Wind Sensor

You can use the following Digital Angle Gauge

The thing is that wixey digital gauge has following specs.

Range: +/- 180 degrees
Resolution: 0.1 degrees
Accuracy: +/- 0.2 degrees

How can I specify my system in the same way as wixey did ? I tried the following approach. Please tell me that am I on the right track.

The thing is that I am using ADXL335B with 10 bit ADC. My power supply is 3.3V and Aref = 5V. I am doing single axis tilt calculations.

The data sheet of the sensor is as follows

My calculations are as follows

Desired Range = 0 to 180 degrees.

1. Resolution : 3.3 / 1024 = 3.2 mV
2. ADC_out = ((3.3) / 5 ) x 1024 = 675

3. (1.99-1.65) = 0.34 ; 1.99 corresponds to 90degree and 1.65 V correspond to 0 degree.

0.34/90 = 3.78 mV / degree

So, 1 STEP / degree

How can I calculate the accuracy of my system?

The thing is that I found the following paper on page 2. It uses arcSin() to calculate the angle resolution

It calculates the resolution in a different way and I get confused which method is correct.

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