Tom Gardner
On 27/11/21 03:51, Dimiter_Popoff wrote:
I was thinking of workstation networking, and for
more than ethernet.
Back then it was a pre-Cambian explosion of technologies,
802.11 wasn\'t yet on the horizon, and XTP was a
proposed replacement for TCP since it was wrongly
believed that TCP limited userspace-to-userspace
bandwidth. The limitation was poor implementations
of the networking stack.
There might be other antisocial sins, e.g. DOS attacks, but
these are only conceptions. A lot will depend on system
partitioning and implementations.
But it is only speculation.
It might also allow manufacturers to hide bugs and to
re-partition functionality over time. A lot will depend
on what interfaces they want to guarantee stable and
correct over time.
Is any of that a justification? No. But there might
be some respectable reasons hidden in there.
On 11/27/2021 1:45, Tom Gardner wrote:
On 26/11/21 22:44, Dimiter_Popoff wrote:
On 11/27/2021 0:25, Clifford Heath wrote:
On 26/11/21 5:40 am, Dimiter_Popoff wrote:
I have been looking for some wifi chip(set) to be able to use in our
systems and it has turned out it is impossible to get one which is
documented in a way we could write our own driver so our tcp/ip
stack under dps would treat it as yet another medium, like it does
with Ethernet or via PPP and sort of.
What I don\'t get is *why* do they keep things so secret? When wifi
was starting there was some PRISM hardware which had been documented;
at some point it was bought and *all* documentation was carefully
made extinct. Now all you can buy are modules which will do the tcp/ip
for you, you can only ask for a tcp connection *they* will make and
maintain etc.
Why is that, does anybody know? I am trying to understand the motivation
of those who pull the strings to keep these data so secret, perhaps
if I once understand it I can advance a step closer. I am really
reluctant to spend a year of my life writing my firmware for
some wifi radio (these can be bought), not least because I have better
things to do with the active years I can hope to have left.
I believe that there is a fair amount of trade secrecy in making WiFi
chipsets, and they\'re trying to protect their advantages from other
manufacturers. Broadcom has been a standout performer in the sekrit sauce club.
This is quite likely the case (being competitive), but the firmware
command protocols?... I don\'t think it is possible they don\'t know
each other\'s protocols, could well be they use the same or very similar
ones. If they hide things from each other it will be in the dsp-ing
parts and sort of, where they can get a performance advantage.
There are other possibilities...
Price and power consumption are important. Certainly in the
wired interface arena a quarter of a century ago there was
secret sauce in how you divided MAC and packet level processing
between the various processors. Many unfortunate choices were
made at that time.
The first Ethernet chip I used, the \"SONIC\" from NSC, introduced
in the early 90-s (or was it late 80-s), was completely documented,
never had to look beyond its datasheet to use it. The Motorola
parts with MACs were were also documented as far as I have
noticed (never used any of them). You must be talking about
some other \"world\" (PC?) I am not familiar with, but in my
world things were documented as usual.
I was thinking of workstation networking, and for
more than ethernet.
Back then it was a pre-Cambian explosion of technologies,
802.11 wasn\'t yet on the horizon, and XTP was a
proposed replacement for TCP since it was wrongly
believed that TCP limited userspace-to-userspace
bandwidth. The limitation was poor implementations
of the networking stack.
Then there\'s the possible issue that they don\'t want to let
miscreants easily change RF parameters, since that would enable
them to commit all sorts of RF sins. Security through obscurity
is better than nothing, although maybe they use stronger
This sounds like a credible excuse but it does not explain
why also all the embedded wifi modules are so strict about not
allowing you to do IP packets, you *must* go through their
tcp/ip stack. Surely you cannot do any RF-evil by doing
IP packets and being unable to tinker with the radio.
There might be other antisocial sins, e.g. DOS attacks, but
these are only conceptions. A lot will depend on system
partitioning and implementations.
But it is only speculation.
Also, impeding reverse engineering allows them to have more
leverage w.r.t. licencing their technology, especially if
drivers are only issued in the form of big blobs of optimised
This can be some motivation for them but it still does not
explain the \"no IP packets\" policy, which is the bizarre
part of it all and which is likely driven by what drives
the secrecy I am wondering about. And if we all can only
speculate about the *why* obviously it is very very serious.
It might also allow manufacturers to hide bugs and to
re-partition functionality over time. A lot will depend
on what interfaces they want to guarantee stable and
correct over time.
Is any of that a justification? No. But there might
be some respectable reasons hidden in there.