Will flat, modular, outsde the wall phone wire run DSL for 50 feet?
Or do I need thicker wire?
I have consistently slow download speeds on low-speed DSL based on the
Verizon line-test and www.speedtest.org, and the one weak spot in my
home wiring could be the wire from the outdood NID to the Verizon
modem. I"m not using the wiring that came with the house***.
Right now, I"m using some *indoor* but outside the wall phone wire,
the flexible kind that's meant to work with modular plugs and go from
the wall socket to the phone. But I have it from the NID, running
loosely up the side of the house*** to a window which is shut but not
very tightly, to the hall and back into the next bedroom with the
modem, a total of about 50 feet.
Is OUTSIDE THE WALL wire inadequate for such a llong length, 50'?
I ask because a few months ago I bought some specially thin indoor
modular phone wiring, meant to go under a carpet without making a
lump, sold at Home Depot, and when I used that, my phones worked fine,
but my internet worked NOTat all.
Changing back to a new piece of the original outside the wall, but not
thin, wiring got me back to normal, that is, normally slow.
Should I be using the round, bendable but not really flexible wire,
where each of the four colors is a single strand of wire, which is
meant to go inside walls and for longer distances?
It's a bunch of effort^^ to try this, so I need some encouragement.
^^In practice, it will mean I won't be able to shut the window even as
much as now, until I drill a hole in the window frame.
***I can't use the inside the wall wiring that came with the house
because there is an intermittent short somewhere. I looked for it for
hours, disconnecting wires etc. and couldn't find it.
Or is it more likely my 4-year old Verzion modem needs replacing?
Or that there is a problem in part that Verizon controls?
Thanks a lot.
Or do I need thicker wire?
I have consistently slow download speeds on low-speed DSL based on the
Verizon line-test and www.speedtest.org, and the one weak spot in my
home wiring could be the wire from the outdood NID to the Verizon
modem. I"m not using the wiring that came with the house***.
Right now, I"m using some *indoor* but outside the wall phone wire,
the flexible kind that's meant to work with modular plugs and go from
the wall socket to the phone. But I have it from the NID, running
loosely up the side of the house*** to a window which is shut but not
very tightly, to the hall and back into the next bedroom with the
modem, a total of about 50 feet.
Is OUTSIDE THE WALL wire inadequate for such a llong length, 50'?
I ask because a few months ago I bought some specially thin indoor
modular phone wiring, meant to go under a carpet without making a
lump, sold at Home Depot, and when I used that, my phones worked fine,
but my internet worked NOTat all.
Changing back to a new piece of the original outside the wall, but not
thin, wiring got me back to normal, that is, normally slow.
Should I be using the round, bendable but not really flexible wire,
where each of the four colors is a single strand of wire, which is
meant to go inside walls and for longer distances?
It's a bunch of effort^^ to try this, so I need some encouragement.
^^In practice, it will mean I won't be able to shut the window even as
much as now, until I drill a hole in the window frame.
***I can't use the inside the wall wiring that came with the house
because there is an intermittent short somewhere. I looked for it for
hours, disconnecting wires etc. and couldn't find it.
Or is it more likely my 4-year old Verzion modem needs replacing?
Or that there is a problem in part that Verizon controls?
Thanks a lot.