get enough data from the
microcontroller. OTOH it sounds like a lot of fuss to keep the
microcontroller. If you switch to an ARM device (NXP for instance) you
can reach >30MHz SPI easely and use DMA.
He's using an STM32F107 which _is_ an ARM Cortex, and he's claiming to
need more than 35MHz.
with the STR700 series I switched to NXP and never looked back at ST.
Appearantly a good choice
Failure does not prove something is impossible, failure simply
indicates you are not using the right tools...
nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)